8th Oct 2005

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Dr. Grant and the two kids climb the electrified perimeter fence, just before Dr. Sattler reactivates the power, Dr. Grant can be seen from underneath while climbing. After walking for two days in lots of mud and rain, his shoes are still pretty clean.

Christoph Galuschka

Correction: There had been plenty of rain. You will also have noticed that they've probably been walking in the grassy fields all morning (before climbing the fence). Walking on wet grass is very effective in cleaning the underside of shoes.


Corrected entry: Considering Arnold reset himself, how could he have then known where John and Katherine were?

Correction: The Terminators are highly advanced machines that have extremely good memory storage capabilities. Like in Terminator 2 (extended edition), we see the T-800 have his chip removed and the memory switch reset. Yet when he comes back online, the Terminator retained everything about his key mission.


2nd Sep 2005

Speed (1994)

Corrected entry: On the bus, when Jack is reasoning with the guy who has the gun, the black guy tackles, then struggles with him, and the guy with the gun shoots at Sam (the driver). In slow motion, the glass behind Sam doesn't break away and smash, it only shatters a slight bit. A few shots later, when Annie is driving the bus, the glass is now completely smashed and only a few bits remain in the frame. (00:40:05)


Correction: Yes this is true, once the glass is shot, it shatters making it is very weak. It would only take a light bump and the whole glass pane would break apart. After all the "action" going on the bus (passengers rushing to help Sam, the bus swerving all over the place) it wouldn't be surprising if the glass pane got knocked out of place.


31st Aug 2005

Sahara (2005)

Corrected entry: When Dirk is cajoling the Admiral into letting him use the boat, he mentions that Davis had 5 gold dollars struck just before the Mint was destroyed at the end of the Civil War. He claims that Stonewall Jackson was the recipient of one of the dollars, but Jackson was killed in May of 1863...two years before the end of the war.

Correction: It was actually a figure of speech. When he makes reference to the fact the Mint was destroyed, he actually says, "Not before he had 5 gold coins made," (or something similar). He doesn't say "just before." It could have been years before the Mint was destroyed.


30th Aug 2005

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When Peter transforms into Spiderman to get to his next delivery quicker, two kids run out into the street. The kids reach the curb, then from Spiderman's perspective, they reach the curb again. (00:04:55)


Correction: These "repeat scenes" are common movie making/editing techniques. Its purpose is to show exactly what you've just pointed out, to show two scenes shown from two different points of view. These are not movie mistakes.


25th Aug 2005

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Corrected entry: In the middle of the film during the attack on Pearl Harbor, some of the Japanese are attacking the smaller airfields. We see Danny, Rafe and a few other pilots speeding away in a car. Various shots in this scene we see that the road goes from grass and dirt to concrete between shots. (01:36:45)


Correction: Many possible reasons for this. The route from one airfield to the other probably isn't "concrete" all the way. So the different "road" type just suggests that the other airfield isn't easy to get to. Or more simply, they were trying to escape/avoid being shot at. Therefore they got off the road so that they're not easy targets on the road.


25th Aug 2005

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Corrected entry: When Danny and Evelyn are in a cafe and Danny is telling Evelyn what Rafe and Danny did as kids, the position of Evelyn's hands keeps changing. (00:51:30)


Correction: That's probably becuase she keeps moving them. If it's between shots it should be stated, along with some more specific info.


6th Aug 2005

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film when the owner of the bar is holding a shotgun to Wolverine's head, if you look at it closely, the shotgun turns from black to silver between shots. (00:12:55)


Correction: I've viewed this scene countless times. The shotgun NEVER changes colour. The lighting reflecting off the shotgun changes slightly but the shotgun is always black.


8th Aug 2005

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When Peter is on his way to see MJ in the beginning the police are chasing two bad guys. When the bad guys shoot at the police car, it swerves. The following shot we see from the perspective of the other police car it swerves again. (00:23:55)


Correction: It's not highly unusual for a car to swerve more than once during a car chase.


10th Aug 2005

Vertical Limit (2000)

Corrected entry: In the middle of the film when we see Cyril throw down a rope to Monique, then they both hear the avalanche, instead of being killed by the approaching avalanche, why didn't he just grab ahold of the rope, and quickly slide down the side of the mountain? He had sufficient time to do this. (01:17:40)


Correction: What a movie character "could have", "would have" or "should have" done are not movie mistakes. Cyril froze when he saw the approaching avalanche. People have been known to "freeze up" for all kind of incidents (like after a minor car accident OR after receiving bad news). Not everyone can think clearly during such a life threatening situation and know what is the "best" thing to do.


