
Continuity mistake: When Amy is standing in front of the fire in the cave and her dress catches fire, she turns 180 degrees to face Yanko who comes into the cave. The camera cuts to her dress, and her feet are now pointing towards the fire, before she turns around once again.


Other mistake: In the scenes that take place in populated areas, there are never any people seen anywhere in the streets. Not even during the "high-speed chase" (where the thugs' car does not quite manage to catch up with Troy on his ten-speed bike) in the town do you see anybody.


Plot hole: The day after Troy finds the ancient map in his attic, the thugs come to his house because they know he has it. He never told anyone (he is even shown to actively hide it from his aunt), and there is no way they could know this.


Continuity mistake: When Troy and Rowsdower are standing and looking up at the Lost City that flies up and leaves the planet it is dark. But a few seconds later, while they are still looking upwards towards the city, it is full daylight.


Continuity mistake: When Rowsdower is fighting the two cultists that were to execute him in the forest, he falls and gets grass stains all over his white jeans. When he meets Troy in the woods a few minutes later, his jeans are much cleaner, and the next day all of the stains are gone.


21st Nov 2005

Hobgoblins (1988)

Factual error: The damage done by the hobgoblin-induced fantasies is real, as seen several times in the movie. Kyle's car runs off a cliff, Nick's grenades really explode, etc. Nick is in one scene set ablaze by throwing himself on a grenade, and is completely engulfed in flames from his head to his toes. But he shows up in the last scene with nothing but a few minor burns on his forearms and a pair of crutches (that he immediately discards). His hair and eyelashes are not even singed.


21st Nov 2005

Hobgoblins (1988)

Plot hole: One of the hobgoblins honks a horn, imitating the distinct sound of Nick's car horn, to draw Daphne out of the house. But the hobgoblins have never met neither Nick nor Daphne; they would have no idea what his car horn sounds like.


21st Nov 2005

Hobgoblins (1988)

Plot hole: After Dennis (the first guard assistant) gets killed, the vault is open for several minutes before the old guard arrives. The hobgoblins, however, do not run for their freedom, but patiently wait until the hero, Kevin, comes in a later scene and opens the door. Then they escape as quickly as they can.


21st Nov 2005

Hobgoblins (1988)

Plot hole: The hobgoblins are locked in a security vault to ensure they never escape and kill people. In addition to the heavy vault door, there are two steel bar doors and an additional door up the corridor protecting the vault. None of these doors are ever locked, even after the first security guard walks in and gets killed. Even the burglar walks straight through these doors, so that Kevin has to follow him and let the hobgoblins out.


21st Nov 2005

Hobgoblins (1988)

Revealing mistake: When Pixie is using a bottle to beat up the MC at Club Scum, you can see that not a single one of her blows actually hit him. In fact, they miss by several inches. The MC, of course, groans in pain and reacts as though he's been hit every time.


17th Nov 2005

Babylon 5 (1994)

No Compromises - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: At the security meeting, just as Captain Lochley is saying "I agree with Sheridan", she is shown in a long shot uncrossing her arms and starting to move forward. The camera goes to a close-up of her, and she once again is shown uncrossing her arms and starting to walk forward.


Continuity mistake: When Mr. Hardman is interviewed by Poirot, he states "I'm not a theatrical agent," while gesturing with his right hand. The angle changes to show Mr. Hardman from the front, and both his arms are suddenly on the armrests of his chair.


7th Nov 2005

Shadrach (1998)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Paul and little Mole first meet Shadrach, they are playing marbles. In the shot where Paul looks over his shoulder to see Shadrach, a lot more marbles appear on the ground than there was in the previous shot, and the arrangement of the marbles is completely different. When the camera goes to a close-up of Shadrach and back to the boys, the marbles once again change their positions. (00:17:50)


Continuity mistake: When Poirot and Mr. Ratchett first meet in the restaurant car, Poirot has to correct Ratchett's pronunciation of his name. Poirot then points with his right hand toward Ratchett, but when it cuts to a close-up of Poirot, both his hands are on the table. The angle changes back, and Poirot's hand is once again lifted.


Continuity mistake: In one of the flashback scenes, as the drugs start working on Mr. Ratchett, in a close-up he is holding the last anonymous letter in both hands. Ratchett then removes his glasses with his right hand, and places that hand on his forehead. Back to a close-up of the letter and the letter is in both hands, but when it cuts he is holding the letter with only his left hand again.


27th Oct 2005

Family Guy (1999)

Visible crew/equipment: Just after Tarzan goes under the stone door, he finds the torches dropped by the bad guys. The flame from one of the torches is reflected in the camera lens, and was caught on tape. It looks like a single, unattached flame is hovering on the stone wall nearby. This is made even better when Tarzan picks up the torch and then drops it, the reflection follows his movements precisely.


Visible crew/equipment: After Ravens has knocked Tarzan out against the stone wall and he staggers to his feet, over his shoulder you can see the shadow of a crew member moving to the left of the screen.


Plot hole: When Tarzan comes to the hotel to visit Jane, he overhears the bad guys threatening the hotel clerk into giving them Jane's room number. Tarzan then has time to go into the streets and study the hotel for a little while (coincidentally just when Jane happens to appear in her window), climb to the second story and through her window, have a romantic reunion with Jane and explain what is going on before the villains have managed to ascend the one stair from the lobby.


Revealing mistake: The chimpanzee, Jebo, is wearing a dress and imitating dancing in one scene. As Jebo runs off, Jane exclaims "My dress.". There is NO WAY that dress could have fitted a grown woman. It is a pretty nice fit for the much smaller monkey, though.


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