Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Corrected entry: Kirsty tells Detective Ronson to destroy the mattress because Julia died on it and could come back. In the first Hellraiser, Julia died on the stairway after being stabbed to death by Frank. (01:16:12 - 01:16:41)

Correction: She ended up on the mattress. When Kristy grabbed the box and Pinhead says his famous line "we have such sights to show you".

No, she didn't. Julie was murdered on the stairwell by Frank in the first movie. If you rewatch the movie, you'll see it. The timestamp that was posted for this mistake is for the first movie, not this one.

After Julia was stabbed and drained at the stairwell, the Cenobites took her and put her on the mattress, peeling off her face with chains. She was probably still alive when they did that. It's there where Kirsty takes the box from her hands. The proper timestamp for that scene in the first movie is 1:23:23.


Correction: In the mythology that underlies the Hellraiser films, death is the fourth dimension; as a fantasy, it's allowed to make up its own rules. Anyway, time is only considered as the fourth dimension in certain situations, most notably when dealing with the non-Euclidean space-time constructs described in Einstein's relativity theories. Many multi-dimensional constructs deal instead with a theoretical fourth spatial dimension (time, obviously, would be temporal, not spatial), which would readily tie into the statement made in the film.


Corrected entry: In the first film, Frank had to steal himself a skin. Julia apparently regenerated a skin after killing some people because her bandages don't come off but a skin appears underneath them.

Correction: Frank didn't have time to generate skin of his own; he stole his brothers' so he could move about, if he'd had as many victims as Julia it would be likely he'd be more complete.

Corrected entry: Despite being set in Britain, the detective that visits Kirsty is from the local homicide division. UK police forces don't have homicide divisions.

Correction: Clive Barker has stated that the first film takes place in the U.S., not in Britain (the original film was slightly re-dubbed to sound more "American"), and this film takes place shortly after, in the same general location. Hence, this is not a mistake- they are not in Britain.


Correction: If this is correct, why did Larry say to Julia at the beginning "we are on your turf now"?

The films were originally meant to take place in Britain, but Clive Barker and the producers changed their minds during production and reworked the film slightly so that it would take place in the US. (For example redubbing many of the actors' lines to give them American accents.) The line about Julia being on her "home turf" is therefore now technically a mistake since it's a remnant of the original script. (They likely didn't have time to reshoot the scene to remove the line.) But regardless, Clive Barker has stated that the films as released are intended to take place in the US.


Corrected entry: The two uniformed officers are dressed like US street police and carry guns. UK police are generally unarmed.

Correction: It has been stated by Cliver Barker that the films take place in the U.S., not the UK.


Correction: At the beginning of Hellraiser Larry says to Julia that "we are on your turf" suggesting that they have moved from Brooklyn to Britain (because of Julia's accent).

The films were originally meant to take place in Britain, but Clive Barker and the producers changed their minds during production and reworked the film slightly so that it would take place in the US. (For example redubbing many of the actors' lines to give them American accents.) The line about Julia being on her "home turf" is therefore now technically a mistake since it's a remnant of the original script. (They likely didn't have time to reshoot the scene to remove the line.) But regardless, Clive Barker has stated that the films as released are intended to take place in the US.


Corrected entry: It was mentioned that the Dark God Leviathan suppressed the memories of the Cenobites in order for them to have no memory of their mortal lives. Pinhead did not recognize his own picture at first as well. However, after the Engineers got finished with Channard, he still remembers he is/was a doctor.

Correction: As is the case with the cenobites in Hellraiser 3, Dr. Channard hasn't had time to forget who he was like Pinhead and his fellows have.

Correction: This is an unacceptable entry, way too little information posted.


Corrected entry: The morning after Channard resurrects Julia, we see her standing at a mirror, and the whole of the floor beneath her is carpeted; yet when Channard walks across it, his shoes still sound as if he were stepping on hard flooring. (00:30:55)

Correction: If you look closely, you can see in several shots that the entire floor is actually laminated; the slits between boards are just very, very faint. You can see it especially when Julia has just been bandaged and she walks over to her bloody handprint. There's no carpeting but it's an easy mistake to make as the laminate is pale.

Corrected entry: When Dr. Channard is looking through the sliding panels at the really crazy patients in the padded rooms, there is a man with a tattooed head wielding a crucifix. The fact that he is in a padded room means that he is a danger to himself and would not be allowed a metal tool that he could hurt himself with. Also, the door on the inside isn't padded like the walls which it should have been.

Correction: Dr. Channard doesn't really care about his patients. He is more concerned with bringing back Julia. He probably allowed the guy to have a crucifix so that in the event that he does indeed hurt himself, Channard can feed him to Julia like he does to the bug guy later in the movie.

Any hospital with padded cells would have padded doors. I think it's just a movie mistake, Doctor Channard only just found out about Julia, so I don't think he would have had the foresight to give the man a crucifix, and his cell was covered in drawings, so he obviously had a sharp instrument (pen or pencil) prior to Channard finding out about Julia.

Channard is a sadist, he enjoys watching his patients hurt themselves and feeds their insanity.


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, policemen are inspecting the deceased Rory's house to retrieve the bloody mattress for Dr. Channard yet at the end of the first Hellraiser, the house completely collapsed.

More mistakes in Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Channard Cenobite: And to think... I hesitated.

More quotes from Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Trivia: If you pay attention, the Cenobite "Chatterer" first appears eyeless, then has eyes later in the film. This is because the actor underneath the makeup (Nicholas Vince) hated performing blind and requested the makeup be redesigned to give the character eyes. A scene was filmed that showed Pinhead giving Chatterer eyes as a sort-of gift, but the scene was cut, leading to the continuity error.


More trivia for Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Question: Pinhead and the other Cenobites have no memory of their human lives. When Channard is being turned into a Cenobite, how come he still retains his memories?

Answer: In general, the Channard cenobite seems different from the others. Ex. He seems directly linked to Leviathan through the (rather phallic) stalk/tube. It's entirely possible that his transformation was different all around, and keeping his memory was part of his individual process. Also, there's nothing that necessarily indicates the other cenobites immediately forgot their past lives. It's entirely possible they forgot them over time as they became more acquainted with hell and their new "lives" as "explorers" in the realm of pleasure and pain.


Answer: Probably because he's fresher than the others.


When Elliot Spencer is being transformed into Pinhead, all memories of his human life are immediately erased. The same thing happens with the other Cenobites.

It never shows how long it took them to lose their former memories. Just that it did.


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