Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Ogg Couple - S3-E15

Visible crew/equipment: After Egghead dumps Batgirl into the vat of caviar, Egghead, Olga, and the Cossacks attempt to escape, then just as they run out the door, a bit of set lighting equipment (which wasn't in previous shots) is visible at the left side of the screen. (00:22:10)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

How to Hatch a Dinosaur (2) - S3-E9

Visible crew/equipment: While Batman and Robin are in Commissioner Gordon's office Barbara reports the theft of the Neosaurus egg, and when Batman suspects it's connected to the radium theft, he and Robin decide to use the Batcomputer at the Batcave. Just as the Dynamic Duo rush to Gordon's door the camera turns to follow them, and we can see filming equipment at the right side of the screen as it tries to move out of view. (00:09:55)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

How to Hatch a Dinosaur (2) - S3-E9

Visible crew/equipment: After Egghead tells Olga he's planning a three-course meal for the Neosaurus consisting of Batman, Robin, and Batgirl, and for dessert - Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara. Then it cuts to the Batcave as Batman talks about the Bat-geiger, and when the camera moves closer we can see the camera movement's reflection on the windshield, at the bottom right corner of the screen. (00:15:15)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Ogg and I (1) - S3-E8

Visible crew/equipment: At the start, Egghead and the Cossacks ride past two women, and they stop to watch, then when the camera zooms in on them the reflection of the moving boom pole/mic is visible on the glass window, at the top right side of the screen.

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Penguin Declines (3) - S2-E39

Visible crew/equipment: When Batman and Robin bring Venus to the Batcave, just as she says, "It's fabulous," the reflection of the moving boom pole/mic is visible on one of the Bat-computer screens, at the bottom right corner of the screen. As this shot continues, when Robin points out their Bat-radar, a chalk T-mark is visible on the floor near Batman's foot. Then, when Penguin, Joker, and the goons appear, more chalk T-marks are visible on their side of the floor. (00:17:10)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Zodiac Crimes (1) - S2-E37

Visible crew/equipment: After Joker has stolen the map from Commissioner Gordon's office, he rushes to the window and calls for Venus, then just as Joker places his foot onto the lowest ladder rung, we can see a crew member's hand holding the same rung near Joker's foot, at the bottom of the screen. (00:02:05)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

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