
13th Jul 2005

The Wicker Man (1973)

13th Jun 2005

General questions

I remember watching a cartoon series on British TV on Saturday mornings when I was a kid (about 15-20 years ago), and I have forgotten its title. The only thing I remember is that it focused on four or five kids who drove giant mechanized lions to defeat whatever evil they were fighting, and when things got too rough, the lions would transform into various parts of a gigantic android warrior. They all lived in this castle-like building, and to get to their respective lions they used transportation tubes a la "Futurama". I also have a vague recollection that their leader was an astronaut from Earth who had arrived on their world through a wormhole, but I'm not sure if I'm confusing this with another cartoon. Anyway, does anyone know the title of this series I'm talking about?


Chosen answer: You're thinking of Voltron. There were a couple of different versions of Voltron. One was a large group of vehicles that combined to make the giant warrior Voltron. the other was the one you are thinking of, in which five lions combined to form the warrior. Go to for lots more info on both shows.


Continuity mistake: During the race scene, when Greg gets going again after stopping for the first red light, Jacks car shoots past him. They then race towards the next red light, but when Greg stops, Jack pulls up from behind, as if he had never driven past them.


17th Jan 2005

Futurama (1999)

Godfellas - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: When Bender laments that he'll be drifting through space with just a little swag, he takes a gold wristwatch out of the bag and puts it on. The watch disappears a few seconds later when he pulls the little piano out of his chest storage and is never seen again.


12th Jan 2005

National Treasure (2004)

Factual error: When Dr. Chase receives the Washington campaign button from Ben Gates, she immediately picks it up with her bare fingers and rubs it with her thumb. An expert collector would *never* handle metal objects with their bare hands like this, as the acid on the fingers will corrode the metal. Cleaning the coin afterwards is also not an option, as this presents an even higher damage risk to the coin. See for more details on this subject.


21st Dec 2004

Family Guy (1999)

European Road Show - S3-E20

Factual error: When Peter has his KISS trivia game with Dave the nudist, he asks what the ad read that brought Peter Criss to KISS, and they both answer in unison: "Drummer willing to do anything to make it". In fact, the ad read: "Drummer with 15 years' experience willing to do anything to make it". As the original ad is referenced and shown in several biographies on KISS, as well as the "KISS: eXposed" video, it's not something these two trivia experts would have missed. (00:11:00)


14th Nov 2004

American Wedding (2003)

Trivia: During the bachelor party, Stifler catches Bear trying on a pink dress. Stifler then calls him "Buffalo Bill" and says to him: "It puts the dress in the drawer and does as it's told." -- a reference to "Silence of the Lambs".


Continuity mistake: During the fight in the bamboo forest the soldiers throw many bamboo spears each, but they are never seen carrying more than one at a time. As they show in the movie, it takes a while to make these spears (cut down a stick, trim off the branches and sharpen it), so where did the extra spears come from?


Factual error: In the deleted scene where Bill kills the black guy and his henchmen, Bill slits the throat of the black man, and then sheathes the sword immediately. This would cause the blood to clot the inside of the scabbard, making it sticky and difficult to draw the sword. And if left long enough, it would rust the blade. The scabbard will have to be taken apart to be cleaned properly, which would be a lot of meaningless extra work, instead of simply taking 5 seconds to wipe the blade. A swordsman of Bill's caliber would never have mistreated his weapon like that. It is like seeing a soldier deliberately burying his rifle in mud to give himself a nice, long job of cleaning afterwards.


Continuity mistake: During the last fight, Leo still has a dagger in his back that he is not allowed to remove. This dagger keeps disappearing and reappearing , not to mention that he keeps falling and rolling on his shoulders during the scene, where the dagger should be stuck.


Trivia: Just like the classical Odysseus, Everett openly defies God, and has constant troubles because of it. The second he repents and asks for God's help he is saved from death and everything turns out OK.


19th Oct 2004

Futurama (1999)

Bendless Love - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: In the episode "Mars University" we are shown how robots in "Futurama" attend a regular college, alongside humans and other species, over a periode of at least one college semester. Bender even talks about how he attended and majored in bending (minoring in Robo-American history). However, in this episode, we are shown that his entire "education" consisted of downloading a file at the factory where he was made. There is a clear inconsistency in these two stories of Bender's education.


22nd Sep 2004

Richard III (1995)

18th Sep 2004

Richard III (1995)

31st Aug 2004

The 6th Day (2000)

Question: What was the whole point of killing and cloning the charter pilots in the first place? My first thought was that Decker wanted employees that were totally obedient and demanded no pay (after all, the clones would only have five years to live, and would then have to be cloned again), but considering that each cloning cost $1,3 million, it would be a lot cheaper and less risky to hire the pilots regularly. So why kill them?


Chosen answer: The company did not intend to kill and clone the pilots. The activist killed Drucker and Hank Morgan, they wanted to clone everyone that was killed so nobody would know it happened. The only reason they cloned Arnold was becasue they thought he was the pilot.


28th Jul 2004

Air Force One (1997)

Plot hole: At the end of the movie, the fire department and paramedics arrive just after the house has been set on fire. Yet, as the focus shifts to the outside view, the house has burned all the way down (which takes a couple of hours) and the paramedics STILL have not gotten around to sending Sara and Freddy away for questioning or hospital or the like.


25th Jul 2004

Futurama (1999)

Godfellas - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: When Bender is drifting through space, he carves a picture of himself intimidating two humans on his chest. Just after the shrimpkins have appeared to worship him, the carvings are gone.


19th Jul 2004

Dracula (1931)

Answer: Pretty sure this qualifies as a mistake, just like the llamas in Troy. Armadillos only live in the Americas. Later on, they have opossums too! So the story about not wanting to show rats could very well be true. Nevetheless, if this isn't a mistake, I don't know what is.

Spiny Norman

Chosen answer: If memory serves, that version was filmed in Mexico and they used the same sets to film the Spanish version AT THE SAME TIME. English crew on days, Mexican crew at night. Being the desert there would be armadillos and I'm sure the crew thought they'd make good rats or something. Wouldn't you find some sort of exotic wildlife living in Castle Dracula?

Answer: Actually, in that time period, rats were deemed too "gross" to show so armadillos were substituted. I got this answer straight from David Skal, the noted horror film historian.

17th Jul 2004

Dracula (1931)

Trivia: To accommodate all sorts of viewers, the studio also made a silent version of the film (for cinemas without sound equipment) and a Spanish-speaking version (to be shown in Latin America). The Spanish version is considered a better film, because it was filmed after the English takes each day, so the Spanish director and actors would watch the English takes and decide how to improve on them.


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