Super Grover

29th May 2024

Batman (1966)

Batman trivia picture

The Duo Is Slumming (2) - S2-E32

Trivia: At Commissioner Gordon's office, when Batman is checking the package Puzzler had sent, he's using the Bat-stethoscope to listen intently for ticking. Note how the headphone earpieces of the Bat-stethoscope are placed on the pointy bat ears material at the top of Batman's cowl, and not lower where the man's actual ears are located under the cowl. (00:09:40)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

Pop Goes the Joker (1) - S2-E57

Continuity mistake: After Oliver Muzzy congratulates Joker for his magnificent artwork and makes a deal with him, before Joker leaves the gallery he runs his finger across Batman's yellow emblem to sign his red artwork, but at GCPD HQ when they're discussing the matter, Joker's signature is completely different, it's now a capital "J" on Batman's yellow emblem. (00:06:45)

Super Grover

26th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Penguin Declines (3) - S2-E39

Visible crew/equipment: When Venus is at the Batcave, loads of fisticuffs ensue between the Caped Crusaders, Joker, Penguin and all the baddies. While Robin is up on the atomic pile scaffolding he punches one goon off the ladder, then as he falls we can see the edge of the brown crash mat rise up, right before the word "SPLATT!" appears onscreen. (00:20:50)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Thirteenth Hat (1) - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When Batman parks the Batmobile in front of Octave Marbot's studio, Batman tells Robin to activate the vehicle's anti-theft device. Robin is wearing green leather gloves, but in the closeup Robin's green glove is made out of a material (looks like cotton) very different than Robin's gloves. (00:18:15)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Joker's Hard Times (2) - S2-E38

Continuity mistake: At GCPD HQ, when Commissioner Gordon decides to call Batman he removes the Batphone's acrylic dome cover and lifts the red receiver, still holding it when Joker shows up. Then, when Joker announces his next target is Libra the scales, in the next shot from a different angle, the Batphone is now untouched under the acrylic dome, between shots. (00:02:55)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

Scat, Darn Catwoman (2) - S2-E41

Visible crew/equipment: While Batman and Catwoman are at the Batcave the alarm goes off, so Batman activates the Diversionary Batphone Lines gadget, then it cuts to Pat Pending counting his cash, and when Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara storm in, two chalk T-marks are visible on the floor near the bed. (00:12:30)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Joker's Hard Times (2) - S2-E38

Visible crew/equipment: After Joker and his henchmen steal the statue, it cuts to Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara as they recover from their shock paralysis, and when they walk over to Gordon's desk, the wheel of filming equipment is visible at the right side of the screen. (00:04:55)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Joker's Hard Times (2) - S2-E38

Continuity mistake: After Joker enters Commissioner Gordon's office, Gordon and Chief O'Hara walk over to the window, and the Batphone table is behind them, beside Gordon's desk. Then Joker makes two "quick-frozen cops" and runs off to snatch Justice, leaving Gordon and O'Hara immobile. When their shock paralysis wears off, Gordon and O'Hara rush over to Gordon's desk, but the Batphone table and the Batphone have vanished (note the rug's pattern). (00:03:00 - 00:04:55)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Ring of Wax (1) - S1-E23

Visible crew/equipment: Outside Madame Soleil's, when Riddler notices the Batmobile he rushes up to it with Tallow following behind, and the chalk T-mark is visible on the ground at Tallow's feet. As this shot continues, when Tallow warns Riddler about the Batmobile's burglar alarms, the reflection of the boom pole/mic is visible on the glass. (00:19:10)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Joker's Hard Times (2) - S2-E38

Revealing mistake: When Joker pays another visit to Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara, Joker's holding his wand, and in the shots from outside the GCPD office window we can see the wire cable dragging behind Joker, which is attached to the wand and providing its power. During these shots, the actors' small white tape markers are also visible on the rug, beside the Batphone table. (00:03:00)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

Marsha, Queen of Diamonds (1) - S2-E23

Continuity mistake: After Batman has been hit by Marsha's love dart, when Robin pulls the dart out and then begs Batman to resist it, in these semi closeups note Burt Ward's uncovered forearm with his still-healing burn wound. Then, while the Dynamic Duo fight Marsha's sabre wielding goons, Marsha hits Robin with another one of her darts and orders him to attack Batman. When this happens, Burt Ward's forearm now has a compression bandage around the wound. (00:13:55)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

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