Super Grover

15th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Assignment: Earth - S2-E26

Revealing mistake: After Scotty finally locates Seven on the gantry while he's tampering with the rocket, it cuts to a quick shot of Kirk and Spock, then in the following shot of Roberta when she turns the vault's combination locks, the stunt wire is visible behind her as it moves up to turn the door's wheel handle. (00:35:25)

Super Grover

15th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

11th Nov 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Operation -- Annihilate! - S1-E30

Revealing mistake: While Spock and Kirk discuss the phaser resistant creatures, Kirk declares that it may be a trap and to move out. When one of the flying parasitic creatures attacks Spock, in his first closeup just as Spock turns around we can see the thin wire leading from the creature to the right side of the screen, and the wire also casts a shadow on Spock's uniform. (00:18:10)

Super Grover

30th Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Where No Man Has Gone Before - S1-E4

Revealing mistake: After the ship enters the galactic barrier, when Kirk orders "navigation on automatic" there are flashes of light, and in a closeup of the first console just to the left of the main viewscreen, we can see the special effects material spread across the panel below the controls, for the fire to burn when it explodes. Then it cuts to the wideshot as a second console (near Spock's station) blows up, but in the background that first console is intact - no fire/damage whatsoever (it explodes again in a following wideshot). (00:10:00)

Super Grover

28th Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

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