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Question: I haven't seen the majority of all the BtVS episodes, so I could have missed something, but in the last episode Giles states that there are other Hellmouths' if that's true, and there is only one slayer (before Buffy had all the potentials powers unlocked) then are all the other people that live on them screwed? What keeps vampires from running rampant and killing everyone?


Chosen answer: Several factors restrict the demons besides the Slayer. The Watchers' Council is obviously much larger than it would need to be to simply guide the Slayer; much of their energy is directed toward gathering information for their own use against the demons. They have elite teams (seen in season 3) for Special Forces-style offensives. There are also innumerable witches and warlocks around the world, some of whom fight for good (like Giles' coven from the end of season 6) and all of whom would be attracted to the energies of the Hellmouth. Some demons like Whistler (end of season 2) exist to balance the forces of darkness with the forces of good and would handle their share as well. The existence of The Initiative (season 4) shows that the world's powerful elite are aware of the demon world to some extent and take measures to address it. Lastly, there are always some civilians who take part in the battle because they become aware of the existence of demons, like Kain from "Phases", Gunn's gang from Angel, and Wood from season 7. Obviously, there's a whole lot more than just the Slayer defending the world, but no one else can really match her firepower.


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Question: I know that in "Fool For Love" Cecily is played by the same actress that plays Halfrek. So, when we see Hallie in "Older and Faraway" and she whispers "William," when she notices Spike, is this directly related to that? I know that names are often changed when becoming a Vengeance demon (example: Aud-Anya), so is Cecily the same character as Halfrek?

Answer: Yes. Rocha confirmed that her characters are the same in an interview.


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Question: What's the name of that website that i was on that had a list of every episode of buffy. I can't find it. Please help me.

Answer: There are several different websites. is one that covers almost all television shows. Google will show many more results.


Chosen answer: From the Watcher's Guide Vol. 2. GILES: "-the house where we're all sleeping. All your friends are there having a wonderful time and getting on with their lives. The creature can't hurt you there." XANDER: "What? Go where? I don't understand." GILES: "Oh, for God's sake, this is no time for your idiotic games." ANYA: "Xander! You have to come with us now! Everybody's waiting for you!" XANDER: "Honey, I don't - I can't hear you..." ANYA: "It's not important. I'll take you there."


Answer: Dawn's experience here was meant to be a teaser for original plotline of season 7, intended to explore Dawn's Key-ness and how it affects her place in the universe now that it's gone. However, when SMG left the show, the writers were forced to pursue a different plotline to give viewers a satisfactory ending. So it was supposed to be Joyce when the episode was written, but subsequent reinterpretation implies that it is actually the First.


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