Death in Paradise

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Other mistake: A mysterious character breaks into Nadia's house after the police left. He does it by literally punching a hole in the door and reaching for the keys that are in the keyhole, inside. How did the police close the door when they left, if keys are still inside?


Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Jacko Gardiner is leaning against his suburbia door talking to Poole and Bordey, but his arm is angled up in the front view, perpendicular in the view from behind. (00:18:50)


Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Richard asks the owner of the import/export company if the victim owed him money, he is holding his handkerchief in his left hand seen from behind, in his right hand from the front. (00:13:15)


Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: In close-up, Richard holds up Dwayne's police shield with his 3 fingers placed lower than in the wider angles, where the middle was touching the fold of the wallet, instead of being an inch below it. (00:02:45)


Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: First time we see the victim, there's a striking difference between close-ups (no less than 5 coins on the pillow) and the angle with the whole bed (less coins, different lighting, head sunk into the pillow more). (00:01:40)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Factual error: The victim has been shot while he was lying in the coffin with his arms crossed. Somehow, he keeps his arms perfectly crossed even when he's dead, despite being carried around in a casket propped in vertical position merely a little more than 15 minutes later. Rigor mortis takes way longer to begin, his lifeless arms would have flailed off position a long time before, not stayed in the dramatic mummy position with no supports to hold them in place. (00:04:30)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: In the denouement, Richard shows a picture to the audience, then he puts it back on the pile on the table. Notice the picture's corner is touching the side of the plastic folder with all the others. When Richard walks back to the table having shown the camera to Renward, the photo moved to a completely different spot. (00:44:15)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: The police staff is sitting at the table while DI Richard Poole is listening to the bootleg. Throughout the sequence, Camille's hand position changes between shots multiple times. Same for Dwayne's hands when he asks him to rank the band; Dwayne's hand goes on/off the table between shot and reverse. (00:40:30)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Character mistake: When Dwayne speaks with the record bootlegger, he asks him about a recording from "last night" 'show, when it was instead the show from two nights before. He correctly mentions a few lines later what happened "the other night." (00:39:50)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Poole barges in when Avita is on a bed, and tells her "You're in love with Curtis." In the establishing shot the bed is entirely in the shadow, but when she turns towards the rude Englishman the side of the bed is strongly sunlit. (00:36:00)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Camille tells Curtis that probably the widow fancies too, making him all giddy, her hand takes different directions at every cut (fingers on cheek, fingers on jaw, fingers not in view, wrist turned the other way so it's the back of the hand to be under the chin, etc). (00:35:25)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Poole and Bordey show up at Curtis James' home. When she shows him the picture of Avita she just found, in close-up the strap of her bag is off the tanktop and directly on her skin. In the rest of the scene, the leather strap is off her cleavage. (00:32:55)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Camille is hiding her face behind the weapon report after she made Richard squeal in terror because of the little fake snake. When he strafes back in view saying "Excuse me?" she moves the paper away, but in the reverse shot she's still hiding her mouth behind it. (00:31:00)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Richard asks the mysterious girl at the police station "I knew you were outside, crying. Why?" there's a reaction shot on her, saying nothing and just being pouty. In that shot, the water in her glass is completely still, but with Richard on focus, the water keeps undulating. (00:20:55)


Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Richard's bit of conversation in the market with Camille proves to be pointless, as he's got nothing yet. Camille remarks about it; through the car window on her side you can see, as in the earlier parts of the conversation, a woman with a pink top and a large flower-themed shopping bag. A moment later the Defender leaves, and behind it you can see the same woman, completely different part of the market. (00:17:50)


Man Overboard: Part 2 - S6-E6

DI Jack Mooney: My grandfather told me a story once, about these two wolves fighting inside all of us. And one of them is anger, envy, self-pity, regret. The other one is love, truth, faith, hope, that sort of thing.
And I asked him "which one of the wolves would win?" And do you know what he said?
"The one you feed."


More quotes from Death in Paradise

Dark Memories - S7-E7

Trivia: Spoiler; In this episode, for the first time the suspect (and eventual culprit) is not present for the ending confrontation, with a chance he'd get away with murder. The actor playing Samuel Palmer, Larrington Walker, died before the finale could be filmed.


More trivia for Death in Paradise

Show generally

Question: When Richard reminisces about England, he talks about going to the pub and having a pint. Yet the whole time he's in Saint Marie, he is never seen to drink alcohol with the rest of the team; only cups of tea. Why?

Answer: Most likely they had only tropical exotic drinks, he wanted an old fashioned English beer.

More questions & answers from Death in Paradise

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