Trivia: While working on the screenplay for this movie, Neil Gaiman constantly had people misunderstand him, and believe he was writing an episode of "Baywatch". After the script was finished, he actually did adapt "Beowulf" again, setting it in a quasi-futuristic Baywatch-setting. It made its way into his anthology "Smoke and Mirrors", under the title "Bay Wolf".
21st May 2013
Beowulf (2007)
10th May 2013
Dexter (2006)
Continuity mistake: When Doakes is carrying the packs of cocaine out of the cabin, the position of his arms and the cocaine varies wildly from shot to shot. Notable examples are that the cocaine goes from being arranged in neat, accurate stacks, to being haphazardly and irregularly stacked, and back to neat again. His grip on the cocaine also varies a lot; he starts out with straight arms, then suddenly has a 90-degree bend at the elbows, and back to straight again, all depending om camera angle. All of these changes happen too fast to have been natural, and Doakes is on camera the whole time.
3rd Apr 2013
Maelstrom (1985)
Revealing mistake: When Bjornson is in Oslo he calls Catherine, who is still in Alesund, from a pay phone. But located behind him is a poster listing emergency numbers for the municipality of Giske, revealing that this scene was filmed there, just outside of Alesund.
29th Oct 2012
Taken 2 (2012)
Continuity mistake: When Bryan and Kim are on the ferry in Istanbul, he is wearing a scarf. This scarf varies between being rumpled in some shots and smooth in others, depending on the camera angle. (00:20:25)
23rd Jan 2012
Numb3rs (2005)
Continuity mistake: When Bell is in the car with the female assassin, she pulls out a gun and points it at him. The camera then goes to an outside shot, where you can see the car's side window is already splattered with blood, before we hear the shot and the window shatters.
29th Dec 2011
The Thing (1982)
Continuity mistake: Each man only dribbles a few drops of blood into the petri dishes as their blood samples. But when the test is administered, there is a lot more blood in each dish, enough to cover the entire bottom.
8th Nov 2011
Priest (2011)
Continuity mistake: After pinning Priest to the train wall with the dagger, Black Hat throws a lit lantern directly in front of him, starting a small fire in addition to the one already raging through the train cart. The flames are so close they lick Priest's boots and clothes. But moments later, when Priest frees himself from the wall, the floor beneath him is bare, with no sign of the broken lantern or of the small fire.
15th Oct 2011
Numb3rs (2005)
Revealing mistake: When Crystal sets fire to the meth lab, she flings her lighter in a straight direction towards the front door. But you can see that the fire does not start there: it starts in the middle of the front porch, more than three feet from where her lighter landed.
6th Oct 2011
The 13th Warrior (1999)
Factual error: The Vikings follow the Norse religion, and make several references to it throughout the movie. But when waiting for the first Wendol attack, Herger states "The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago". In Norse mythology, the All-Father (Odin) did not weave the skein of life, the Norns did.
Suggested correction: The movie takes place in the 900s AD, and Norse myth wasn't put in writing until centuries later with the Prose Edda in 1220. Prior to that, it was spread through oral tradition; who's to say the details didn't change/update in the retelling over the next couple of centuries?
4th Sep 2011
Conan the Barbarian (2011)

Continuity mistake: When Conan first fights Remo, Conan places a blood stain on his forehead by pressing his sword to it. Remo then runs off, and Conan gives chase immediately, pausing only to get Tamara on his horse. The stain is still there when Conan mounts his horse. The next time we see them, Conan and Tamara is still chasing Remo, but now Conan's face is completely clean. It is highly unlikely he would pause in pursuit of one of his father's killers to wash his face. (00:47:55)
2nd Sep 2011
Futurama (1999)
Continuity mistake: Season 6, episode 19 "Yo Leela Leela": When Bender discovers Leela's secret writing place, throughout the entire scene the lipstick marks on his head keep changing places, sometimes disappearing and reappearing. Most noticeable is the one on the right side of his head: it disappears when he is shown from that side, then reappears as soon as the angle changes.
12th Jun 2011
The Stand
Character mistake: In Chapter 62, Dayna Jurgens is talking to Randall Flagg. Flagg states that he has no intention of going to war, saying that "If humanity continues, let our grandfathers fight it out". He even repeats it; "Or their grandfathers". What Flagg must mean to say, is that their grandCHILDREN could fight it out.
11th Jun 2011
The Stand
Other mistake: In Chapter 59, Stu says that Nick "might have had his hands right on the shoebox", when the bomb inside went off. But Stu had no way of knowing that the bomb was hidden in a shoebox, he ran out of the house before it was even discovered. The only one who got close enough to see it was Nick, who was killed in the explosion.
20th Mar 2011
Montana Sky (2007)
Continuity mistake: When the three sisters are in the jacuzzi, Tess pours a glass of wine and hands it to Willa. The amount of wine in the glass increases in the cut between Tess picking up the glass and Willa receiving it.
14th Mar 2011
Montana Sky (2007)
Continuity mistake: Pickles is killed by multiple stab wounds to the chest and neck, as well as being scalped. But in the scene where Willa finds him, and when he is seen in his body bag, there is not a drop of blood to be seen anywhere on his face or clothes.
27th Feb 2011
The Hunted (1995)
Revealing mistake: During the final fight, Takeda is chained up between two ninja, and Kinjo orders them to kill him. One of them raises his sword, but is shot by Takedas wife. As the arrow hits, the film noticably "jumps", as the actor is replaced by another with an arrow attached to his throat. Not only does his position (especially his head) slightly change in an instant, but his suit also suddenly becomes a lot darker, and a crease appears in his hood.
27th Feb 2011
The Hunted (1995)
27th Feb 2011
The Hunted (1995)
Revealing mistake: When Kinjo is fighting Saito, he throws away his sword and fights Saito with his bare hands. During the duel, he first slams Saitos arm over his knee, then elbows him in the side of the head. But look at Saito's head; he reacts to the elbow LONG before it connects.
27th Feb 2011
The Hunted (1995)
Plot hole: After leaving the hospital, Racine ducks into a pachinko parlor. In there, he gets a young girl to help him find a telephone and a taxi. The problem is, she is about 10 years old, and you have to be 18 to even enter a pachinko hall. The attendants we can see in charge would have evicted her within minutes.
27th Feb 2011
The Hunted (1995)
Continuity mistake: After Racine is wheeled out of the hotel on a stretcher, the uniformed police officers hand their inspector an evidence bag with the weapon used on Racine, a throwing star coated in poison. The inspector looks at it, then returns it with orders to take it to the laboratory to determine the poison. However, when we see Racine on the operating table, the star is shown, lying in a puddle of blood on the operating table, as if the doctors just now had pulled it out of him.
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