
26th May 2020

Joker (2019)

Question: Is it just me or did he fire 8 times with a gun that only holds 5 rounds at a time? I am referring to the subway scene where Joker got his first kills of course.


Answer: I counted 4 shots on the train and 3 shots on the platform. Someone submitted a mistake about this, then someone corrected it saying he could have reloaded, then someone commented it's unlikely. I find it unlikely that he reloaded when on the train because on the platform he shoots 3 times and then dry fires 2 more times because he's out of rounds but doesn't seem to realise. So you'd have to say he had the wherewithal to reload a gun that's not empty, or only had 4 rounds in it for some reason, but reloaded it with only 2 or 3 more rounds, and then forgot how many rounds he just reloaded it with.


He has time to reload so it's plausible, that's all it takes really. Arthur is out of his mind at that moment, having just been beaten up again and working purely on adrenaline and blind rage. I doubt he is counting his shots. Does fit him though that when he saw the 3rd guy run he wanted to kill him too but wasn't sure if his gun was empty so he loaded 2 more bullets before he exited the train.


23rd Nov 2019

Total Recall (1990)

Corrected entry: After Richter and Helm attack the Last Resort, during which Helm is killed by Thumbelina, Quaid and Melina escape into the mines with Benny to meet Kuato. After Lori and Dr. Edgemar reveal their deception, it doesn't make sense that Quaid would trust Benny, since he showed up the minute Quaid and Melina were trying to escape from Richter and Helm. This was a sign that Benny was working for Cohaagen.

Correction: The main reason he trusted Benny is because he is a mutant.


When Quaid first arrives at the Hilton Hotel, Benny only offers Quaid a ride and no-one else, like he anticipated Quaid's arrival. Benny conveniently shows up when Quaid and Melina are on the run from Richter and Helm, like he already knows they are in trouble. The rebel lieutenant doesn't know Benny, and the rebels presumably know everyone in their group since outsiders can be spies working for Cohaagen. Despite these signs that Benny could be one of Cohaagen's agents, Quaid still trusts him, but he knew not to trust Edgemar, who had lied about the adventure being a dream when it was reality.

Him picking up Quaid is not weird, just a cab driver like all others offering him a ride, stealing him away from someone else even. Him being a mutant totally eliminated any doubt about him. Quaid knows nothing of the politics on Mars so follows the choices of the rebels, who don't know how coincidental him being there is. Edgemar on the other hand was human, trying to convince him it's all a dream.


Corrected entry: When Dr. Channard is looking through the sliding panels at the really crazy patients in the padded rooms, there is a man with a tattooed head wielding a crucifix. The fact that he is in a padded room means that he is a danger to himself and would not be allowed a metal tool that he could hurt himself with. Also, the door on the inside isn't padded like the walls which it should have been.

Correction: Dr. Channard doesn't really care about his patients. He is more concerned with bringing back Julia. He probably allowed the guy to have a crucifix so that in the event that he does indeed hurt himself, Channard can feed him to Julia like he does to the bug guy later in the movie.

Any hospital with padded cells would have padded doors. I think it's just a movie mistake, Doctor Channard only just found out about Julia, so I don't think he would have had the foresight to give the man a crucifix, and his cell was covered in drawings, so he obviously had a sharp instrument (pen or pencil) prior to Channard finding out about Julia.

Channard is a sadist, he enjoys watching his patients hurt themselves and feeds their insanity.


17th Jul 2004

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When the T-Rex moves to Dr. Grant and the boy they hold still because it can't see things that don't move. Unfortunately though, T-Rex's have a highly developed sense of smell and would certainly have known they were there.

Correction: Considering the fact T-Rex's have been extinct for 65 million years, its quite difficult to tell what their sense of smell was like. Also, Grant says quite clearly in the film that sight was the Rex's most powerful sense and if you stayed still, it confuses him.


