Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

A Private Little War - S2-E19

Deliberate mistake: After one of the enemy villagers stabs Nona, during the ensuing fight when Kirk does a flying dropkick on a villager, this semi-closeup and the next wide shot are both flipped shots - the leather band is on Kirk's left upper arm, instead of his right. (00:46:15)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

The Gamesters of Triskelion - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: During the final match, while Kirk fights the lone Andorian thrall two things to notice. Kirk's collar of obedience opens up and drops between the two opponents, then when Kirk lifts and flips the Andorian thrall the back of Kirk's black pants are split open in the wide shot. Both the collar and pants are intact in following shots. (00:45:25)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Friday's Child - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: After Maab gives Eleen back her life and forfeits his own life, when Keel throws the kleegat and hits Kras he drops the phaser in the closeup, but in the next long shot the phaser is back up in the Klingon's (stuntman) right hand. (00:45:50)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Friday's Child - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When Kirk's arrow hits Kras it protrudes from his leg, but in the next wideshot as Kras screams and stumbles the arrow is quite gone from his leg, but three shots later the arrow is back in his leg while he tries to pull it out. (00:43:40)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

The Changeling - S2-E3

Visible crew/equipment: When Kirk walks into the brig Spock tells him that Nomad has almost human stubbornness, and that its screens are still up, then just as Kirk moves closer to Nomad the shadow of the moving boom mic is visible at the top, left side of the screen. (00:28:15)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Obsession - S2-E13

Visible crew/equipment: After Garrovick is relieved of his duties, Kirk tells McCoy and Spock to make comments and recommendations in their reports, then Garrovick returns to his quarters. Just as Kirk exits the turbo lift on the bridge, the boom mic is visible at the top, left side of the screen. Then when Kirk apologizes to Scotty, in the next wide shot two pieces of filming equipment are visible at the top of the screen. (00:17:20)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

22nd Feb 2018

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Metamorphosis - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When Spock shows the others the machine which must be put "in the proximity of the Companion", in the closeup Spock's left arm is up on the machine and we see the chair opposite Spock is empty. However, in the next shot Spock's right arm is up by the machine and Kirk is sitting in that chair. (00:22:10)

Super Grover

30th Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Where No Man Has Gone Before - S1-E4

Revealing mistake: After the ship enters the galactic barrier, when Kirk orders "navigation on automatic" there are flashes of light, and in a closeup of the first console just to the left of the main viewscreen, we can see the special effects material spread across the panel below the controls, for the fire to burn when it explodes. Then it cuts to the wideshot as a second console (near Spock's station) blows up, but in the background that first console is intact - no fire/damage whatsoever (it explodes again in a following wideshot). (00:10:00)

Super Grover

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