Corrected entry: In the final episode, Willow turns all the Potential girls into Slayers, so they can fight the army of uber-vamps. This is obviously wrong because of episode 7.11, "Showtime", when one uber-vamp alone beats the bejeezus out of experienced slayer Buffy. There is no way 30 or so newly-formed slayers could've taken out thousands of uber-vamps, much less the humans who kill several themselves.
22nd May 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
21st Jan 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Revelations - S3-E7
Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, we find out that Gwendolyn Post was kicked out of the Watchers' Council for misuse of dark power and that the Council had informed everyone of the fact via memo. If that's the case, then why would she use her real name when she arrived in Sunnydale? Wouldn't she be worried that Giles would recognize her?
Correction: Giles says the Council "swears there was a memo." It's quite possible that this was just the Council trying to cover itself, since there was no communication to agents in the field - the event was so obvious to people in the Council that they didn't think it necessary to make a specific communication about it.
25th Jun 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In season 7, the first Ubervamp to escape the Hellmouth and attack Buffy is incredibly strong and hard to kill - in the end it's pure luck that lets Buffy defeat it. In 'Chosen', people (including the civilians) are killing Ubervamps all over the place with ease; if they're this easy to kill, why did Buffy struggle so much with the first one? Granted, Andrew says in the meantime that Ubervamps can actually be staked, but Anya adds that it's like pushing a stake through solid steel. Buffy couldn't stake one of them the first time, so how can the Potentials (who haven't anywhere near as much training or muscle power as Buffy) can do it with ease?
Correction: The Potentials have the same raw strength Buffy does but less training thanks to Willow's spell. Buffy had trouble staking the first Ubervamp because she put only the force necessary to kill a normal vamp behind the blow, which wasn't enough to break through the Ubervamp's chest. It's very normal in everyday actions to only use enough muscle power as you would expect to otherwise. Once they know to stake Ubervamps with enough force to go through a normal vamp's back, they have less trouble. All the non-Slayers kill Ubervamps with decapitation.
12th Jan 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
End Of Days - S7-E21
Corrected entry: How did Buffy know where to find the Potentials when they are attacked in the sewer? The First only told her that there had been an explosion, never mentioning a location, and none of the others had talked to Buffy so they couldn't have told her.
8th Jul 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In 'Selfless' Anya wants to reverse her wish that killed 12 people and is unable to do it, but during 'The Wish' we were told that all you have to do is destroy her power source and all her wishes will be reversed (Anya has to have a power centre - we see in the episode 'Older And Far Away' that ALL vengeance demons have one). Even though the gang don't know this any more (they wouldn't have any memory of researching it), surely Anyanka herself would know her own weakness?
Correction: First, Anya may not want to destroy her power center because it would reverse every wish she ever granted, not just the most recent one. Second, breaking the power center would also make Anya a human. The point of the episode is that Anya has to learn to live in her own way and pay for her decisions, and to this end she believes that D'Hoffryn killing her would be justice. Asking D'Hoffryn to reverse The Wish is the only way for the developing character to resolve the conflict.
21st Aug 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: How does Wesley have the exact key to fit the manacles in Angel's mansion (in the scene where he frees Faith)? We never see him picking them up or taking them from Angel.
Correction: The Council has access to many magical resources. It's quite likely they have enchanted skeleton keys to fit certain types of locks, especially given what we learn about the Council's wetworks squads.
7th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
I Was Made To Love You - S5-E15
Corrected entry: In "I Was Made To Love You" Warren has just finished packing his bags and is about to run out the door when Buffy arrives. When Spike shows up at his house later on he's still packing his bags. (00:23:00 - 00:40:15)
Correction: The first time, Warren was trying to flee Sunnydale and escape from April. Buffy forces him to confront April sometime in the middle or late afternoon, and April eventually runs out of power in front of him so he knows she's no longer a threat. Warren returns home and deliberates for a few hours until after sundown on whether he should stay in Sunnydale, follow Katrina, or go someplace new. He finally makes his decision to leave and is packing for it when Spike interrupts him.
1st Sep 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: If even Faith can instantly realise that the gang would be willing to trade the Box of Gavrok for Willow's life, we can assume Willow knows it too. Why, then, when she escapes from the locked room in Town Hall, does she hang around to read up on the Books of Ascension? If she had escaped they could have destroyed the box, and the Mayor's plan would have been stopped, whether he had the books or not.
Correction: Willow knows from the gang's reconnaissance that all the entrances and exits from the building are guarded, but there are few if any guards within the building itself. If she tried to escape she would certainly be caught. Knowing that her friends would try to rescue her even if they weren't willing to sacrifice the box, she did some snooping on the off-chance that it would prove useful.
31st Jul 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: When Faith asks Buffy what her toughest kill was, she tells her "The Three", from the season one episode "Angel", but in that episode Buffy barely encountered them. She saw them once in an alley and was barely harmed in the encounter - in the end, it was Darla who killed them. One would assume her first thoughts would be of someone like the Master (who killed her) or The Judge (who was indestructible).
Correction: Buffy is distracted because she is thinking about her actual toughest kill: Angel. She mentally grasps for some fight that was not witnessed by anyone present (who might contradict its difficulty) and comes up with the Three. Neither fight with the Master lasted more than a few minutes and the Judge was killed in one hit from a rocket launcher.
26th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Dead Things - S6-E13
Corrected entry: The Katrina that Buffy sees in the forest is revealed to be Jonathon in a glamour, but where did he find an exact duplicate of Katrina's dress at short notice? (00:28:40)
Correction: Jonathan is a mage of some skill. He conjured a duplicate set or transformed existing clothes to match Katrina's.
