Super Grover

10th Apr 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Great Escape (1) - S3-E21

Visible crew/equipment: At the Gotham City Opera House, after the Terrific Trio have taken care of Shame and his men, Calamity Jan and Frontier Fanny show up and spray the heroes with fear gas. When Shame and his gang walk over to Batman, Robin, and Batgirl, a few chalk T-marks are visible on the floor where they will stand. (00:17:45)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

Scat, Darn Catwoman (2) - S2-E41

Visible crew/equipment: While Batman and Catwoman are at the Batcave the alarm goes off, so Batman activates the Diversionary Batphone Lines gadget, then it cuts to Pat Pending counting his cash, and when Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara storm in, two chalk T-marks are visible on the floor near the bed. (00:12:30)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Catwoman Goeth (2) (a.k.a. A Stitch in Time) - S2-E34

Visible crew/equipment: While Batman stands outside the run down factory, the GC rookie officer asks, "Who's Robin?" and both GC officers get back into their patrol car. Then as they drive away the reflection of equipment (looks like the boom pole) becomes visible on the vehicle's rear passenger window. Then it cuts to Batman, and the reflection of the boom pole is visible on the Batmobile's windshield, at the bottom right corner of the screen. (00:12:25)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Hizzonner the Penguin (1) - S2-E17

Visible crew/equipment: At the start, when Penguin rescues a blind vendor in view of a GCPD officer, Penguin claims that the accusation he would molest a minion of the law is inconceivable, then as he pushes the vendor toward the officer, two chalk T-marks are visible on the ground. (00:00:50)

Super Grover

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

16th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Ma Parker (2) - S2-E10

Visible crew/equipment: After Batman and Robin use their infrared eyeglasses on the Parker boys, Batman turns on the emergency generator switch and Legs escapes. Then the Dynamic Duo deliver a bit of exposition, and when they walk over to Ma Parker, their curved chalk marks are visible on the floor behind Robin. (00:22:10)

Super Grover

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