Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Hizzonner the Penguin (1) - S2-E17

Other mistake: When Pengy shows up at the Grand Order of Occidental Nighthawks he feigns shock, then as he shoves his umbrella into the vat of sulfuric acid, Penguin moves his arm/hand toward the right to pull out a different umbrella, one that appears destroyed by the acid. (00:22:55)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Curse of Tut (1) - S1-E27

Other mistake: After King Tut's men deliver the statue, it's referred to as a Sphinx. Even Batman says, "Rather good imitation of the 4th Dynasty's Sphinx at Giza." Problem is, the Great Sphinx of Giza is a reclining lion with a human head. The statue in Gotham's park is a ram's head atop a seated human body, resembling Egyptian God Khnum, and looks nothing like the Egyptian Sphinx. Bruce Wayne is a member of Gotham City Museum's Board of Trustees, which recently opened the new exhibit of Egyptian antiquities. (00:10:35)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

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