There is actually evidence that T-Rex had visual clarity 13 times better than a human, and could see objects up to 6 kilometres away. So, T-Rex would have been able to see Dr. Grant and the boy regardless of whether they moved or not.

If a T-Rex is unable to see something when something is standing still, it's not its most powerful sense. Smell makes more sense, but not provable.


Evidence indicates that the T-rex had an excellent sense of smell. Citation: Hughes GM, Finarelli JA. 2019 Olfactory receptor repertoire size in dinosaurs.Proc. R. Soc. B286: 20190909.


20th May 2020

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie you see the Statue of Liberty looking down from the rooftop, and then you don't see it the next time we see the rooftop. Then it's on the ground. How can it move without them controlling it?

Correction: Because it fell over, which requires only gravity.


Also I think they are not controlling it, the positive slime turned it sentient.


11th Apr 2016

Breaking Bad (2008)

One Minute - S3-E7

Other mistake: At the end, we see the gunfight between Tuco's cousins and Hank. Several shots are fired, cars smash into each other, a woman runs off screaming. So not a "quiet" attack. However, as the camera zooms out to show the carnage, 2 people who are not involved in the attack, are just stood talking in the car park. A bit odd since there has been a very clear shoot out. (00:44:50)


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Suggested correction: Nobody is actually standing in the car park. People are standing around on the sidewalks talking to each other about what was going on, keeping their distance. Personally I would keep a bigger distance, but whatever distance they feel safe with.


As the camera pans out you can see some people only a couple of cars away.


All I see are bystanders at a safe distance. At least from a distance they don't know where the actual shooting took place. It looks perfectly reasonable to me for the situation.


27th Aug 2001

The Lion King (1994)

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Suggested correction: Her eyes were green the whole time. It's just lighting making it look like they changed color.

The correction assumes these lions are filmed, but they are drawn. So if the eyes are blue, they coloured it blue and if it's green they coloured it green, on purpose.


They are colored to emulate different lighting conditions. Note that the fur is also different colors in the different shots.

A darker shade of the same color isn't the same as a whole other color.



Continuity mistake: In the library scene Indy discovers the "X" high up on the balcony. The X is green with a grey background. When he breaks the tile to find the tomb the X has become a faint outline on the floor. (00:27:40 - 00:28:45)


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Suggested correction: You still can see one "leg" of the X on the floor, it's only darker than viewed from above because the camera angle and illumination set used.

I think it is meant to be an optical illusion.

The "X" is first shown as a dark green "X" on a beige background. Next, we are shown the same dark green "X" that is barely visible over a green background. I think we are meant to understand that the beige square tiles were lifted away in a cut scene.

I see no reason why they would replace the floor just for the higher shot, it's the same floor throughout the scene. When they enter it's the same floor we see later as they are going into the hole. It's probably not a real marble floor, so they can use a styrofoam or plywood tile that Harrison can lift, one that matches the surrounding tiles. They don't shine as much as the rest of the floor. In the shot up high there is different lighting, so that could explain it. It just appears to be different. Of course, sudden different light can be seen as a revealing mistake.


Suggested correction: Not a mistake, just a different viewing angle.

It's not just the viewing angle. The "X" is gilt-colored and bright but becomes extremely muted, almost a shadow when viewed at the lower angle. Another possible reason for the different appearance is the patterned perimeter. It too appears to be a very different color and muted. It's possible that in post-production, the scene processing done by the cinematography team adjusted the lower angle scene for a change in light levels due to close-ups, the time of day, or some other factor.


2nd Apr 2019

The Mummy (1999)

Question: In the Mummy, when we first meet Evie, after knocking down multiple bookshelves, the "Egyptian Librarian" is scolding Evie. He mentions her parents then says, "Allah, rest their souls." This leads us to believe that he of Muslim faith. In the next sentence though he says, "Clean up this meshiva." My first thought, the word sounds Yiddish. The only reference or definition I could find was to a new Final Fantasy video game. There were several Yiddish translator and terminology websites included in the search engine results, but the closest reference I could find was for meshugah. Did they make up a word just for that part in the movie? Was it a mispronounced and missed in editing? Could it be Yiddish slang? And my last question started all of this; why is an Egyptian of Muslim faith using Yiddish terminology or slang?

