
2nd May 2023

The Comancheros (1961)

Other mistake: When Regret, Jake, Pilar and her father are escaping from the Comanchero village, there's a close up of Jake (Wayne) in the back of the wagon shooting a rifle. The scene shows him shooting left-handed. It's a reverse print. Look at his "right" hand in the scene. He has a ring on his "right" hand ring finger. A few moments later, setting the wagon canvas afire trailing out the back of the wagon and shooting right handed, the ring is on his left hand as it is in the rest of the movie.


Continuity mistake: When the German planes attack at the end, the plane firing the rockets is shown approaching the bridge, walkway, and mountain with the mountain to the left of the plane (to the viewer's right). In the next scene looking straight at the walkway on the mountainside, the rockets come the viewer's right which cannot be given the plane's approach.


26th Nov 2021

Twister (1996)

Continuity mistake: After the first tornado when Jo's truck is destroyed, you see Bill's truck with a shell on it. When their group is leaving the scene, the shell is gone and one of the Dorothys is in the bed. Where did the shell go?


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Suggested correction: ANSWER; As some time elapses between the tornado aftermath and leaving the scene, there are plenty of reasons why the shell moved.


Plot hole: At the end when the train is on the trestle while the men are repairing the rail, if they could have used the catwalk to go around the mountain, why didn't they just go straight through the tunnel to get into Switzerland. Seems like THAT would have been quicker.


28th Apr 2021

The Hustler (1961)

Trivia: In the 1st match shortly after Felson comments about Minnesota Fats looking like a dancer with how deftly he moved, Gleason takes a shot, right-handed that cross courts the 12 ball into a side pocket. The shot was right-handed because his suit lapel had a carnation on the left side. In the sequence of shots that follow, in one shot the film is flipped, it looks like a left-handed shot but the carnation flips as well. The next shot Gleason shoots left-handed. The carnation gives it away.


12th Sep 2020

Dressed to Kill (1946)

Continuity mistake: The plot is based on obtaining 3 music boxes, identical in appearance each playing a slight variation of the same tune. Throughout the movie the variations are highlighted as a message is revealed by listening to all 3 variations. Yet at the beginning of the movie when the boxes are all sold at the same auction, when each box is presented, the tune had no variations.


Question: Before I claim this as a continuity or factual mistake - a question: When the Arab raiding party shows up over the dune, they camp by a collection of scrub that was not all dead, some was green. There were also a number of plants in that low-lying area around the camp. Wouldn't the survivors had a better chance of surviving more days by digging for underground water in that area? Perhaps deep, but there. If they took 12 days to build the plane, it seems 2 days digging for water would have given them more time.


Answer: In the desert, the only place you can find water as at an oasis or maybe digging in a dry river bed. Those bushes would be extremely salty, and any meaningful water would be far too deep under the sand.


31st Aug 2020

The Great Escape (1963)

Stupidity: When the Hilts discover they're 20' short of the trees, why wouldn't he "dirty up" his white/light tan pants so the tower lights wouldn't expose him so easily?


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Suggested correction: Because he would look scruffy and dirty once he got out. He was the Cooler King and knew his way around after all.


I would suggest in the reality of the escape, light colored clothing would not have been worn so as to blend in to the night and the surrounding environment better. The light slacks were strictly for artistic reasons.


31st Aug 2020

Breakdown (1997)

Other mistake: At the end of the movie, just before the credits, Kurt Russell and Kathleen Quinlan are leaning against the guardrail in each others arms as the camera shot widens. The destroyed truck they were in is against the rail and the roadway is shown. But there are no skid marks on the road surface. Their truck had been pushed sideways at least 50+ feet by the villain's semi tractor and there should have been skid marks from both vehicles.


4th Jul 2020

The Departed (2006)

Continuity mistake: When French finishes slamming Costigan's arm on the pool table to break off the cast, one small piece remains that Costigan removes, leaving his arm bare. When Costello hits the arm with the shoe, there is again a piece of cast on Costigan's arm and a large piece still attached in the overhead view showing Costigan on the floor.


