Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Clock King's Crazy Crimes (1) - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When Clock King steals his favorite painting from the gallery, as he places it through the wall hole note the strips of tape adhered to the paintings back, and its hanging wire near the bottom (it's upside down). In the next shot from the other side of the wall hole, the painting is now turned the opposite way (it's right side up), note the tape strips. (00:16:25)

Super Grover

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

12th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Fine Finny Fiends (1) - S1-E33

Visible crew/equipment: When Batman and Robin enter Penguin's hideout at the South Pier, with Penguin and his goons ready and waiting for them, the duo walk to the table and both of their chalk marks (a bit smudged) are visible on the floor where each stands. Then, when Penguin captures Robin and places him against the wall, another two chalk marks are visible on the floor for each actor. (00:20:40 - 00:22:05)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

While Gotham City Burns (2) - S1-E30

Continuity mistake: While Bookworm is at stately Wayne Manor he hands Aunt Harriet a book, and when she opens it Harriet and Alfred are gassed unconscious. In the next closeup of the rare book encased in glass, its open pages have colorful illustrations, but in the next shot the open pages have only plain text. (00:09:30)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Curse of Tut (1) - S1-E27

Other mistake: After King Tut's men deliver the statue, it's referred to as a Sphinx. Even Batman says, "Rather good imitation of the 4th Dynasty's Sphinx at Giza." Problem is, the Great Sphinx of Giza is a reclining lion with a human head. The statue in Gotham's park is a ram's head atop a seated human body, resembling Egyptian God Khnum, and looks nothing like the Egyptian Sphinx. Bruce Wayne is a member of Gotham City Museum's Board of Trustees, which recently opened the new exhibit of Egyptian antiquities. (00:10:35)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Curse of Tut (1) - S1-E27

Continuity mistake: While Bruce Wayne is lying on a gurney at the back of the ambulance, in the wide shot of Tut's henchmen driving along on the street, there's a rearview mirror on the windshield and a single beacon light on the roof, but in the closeups the rearview mirror is gone and there are two beacon lights on the roof. (00:21:30)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

The Joker Trumps an Ace (1) - S1-E25

Revealing mistake: In Commissioner Gordon's office, when Batman opens Joker's gift the genie figure begins to inflate, and in the overhead shot the stunt's covered air hose is visible at the bottom of the screen. In the next shot Batman pops the figure causing it to deflate, and the wire at the top of the figure's head is visible as it descends. (00:07:05)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

Batman mistake picture

The Ring of Wax (1) - S1-E23

Visible crew/equipment: Outside Madame Soleil's, when Riddler notices the Batmobile he rushes up to it with Tallow following behind, and the chalk T-mark is visible on the ground at Tallow's feet. As this shot continues, when Tallow warns Riddler about the Batmobile's burglar alarms, the reflection of the boom pole/mic is visible on the glass. (00:19:10)

Super Grover

11th Mar 2023

Batman (1966)

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