Factual error: The family stays briefly in a British apartment, however the plug sockets displayed are US standard, not UK.
Factual error: In the very beginning of Perfect Castaway, when Peter is talking to his workers and telling them he's going to have to "put them down", he pulls out a shotgun and four shells. He puts two shells in each barrel, but then continues to shoot 5 times when they jump in the water. First of all the shotgun is a double-barreled, break action type shotgun, so Peter should only have been able to put two shells in it. Second of all, even if he could put two shells in each barrel, he would only be able to fire it four times.
Stewie, Chris & Brian's Excellent Adventure - S13-E7
Factual error: The Titanic set sail from Southampton, not from London. (00:11:30)
Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High - S4-E2
Factual error: At the end of Peter's trombone solo, he holds out his last note. While holding the note, he moves the slide with no change to the note whatsoever. Since the pitch of the trombone is controlled by the slide, it would be impossible for Peter to move the slide as much as he does without changing the pitch he's playing. (00:02:00)
Factual error: When Stewie is playing Simon Says, the sequence Stewie plays is different than the one that the Simon Says played. If he played it wrong, there should have been a sound from the Simon Says indicating that Stewie played it wrong.
Boys Do Cry - S5-E15
Factual error: When Brian fires his pistol in the air, eventually killing the Super Devil, we hear six gunshots, each followed the distinct clink of the ejected cartridge hitting the ground. Trouble is, Brian is firing a revolver, which does not eject the cartridge after the bullet is fired. Only automatics do that.

Factual error: When Carol gives birth there is no umbilical cord. (00:06:30)
Stewie, Chris & Brian's Excellent Adventure - S13-E7
Factual error: When Brian and Stewie are trying to get on The Titanic, the fourth funnel is letting out smoke. The Titanic's fourth funnel was not functional. (00:12:05)
Factual error: In all the scenes where Peter wrecks Cleveland's house and Cleveland is in the bath, the tub always slides easily out of the house with Cleveland in it and onto the ground. There are no pipes or any kind of plumbing visible on the bathroom floor where the tub should have been connected.
Factual error: When Peter has his KISS trivia game with Dave the nudist, he asks what the ad read that brought Peter Criss to KISS, and they both answer in unison: "Drummer willing to do anything to make it". In fact, the ad read: "Drummer with 15 years' experience willing to do anything to make it". As the original ad is referenced and shown in several biographies on KISS, as well as the "KISS: eXposed" video, it's not something these two trivia experts would have missed. (00:11:00)
Factual error: In the scene where Lois drops Peter off at the Renaissance Fair, when Peter gets out of the car, the door opens the wrong way (the way suicide doors open). This is noted to be a mistake in the director's commentary. (00:12:50)
Factual error: When Meg is spinning her flag on the football field, she grips her flag at the bottom of the pole. She should grip in the middle of the pole, directly under the silk. It would be near-impossible to execute the spin she was doing if she was holding the pole that way.
Factual error: When Meg and Lois are in the back of a police car they escape by opening the back doors and getting away. The rear doors of a police car can only open from the outside, for obvious reasons and this escape could not be possible.
Factual error: A TV announcer says "We now return to True Blood", indicating a return from a commercial break. True Blood airs on HBO, which is a premium network that does not show commercials.
Factual error: If one of a person's parents is an American citizen, that person has citizenship no matter where they are born. Since Thelma was a U.S. citizen, that makes Peter a citizen of the U.S. Also, were there no tax records for Peter since he had been married to Lois?
Factual error: When Carter puts on the Jack LaLanne record, you can see it has eight individual grooves (or rings) around it. However, records only have one continuous groove.
Yug Ylimaf - S11-E4
Factual error: Near the end when Stewie is being put back and out of Lois's womb, he has no umbilical cord attached to him.
Stewie, Chris & Brian's Excellent Adventure - S13-E7
Factual error: In the episode, the Titanic is shown to have sunk the same day it left England. The actual Titanic left England on April 10th and didn't sink until the night of April 14th, almost four days later. (00:11:40 - 00:15:30)
Factual error: In the bit when Brian and Stewie are in Poland, the sign they are looking at should say Warszawa, not Warsaw.
Herpe, the Love Sore - S12-E16
Factual error: Stewie could not have gotten herpes by blood - it's only transmitted by infected saliva or skin.
Suggested correction: Please tell me that you are not a doctor! The two types of herpes viruses, HSV1 and HSV2 can be transmitted in blood as well as saliva. Such transmission is very rare as the virus deactivates rapidly in stored blood, but it is incorrect to say that it cannot happen.