24th Mar 2020

Twister (1996)

Other mistake: Near the end after Bill and Jo have jumped out of the truck, their crew sees the truck and Dorothy go up in the tornado, they are receiving telemetry, then one of them notices the tornado shift direction and the crew still tries to notify Bill and Jo by radio, knowing they're no longer in the truck nor have radio communications.


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Suggested correction: Jo still has her headset on. The crew can probably communicate with her that way, but she may not have been able to hear them since they were so close to the tornado in the cornfield.

Continuity mistake: When Ryan confronts Ritter about Reciprocity in the office, the view switches from behind Ritter to in front of him. Look at his suit coat collar. When he pulls the President's letter from his safe, the collar is fine. As the view changes, the coat collar is flipped up on the left side.


1st May 2019

The Patriot (2000)

Other mistake: When Martin and his younger sons attack the soldiers Gabriel sent to their camp, the body count totals 20. That includes the private who gets up and tries to run that Martin hacks to death. Later when Tavington is questioning the wounded private the Cherokee scouts brought in, he indicates he was in the fight. But Tavington states 20 soldiers were killed and the ambush shows 20 being killed. Where did the private come from?


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Suggested correction: There are 21 soldiers in the group. Samuel kills one with a rifle. Nathan kills six with a rifle. Benjamin kills four with his rifles, one with a pistol, six with his knife and tomahawk, two with redcoat rifles, and shoots the injured man into the stream.


27th Dec 2018

Jeremiah Johnson (1972)

Continuity mistake: When Johnson stops with the rescue party at the edge of the Crow burial grounds, the view of the grounds and the close ups of the conversation between the characters have extremely inconsistent snowfall, in some instances very heavy and the next edit, nothing.


8th Dec 2018

The Godfather (1972)

Continuity mistake: When Woltz shows Tom Hagen his horse, Khartoum in the stables, the horse has a prominent white star on his head. The horse's head in Woltz's bed later that night has no such star, the head is all black.


5th Nov 2018

The Martian (2015)

Factual error: When the airlock blows off the "garden" section of the Hab, the initial leaks shows gases flowing to the inside of the chamber. The building pressure should be flowing to the outside as the airlock pressurizes.


1st Oct 2015

Wyatt Earp (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Wyatt is confronted by Ed Ross in the bar after refereeing the boxing match toward the beginning of the movie, he has a pistol in his belt when throws the cue ball at Ross. Wyatt still has the pistol in his belt when he takes Ross' gun and holster and straps them on. But when he and Sally walk outside right after, the pistol that was in his belt is gone.


20th Sep 2015

The Searchers (1956)

Continuity mistake: When Laurie is reading the first letter from Martin, Charlie McCorry is sitting in the chair opposite her lightly strumming his guitar. The camera angle is facing him showing his fingers are wrapped around the fingerboard. As she keeps reading, the camera angle moves to behind his head and now showing Laurie's face. In the left side of the scene, Charlie's fingers are now on the side of his face slightly under the chin and his elbow is on top of the fingerboard. When the camera angle goes back to looking at Charlie, his hand is once again around the neck of the guitar.


Factual error: When Michael meets with Hyman Roth at his home in Florida the television is on and you can hear the announcer calling a USC/Notre Dame game. The meeting takes place in the late 1950's, but the announcer is Tom Kelly, a long time USC announcer who didn't start calling their games until the 1960's.


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Suggested correction: The announcer calls out Don Buford and Luther Hayes. These players were on USC's roster together only in 1958. Therefore, the game must be the 1958 matchup that Notre Dame won 20-13. This is not a factual error.

The announcer has the voice of Tom Kelly, who did not announce USC games until the early '60's.


The point is that given the announcer heard is calling a real game from 1958, it's almost certainly the actual announcer from that game. There'd be no point in hiring Tom Kelly to call a fake game. The announcer must just sound like him, but be someone else. Tom Kelly isn't in the credits, which he would be if he was specifically cast in that role.

20th Jan 2015

The Quiet Man (1952)

Continuity mistake: Barry Fitzgerald meets with Maureen O'Hara as the shocklehorn (matchmaker). When they go into the house, it's a clear day. As they talk in the house, every time the camera turns to O'Hara, the window behind her shows a rainy day, but every other view out every other window shows a clear day.


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