
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7

Corrected entry: During Buffy's training montage, she is seen punching a bag with her wrists bent. First, that's going to be a weak punch, super strength or no, because she can't transfer the force from her arm and body; it just bends at the joint. Second, that's a great way to injure your wrist, because all that escaping force snaps the bend farther. You could strain or even break the joint. After six years, Buffy should know better. (00:31:50)


Correction: That may well be true, but Buffy has superhuman strength. So, it wouldn't hurt her hands and would still pack a big enough punch.


Correction: Tara's hand stays on the shoulder strap from the time she puts it there. She does move it lower down, meaning it is not so clearly seen in some shots from behind, but is still visible.


Correction: We can see Dawn fidgeting about in the background throughout the scene. In this cut her arms have not moved drastically, or more than they could have done in the time between those two shots.


Correction: Cecily becomes Halfrek the vengence demon, hence the scene in season 6's "Older And Far Away" when Halfrek calls Spike William and he also seems shocked to see her.

Show generally

Corrected entry: The location of a vampire's heart seems to migrate quite a bit across the show. We can see vamps staked in the center of the chest, on the left side, at the base of the sternum, and even (quite shallowly) in the back. Yet in Graduation Day, Pt. 1, we see that Angel's heart is very strictly defined by Faith's very accurate placement of an arrow in the left of his chest.


Correction: Likely, it's enough for the heart to make contact at all with the wood. At one point, Riley pierces Spike's heart with a synthetic stake merely to torture him, so there may be a mystical heart/wood association that means that grazing the heart is sufficient.

The Harvest (2) - S1-E2

Corrected entry: The stake Xander uses to kill Jesse disappears immediately afterward. It's not in Xander's hand, but if it was buried in Jesse's chest it would have clattered to the ground as he turned to dust. (00:41:10)


Correction: If a stake in in a vampires chest & not touching another person then the stake also turns to dust (this has happened to various other vampires in the series).

Reptile Boy - S2-E5

Corrected entry: Why did the frat boys bother kidnapping a girl at least a week before the ceremony? They apparently don't care if the sacrifices are connected to each other and had no trouble attracting women to their frat house.


Correction: They only choose certain girls for Machida - although their criteria are never explicitly stated, the fact that Tom is desperate for Buffy to go suggests that they pick their victims carefully rather than just dragging in some random girl at the party. If they specifically wanted Callie for the sacrifice it would make sense to grab her the first chance they got, even if that meant holding her captive for a week.


School Hard - S2-E3

Corrected entry: In the scene where Spike is introduced, one vampire boasts, "When I kill the slayer, it will be the greatest event since the crucifixion." But slayers die every 5-10 years, and have for millenia. What makes killing Buffy special enough to warrant this?


Correction: Since Buffy has been called to Sunnydale because there is a Hellmouth there, killing her will give the vamps and demons the chance to open the Hellmouth, and we all know what happens after that.

troy fox

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