Answer: He's a scholar, probably knows many languages. Why wouldn't he use foreign expressions or words regardless of his own religion? Many multilingual people interchange expressions and words all the time so it's really not that odd.

Answer: The word "meshiva" is Hindi, and it means simply "mess."

Answer: The word is indeed "Meshuga" (various ways to spell it) meaning craziness, and is simply Hebrew. You gotta remember the order he is part of is way older than the Muslim faith and even the Jewish faith. I'm sure the order turned to the Muslim faith at some point in time and probably Jews have been part of it as well, anyone who can help keep the mummy secret. They all probably have mixed faiths and believes along with the ancient task to protect the mummy.


Mishugash is yiddish. And yiddish is a combination of hebrew and german... so not exactly something you would expect from a person native to the mid east.

It's used in both Yiddish and Hebrew.


Question: As Harry and Hermione are going back in time, after Ron has left the room, there is a part where it looks as though a number of people are unwrapping someone to the right of the screen. What is happening then?

Answer: Exactly what it looks like - a person is being unwrapped from full body bandages. It's a hospital ward and they are just showing things representative of Harry and Hermione going back in time. It's just supposed to be something that happened earlier that day that they are "passing" by.


I thought it was the cast being put on Ron's leg?

It's the moment someone is covered from head to torso in bandages.


Question: The Emperor tells Grievous to send the separatists to Mustafar so that Anakin can later kill them to quote "end this war" but why? Why not leave them with Grievous and have them be captured by Obi Wan? To add to that wasn't the war already over when Obi Wan killed Grievous? Wasn't that the whole point of sending Obi Wan to kill Grievous? Why bother killing them, the war is over, you'll have control of those systems back anyway.

Answer: His long-term plan still has to make it look like he's playing both sides. He must convince the Separatist leaders that he's trying to protect them and extend the war slightly until he gets Anakin completely on his side.


To add to that Grievous was in control of the armies, so he had to be killed so the armies would be disbanded, better to risk a Jedi for that task. Also the separatist leaders had to be killed eventually because they could disappear and come back with another army or ships. They had served their purpose, they had to go.


Question: The scene where everyone's getting burned and exploding, why didn't the ark burn Marion and Indy too? Is it because they didn't do anything wrong to it?

Answer: They were protected because they did not directly look at the Ark. Indy told Marion to look away. That is what saved them.


Anyone who looks upon what is inside the ark perishes. The ark is used as the wrath of god against anyone who doesn't show respect to it, by not looking at what is inside. Even if what is inside goes outside.


7th May 2020

Jumanji (1995)

Question: How come every shopper at Sir Sav a Lot didn't evacuate when Van Pelt had a gun and was shooting up the place while going after Judy, Peter and Sarah?


Answer: They are probably too invested with their own looting to worry about someone else committing a crime.


I especially like that one woman that is hesitating to take the box or not as everyone is running away when he shoots into the ceiling.


Question: Do we know the human casualties by the end of the war?

Answer: No such numbers are ever discussed in the novel or in the subsequent radio and movie treatments. What we may surmise, however, is that the human casualties were comparatively minor. Once the Martians were exposed to earthly microbes, they were wiped out pretty quickly.

Charles Austin Miller

Voiceover by Morgan Freeman at the end of the movie: by the toll of a billion lives.

Morgan Freeman says "By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms." He is saying that Mankind evolved with microorganisms for countless generations on Earth, making Mankind immune to most of those microorganisms. Perhaps a billion humans or more died of bacterial and viral plagues throughout human history; but, as a species, we gained immunity. Freeman's quote has nothing to do with the number of Martians that died because they had no immunity.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The ending dialog states a death of 1 billion.

