Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Zodiac Crimes (1) - S2-E37

Visible crew/equipment: After Joker has stolen the map from Commissioner Gordon's office, he rushes to the window and calls for Venus, then just as Joker places his foot onto the lowest ladder rung, we can see a crew member's hand holding the same rung near Joker's foot, at the bottom of the screen. (00:02:05)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Penguin Declines (3) - S2-E39

Visible crew/equipment: When Batman and Robin bring Venus to the Batcave, just as she says, "It's fabulous," the reflection of the moving boom pole/mic is visible on one of the Bat-computer screens, at the bottom right corner of the screen. As this shot continues, when Robin points out their Bat-radar, a chalk T-mark is visible on the floor near Batman's foot. Then, when Penguin, Joker, and the goons appear, more chalk T-marks are visible on their side of the floor. (00:17:10)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

Penguin Is a Girl's Best Friend (1) - S2-E42

Visible crew/equipment: While Batman and Robin are at the studio, Harriet and the others from the Gotham City League of Film Decency confront Penguin about scene 12. When Harriet says, "This scene is bursting with other things as well," there's a shot facing Marsha with two other women, and we can see a curved chalk mark at Marsha's feet and a chalk T-mark at the other woman's feet. (00:13:20)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

Smack in the Middle (2) - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: While Riddler is with the unconscious guests at the Moldavian exhibit, in the basement of the Moldavian Pavilion the Mole Hill gang blow up the ceiling to create an entry to the exhibit, on the floor above. They lean two tall ladders at the side of the hole and climb up. When Riddler makes for an escape Batman follows him down below, and now we can see long metal brackets bolting the ladders to the floor for safety. (00:20:20 - 00:22:00)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

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