1st Jul 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, "Teachers Pet," Buffy picks Dr. Gregory's glasses from off the floor, opens the closet where his lab coat is hanging and places the glasses in the pocket. As she closes the door, the camera moves to the bottom of the closet and you can see about four or five bug eggs, one of them cracks open and then the show ends. What happened with the eggs?
Correction: We don't know, but there are numerous possibilities. The simplest one is that without the care of their mother, the eggs or the newborns were not able to survive.
22nd Jul 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: It has been stated that Joss mentioned Buffy burning down her old school's Gym even though it was never shown in the movie of BtVS to have proper continuity with the original script. But one thing he seemed to totally neglect from the original story is that Buffy gets "cramps" when a Vampire is near. This served as a warning for movie Buffy but TV show Buffy could walk right past one and not feel anything. It seems the only reason this decision was made is to make it easier to get into danger and have more exciting shows.
Correction: It's mentioned in Welcome to the Hellmouth that there is a method Slayers can use to detect vampires in the area, but it apparently takes training and discipline that Buffy simply doesn't devote to it. Even Kendra, the ideal Slayer who completes all her studies, hasn't mastered this skill. Also in the movie: vampires don't turn to dust, can fly, need to be invited into any building whatsoever, and Buffy was a senior. Clearly they're not meant to be totally contiguous.
25th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: When Willow is spraying the invisible traffic cone in 'Gone', she only sprays a little bit before leaving to track down the van. When Xander shows Anya the cone later on it's completely coloured.
19th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Tabula Rasa - S6-E8
Corrected entry: Why is the loan shark trying to kill Spike at the start? If he stakes him he's never going to get his kittens. Surely it would be better to torture him with crosses or holy water?
19th Jun 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the opening song of 'Once More, With Feeling', Buffy stabs a demon with a sword. She then walks across to the hostage and cuts him free, but when we see the sword there isn't any blood, despite the fact that seconds ago there was a demon impaled on it.
Correction: We don't see the blade actually enter the demon, so there is no evidence that this demon race bleeds at all. Other demons encountered in, for example, "Life Serial" leave no physical trace when they die.
26th Jun 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: During the episode 'All The Way' Anya mentions that she's having a huge blowout sale the next day. The next episode is 'Once More, With Feeling' which picks up the very next morning (Tara wakes up to find the Lethe's bramble on her pillow, which Willow placed there at the end of "All The Way"), but during the scenes in the shop on that day there are no signs, no banners, no customers - nothing to indicate a huge sale.
Correction: Anya says there will be a "postholiday clearance sale." These are rarely advertised, especially by small businesses with minimal advertising budgets - usually it's just a section of the store marked off. The disruption in daily life caused by the musical magic also puts the town into a confused state, so people wouldn't be in a hurry to go shopping and perhaps even Anya might be off her game in terms of salesmanship.
16th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Life Serial - S6-E5
Corrected entry: In 'Life Serial', when we see the monitors in the Trio's van as Buffy looks into the time-shifting device, all the students running around behind her have disappeared.
Correction: Given that the Trio are probably unwilling to subject themselves to the same time shifts that Buffy is going through, they have to find a way to monitor her without making themselves vulnerable. Earlier, Warren mentioned all the high-tech monitoring equipment the van is equipped with. Since he also invented the time-shifting devices, he could invent a camera that would stay synchronized in Buffy's time continuum. Such a camera would ignore things outside this continuum as unnecessary distractions, such as other students in normal time.
16th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Life Serial - S6-E5
Corrected entry: In 'Life Serial', when Warren is in the college corridor looking up at the camera there are loads of students around him, but when we see things on Jonathon and Andrew's monitors, the corridor around him is deserted.
Correction: While there are many students in the corridor he just left and one who walks past him into the main corridor as Warren rounds the corner, we never see anyone else in the side hallway with Warren. That is the reason he stopped in this particular hallway: so that he could test his microphone and the Three's tap into the school security cameras without being observed.
7th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
I Was Made To Love You - S5-E15
Corrected entry: In "I Was Made To Love You", there's no way Spike could have known it was Warren who was into making robot girls. Only the Scoobies had figured it out, and the only time he talks to them in this episode they throw him out of the Magic Shop without mentioning Warren. Even though Spike knew that there was a guy called Warren out there creating robot girls, it took all of Willow's computer savvy and a little bit of luck for Buffy to find him. How would Spike, working only off the first name of a perfectly normal teenager who hadn't been in town in months, track him down?
Correction: In other episodes, the Scoobies go to Spike to get information when other informants are tapped out, meaning that he has access to sources they don't. Spike proves to have connections to demon bars, gamblers, etc. Because finding Warren was desperately important to him (to make the BuffyBot), he went to some mystical source that the Scoobies didn't know about. Demons, witches, and sorcerers do exist in Sunnydale, some of whom are probably capable of divining information.
15th Oct 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: When Ben is being stalked by the demon while he's at his locker, he's wearing his medical clothing. Yet, moments later, when Glory grabs the demon from behind, she's back to her usual red dress and make up. If Ben and Glory were truly the same being in that moment, they would be wearing the same clothes, too.
Correction: In "Tough Love," Glory shows that she can change her clothes in an instant when her dress gets damaged in the fight with Willow and she replaces it. Same goes for makeup.
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Correction: This has already been addressed. The reason that the first Ubervamp was so difficult was that they weren't sure how to kill it. Buffy thought it couldn't be staked; turns out she just needed to put much more force behind the blow. When the Potentials become Slayers they have the same strength. Buffy was also forced to fight the first Ubervamp without weapons. When the ordinary humans are fighting at the end they are all armed with heavy blades to decapitate the vamps.