Super Grover

19th Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

19th Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

11th Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Operation -- Annihilate! - S1-E30

Revealing mistake: While Spock and Kirk discuss the phaser resistant creatures, Kirk declares that it may be a trap and to move out. When one of the flying parasitic creatures attacks Spock, in his first closeup just as Spock turns around we can see the thin wire leading from the creature to the right side of the screen, and the wire also casts a shadow on Spock's uniform. (00:18:10)

Super Grover

11th Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

11th Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

2nd Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Space Seed - S1-E23

Visible crew/equipment: When the landing party are aboard the Botany Bay talking about it being a sleeper ship, Kirk asks if it's possible they're still alive, and as the camera follows Kirk the shadow of the camera/cameraman is visible on the wall, at the right side of the screen. (00:06:25)

Super Grover

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Shore Leave - S1-E16

Visible crew/equipment: While Kirk is with Spock, when Finnegan shows up again Jimmy boy gives in to the chase, then as Finnegan runs and shouts, "Here I am," the shadow of the camera equipment is visible at the bottom right side of the screen, as it follows Finnegan. (00:35:55)

Super Grover

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

The Menagerie (1) - S1-E12

Other mistake: While on Starbase 11, Kirk and McCoy watch Pike on a starbase desktop monitor as his light keeps blinking no. When Kirk is with Mendez in his office discussing the Talos IV top secret file, Piper watches Pike on the desktop monitor in the office. Then Spock uses the monitor in his quarters to watch Kirk. All these monitors have the same dings and markings around their screens, which are also the same as other desktop monitors on Enterprise in the previous episode, The Corbomite Maneuver. (00:11:10)

Super Grover

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

31st Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

The Corbomite Maneuver - S1-E11

Other mistake: When Kirk is in sickbay with McCoy he uses sickbay's desktop monitor to contact Spock on the bridge, then when Kirk is in his quarters he uses his own desktop monitor to contact Spock again. Both have the same paint dings and smudges around the console screens, revealing the same one was used during filming. (00:04:30 - 00:06:30)

Super Grover

28th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Miri - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: When McCoy places the old tricycle down on the ground, the handlebars are facing the right with its wheels facing the left. When McCoy is attacked by the diseased Only, Kirk and Spock subdue him, and as he lies on the ground the tricycle flips over between shots, so the handlebars suddenly end up facing the left. (00:04:30)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Amok Time - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Kirk confronts Spock in his quarters, Kirk asks if it's something only his planet can do for him, then Kirk uses his left hand to grab hold of Spock's arm as he drops the stylus, but in the closeup it's Kirk's right hand holding Spock's arm up, and that stylus is also back in Spock's raised hand. (00:12:25)

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Wolf in The Fold - S2-E14

Visible crew/equipment: After Kirk and Spock place Hengist on the transporter platform to beam out, when McCoy and Scotty join them two white tape marks are visible on the floor. McCoy stands at one tape mark before Kirk begins to describe beaming it out into open space, and Scotty stands at the other tape mark as Kirk realises he'll be going alone to the cafe.

Super Grover

27th Oct 2019

Star Trek (1966)

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