Question: Near the beginning of the film, Capote is talking about a story involving a gay black man being in love with a Jew. Since all the rest of his anecdotes involve real people and/or works, does anyone know which book he's talking about?
13th Feb 2006
Capote (2005)
1st Jul 2004
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Question: Are the paintings of Spider-man 1 in the credits from a comic adaptation of the movie, or trading cards, or something like that, or were they done specially for Spider-man 2?
Chosen answer: They were painted exclusively for Spider-Man 2, by Alex Ross, who painted the very famous Kingdom Come storyline a few years back.
15th Mar 2004
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Question: After seeing the endings of The Matrix and Reloaded, I'm wondering: does Neo always see the Matrix as the green "coding" whenever he's inside it, or can he switch back and forth between that and "normal" (that is, how everyone else sees it)?
Chosen answer: You might understand it as an extra "sense." As is told in the first movie, Neo would be able to manipulate the Matrix as he sees fit. It would make sense that he could see both.
24th Feb 2004
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969)
Question: Is there any significance behind the song "England's Mountains Green" (or whatever it's called)? It seems to be the only song anyone ever sings, outside of sketch-specific songs (like the Lumberjack Song).
Chosen answer: The song you talk of was originally a poem by William Blake called 'Jerusalem'. It speaks of the possibility of Jesus having visited England. The poem has four verses but you only ever hear the Monty Python boys sing the first one which goes, "And did those feet in ancient time/Walk upon England's mountains green/And was the holy Lamb of God/On England's pleasant pastures seen?" If there's any sort of in-joke connected to it's use, I'm not aware of it. It seemed to just be the standard song/hymn they used when a song was needed that wasn't sketch specific. Some of the sketches it appeared in were 'Salvation Fuzz/Church Police', 'Buying a Bed' and 'The Art Gallery Sketch'. Something that may be relevant, though, is that the only one who was present every time it was sung was Eric Idle. Perhaps he just liked it?
28th Jan 2004
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969)
Question: Does anyone know who played the knight that hit people over the head with a dead chicken?
Chosen answer: That would be Terry Gilliam, who played a lot of non-speaking roles in the series, and some speaking ones like Cardinal Fang in 'The Spanish Inquisition.' He did all the animation as well, but I'm sure you knew that.
22nd Jan 2004
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969)
Question: Does anyone know what the killer joke (German version anyway) translates to in English? I tried running it through BabelFish, but it still made no sense.
Chosen answer: Fortunately for the entire English speaking world, there is no translation. It is not real German.
2nd Jan 2004
Futurama (1999)
Question: One thing I never understood about Futurama was all the famous heads-in-jars, especially people like George Washington, or other people who would be long dead and decomposed in OUR time, let alone 1000 years from now. How did they get them? Cloning (which we know they have, thanks to Cubert)? If so, then why not just keep cloning and avoid the jars altogether?
Chosen answer: Matt Groening has actually mentioned that this is indeed a mistake and a historical inaccuracy, but says it's still funny and allows historical references and gags to be made.
2nd Jan 2004
X-Men 2 (2003)
Question: Who is the kid in the mansion changing the channels by blinking? I recognized most of the "background" mutants (Siren, Jubilee, Artie, etc.) but this one's eluding me.
Chosen answer: In the comic book there was a mutant with the same powers called 'Blink' but blink was a girl, so i guess they just gave the kid some random ability from the comics.
Blink in the comics had entirely different powers.
Answer: In the film, he is named "Jones", played by Connor Widdows. There is no comic book character he represents and was made up for the movie. Jones also appears in "X-Men: The Last Stand" where he is asked to turn on the TV when in class.
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Chosen answer: He is talking about 'Giovanni's Room' a novel by James Baldwin.