The billion deaths spoken of don't refer to those that died in the alien attack but the billion deaths from the microorganisms that killed the aliens. "By a billion deaths man earned his immunity."


I feel that he meant that the organisms that killed the aliens killed a billion humans first before we got our immunity from them.

They are saying that.


You are correct that he means humans, over tens of thousands of years, naturally gained immunity to many disease-causing organisms after billions of other people had died from them. The aliens had no immunity whatsoever and is why they died.


Question: How did Luke and Leia know that Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter?

Answer: They felt it through the force. It's kinda like a signature. They feel each other's powers and recognize it. Both have met the Emperor and they felt similar powers inside Rey.


When did Leia meet the Emperor?

She was a senator and her father (Bail Organa) introduced her to him when she was younger.


Answer: Off screen between Episode 3 and Rogue One.

26th Apr 2020

Resident Evil (2002)

Factual error: When Red Queen is explaining about the T-Virus they say that fingernails and hair continue to grow after death. This is not correct, While it appears that they grow, its actually down to the tissue drying out and retracting. An article on the topic can be found here: A super computer that is knowle. (00:56:40)


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Suggested correction: The T-virus causes the hair and nails to keep growing. The nails cause scratches that can increase infection, so it benefits the T-virus.


That is not what was said at all. In the film it states that even in death, the body remains active and that hair and fingernails continue to grow, news cells are produced, and the brain holds a small electrical charge that takes months to dissipate (all of which are false). Then the T-virus provides a massive jolt to growing cells and the brain to reanimate the dead.


She says those things after they ask her what those things are. She then starts to explain how the T-virus works. She doesn't say a dead body always keeps active, she says a dead body infected with the T-virus is still active, regenerating cells, hair and fingernails continue to grow. In short, it reanimates the dead (to a degree). That's how I read it anyway.


Where is it stated that the T Virus actually does this? Its stated that the virus reanimates the body but not sure on the other.


3rd Sep 2018

Resident Evil (2002)

Question: Spence reveals at the end that he stole the T-virus and got onto the train where he was knocked unconscious due to the red queen's defences. How did the train return to the mansion by itself without a loco pilot - its power and plugs go off automatically. Was there any other train from mansion to the hive? How did Spence reach the mansion anyway without driving, as he was unconscious at the hive when the red queen released halon gas?

Answer: It's possible the USS unit brought the train up to the mansion even before they entered it or shortly after. They needed it to get down to the hive.


I don't know if the USS team brought the train back because they break through to enter the mansion once they got the news of the red queen going homicidal. Even if the train reaches the mansion automatically, there is no explanation why the power goes off or the train switches get unplugged. It shows that the train was in the mansion from the beginning. When Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) gets down to start the engine's power, she hears some weird noises as she flashes her torch light to some broken grid. That is left unexplained.

But that doesn't explain the sockets being undone under the carriage, Or how Spence ended up in essentially, a closet.


It's possible he got on the train and got up to the mansion but then the security system kicked in, locking him inside the train and he tried to open the doors by disconnecting the power. Then the gas hit and he tried to hide from it by climbing in a closet, then succumbed.


30th Apr 2004

Anaconda (1997)

Corrected entry: When the anaconda eats Jon Voight whole, there is a movement over the other side of the room, and it slides over at incredible speed. Snakes take hours to eat their prey (especially the size of a man) and weeks to digest. During this period, they can barely move at all. Also, after it spits him out (again, not possible), he winks.

Correction: Maybe it goes for regular sized anacondas but not giant huge anacondas that they have to take hours. Also it is possible to spit out their food. On Google theres a REAL video of an anaconda spitting out an entire baby hippo.

Hippos are native to Africa, and anacondas to South America. Also, snakes regurgitate their prey only in an emergency, like being threatened by a predator. Even gigantic anacondas like the ones in the movie would still take several weeks to digest a person, and remain immobile throughout.