Corrected entry: When General Grevious's ship begins to de-orbit and crash, it turns its bow towards the planet's surface. The next shot of the characters inside the ship has them all tumbling towards the bow. This is wrong. Since they are accelerating towards the planet, the force they feel should pull them to the stern of the ship (much like accelerating in a car, the force pushes you back into your seat, opposite the direction of your acceleration). They should have been "falling uphill" in that shot.

Correction: While this may be true for a car accelerating on the ground, it does not apply in this case. The ship is "falling out" of the sky. It is accelerating under the force of gravity. Laws of physics state that all objects fall at the same rate under gravitation (g) force regardless of weight and size. However, as the ship is being slowed down by atmospheric friction but the people inside are not, their strugle to move "upwards" is true.


Corrected entry: In the scene when Arnold, Sarah and John escape the mental hospital, and the T-1000 is walking back down the street, he runs into a cop on a bike. When we see him talking, steam is coming out of his mouth like it is cold outside. But he is not human, so this is not possible.

Correction: Obviously the T-1000 is a highly advanced cyborg. Even, the T-800 series could be built with "living" tissue over a metal endoskeleton. Surely the more advance T-1000 could have been built with a "breath synthesizer/replicator."


Corrected entry: When Dennis Quaid arrives at the site where the man fell out of the airplane, he finds spent bullet casings right next to the body. If someone was using the body for target practice (like he says, and which is the only good reason for shooting at it), the brass would be much farther away.

Correction: It was just a figure of speech. Just another way of saying "he was shot".


15th Jul 2005

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: The nanites are protected by a very powerful force field, as evident by what happened to the robot Sonny throws at it. Additionally even though we don't actually see Sonny remove the nanites from the force field, we are told by V.I.K.I that she will not deactivate the field. Obviously Sonny cannot deactivate it or he would have done so before reaching in. So even though Sonny would be able to survive the trip through the force field the cylinder would not because even if the metal part was made of the same super strong alloy as Sonny the clear part is not.

Correction: As shown during that scene, that the "force field" cannot penetrate Sonny's metal alloy (i.e cannot pass through his hand/arm. Therefore all Sonny had to do was to hold the container with both hands to protect it from the "force field" since his hands are impenetratable.


18th Jun 2005

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When Spidey and Doc Ock are fighting on the side of the train, another one is coming towards them. Spiderman has his back towards the oncoming train, yet in the next shot he leans flush against the train and is now facing the oncoming one.


Correction: Spider-Man turns around to look at the on-coming train and quickly reacts. He is therefore now positioned to lean backwards against the windows facing the direction of the on-coming train.


29th Jun 2005

24 (2001)

Day 4: 6:00 A.M.-7:00 A.M. - S4-E24

Corrected entry: Marwan's hi-tech gadget which he uses to track the path of his missile (the 'interface' of which CTU later reads to locate said rocket) is quite obviously a Nokia 7710. I don't remember seeing 'Nuclear Warhead Locator' listed in the special features of this model.


Correction: Like all new Nokia mobiles, one of key features of the 7710 is that it is Java enabled. This means any Java application can be programmed and loaded onto the phone. It is very possible one of Marwan's men programmed a tracking program for that phone.


17th Jun 2005

Lost (2004)

Correction: Actually that is not entirely true. I know of many supermarkets that use paper bags or environment friendly bags. Sure the majority of supermarkets have plastic bags, but saying ALL supermarkets is an inaccurate exaggeration.


Corrected entry: In the scene just after Obi-Wan jumps out of the window onto the ASN-121 Assisin Droid You see Captain Typho and some others walk into Padme's room but how did they know to come.

Correction: R2D2 was programmed to alert everyone if anything happened in her room. The captain was obviously alerted when Anakin and Obi-Wan ran into the room.


Corrected entry: When Mace Windu gets off of the Gunship and starts to run into battle you see him being shot at but it is only after he looks to see if troops are following him that he starts to deflects the shots.

Correction: He is only deflecting the shots that come close to him. He knew those shots were going to miss him otherwise if those shots had hit him, he obviously wouldn't be still standing.


7th May 2005

Cellular (2004)

Corrected entry: When Ryan makes an offer to exchange the tape for Jessica's family he makes a bluff and hangs up expecting them to call back. How can they call back if he didn't leave a contact number and the other line was using a cordless phone with no caller id?

Correction: Many countries/phone providers have a number to dial which reports the last number to call you (1471 in the UK, *69 in the US, etc.).


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