Jukka Nurmi

They don't move intentionally, to help digesting their prey. That doesn't mean they can't actually move though, they can if they have to. This big one is faster than any real snake anyway. In the footage of an anaconda regurgitating its prey, the prey is a tapir.


Hippos can be found in the wild in South America. They were the pets of Pablo Escobar. A group of hippos originally imported by Escobar to his private zoo decades ago has multiplied and, according to scientists, is now spreading through one of the country's main waterways - the River Magdalena.

5th Apr 2020

Common mistakes

Corrected entry: It's very common for shows, games, or movies that take place after the end of the world to still show people using fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel in vehicles. However, with the production of gas having ended, this could not last very long. Even when properly stored, civilian gas supplies would go bad and be unusable after about a year, diesel a little longer but not by much. Private stashes of gas, like in cans, would only last about 5 months. And the military supplies of gas would, at best, last for 5 years.

Quantom X

Correction: Stored gasoline is typically treated with fuel stabilizer (about 2 ounces of stabilizer will treat 5 gallons of gasoline and prolong its shelf-life by years). All of my stored gasoline is treated with stabilizer, and I've used cans that are 5 years old and older. Even untreated gasoline can have a remarkably long shelf-life: Some years ago, I sold an old Volvo that had been sitting in my garage with a dead battery for 11 years; the buyer brought a fresh battery and installed it just to test the starter, to see if the engine was frozen. To everyone's amazement, the old car immediately started, revved and purred like a kitten, burning the gasoline in its tank from over a decade earlier.

Charles Austin Miller

Correction: This all highly depends on the quality of the gasoline and the amount of ethanol and its exposure to oxygen. I've heard about jerrycans of gasoline 25 years old still usable. It's also possible to purify the gasoline again so it's usable by filtering it. Don't need a huge refinery for small amounts.


But then again, the common person or every day man wouldn't know how to do these things. Use of gas after the apocalypse is too common in films.

Quantom X

Usually plenty of people around to figure it out. On a small scale at least.


Question: Voldemort asks Snape if the elder wand truly listens to him. Voldemort thinks that it listens to Snape because he killed its last owner, Dumbledore. Voldemort has his snake kill Snape. If Voldemort's theory was correct, that the wand listens to Snape and killing him would be the answer, wouldn't the wand belong to the snake? This is probably a stupid question but it would make sense to me. The snake is a living thing, Voldemort himself doesn't kill Snape so it would go to the snake, right?

Jennifer Smith

Chosen answer: Voldemort was not correct. He mistakenly believed that Snape was the wand's master, but it was actually Draco Malfoy who commanded it, though neither he nor anyone else knew that. When Draco disarmed Dumbledore when they were atop the Astronomy Tower, the wand, sensing Dumbledore was defeated, changed its allegiance to Draco. It was after that event occurred that Snape killed Dumbledore. Even though Draco never physically possessed it, the wand remained under his control until Harry disarmed him. It is not necessary to kill the Elder's wand's master in order to win control of it. Also, if an animal killed the Elder Wand's master, it is unlikely the wand would respond to it. It would have to be a human or a humanoid-being.


Your last sentence, of course, becomes far more complicated in light of the Fantastic Beasts series' revelation that Nagini WAS once a human being. Given that this is the case, if Snape really had been the master of the Elder Wand, could Nagini have become its next master upon killing him? Hopefully, J. K. Rowling will answer this question someday.

Well either way it won't worked for Snape because he wasn't the master of the Elder wand at that point. He didn't even know that the Elder wand belong to Draco and then to Harry. He wasn't interested in the Elder wand as a matter of fact.


I think it's more important that regardless whether Nagini was a human once or not, at that point Nagini was a Horcrux and a vessel of Voldemort's soul without having a soul herself (if she ever did), unlike Harry. So Nagini killing Snape is the same as Voldemort himself killing him.


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