Super Grover

28th Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

28th Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Mudd's Women - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: During Mudd's hearing Eve's sitting in the chair beside Mudd, but when Kirk states that the hearing is closed and that Mud will be handed over to legal authorities, in the wideshot Eve's chair is empty, but in the next closeup Eve is still sitting in the chair. (00:18:15)

Super Grover

22nd Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When the Thasians restore Yeoman Rand on the bridge she's barefoot, but when Charlie begs Kirk not to let the Thasians take him because he can't live with them anymore, we see Rand wearing a white fluffy slipper (which she wasn't holding when she reappeared), then she's back to being barefoot again. (00:44:42)

Super Grover

22nd Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

Operation -- Annihilate! - S1-E30

Continuity mistake: When Uhura tells Kirk that she's made contact with his private transmitter she's seated at the communications console, with the two overhead screens above her station, beside the turbo lift alcove. Yet after the contact's been broken, when she tells Kirk, "It's impossible at the moment because they stopped broadcasting," in this unusual shot facing Uhura the turbo lift alcove is not behind her - Uhura is actually seated much closer to Spock's station, note the upper section with overhead screens. Then she's properly seated at her station once again.

Super Grover

22nd Mar 2016

Star Trek (1966)

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

The Galileo Seven - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: After Spock tells Boma and Gaetano that he's in command and they should fire only to frighten, not to kill, one of the creatures throws a spear and then his shield at the trio, and when the shield hits the ground it's much smaller than the huge shield lying on the ground in the next close-up. (00:23:15)

Super Grover

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

The Conscience of the King - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: After Kirk introduces himself to Lenore at Leighton's cocktail party, when she tells him, "Karidian is a most unusual man... That was my father," Lenore holds the goblet in her left hand as she takes a sip, but next shot the goblet is suddenly in her right hand as she sips.

Super Grover

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

The Conscience of the King - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: After the phaser explodes in the pressure vent disposal unit, just before Kirk walks into Karidian's quarters there's a crown and board on the table beside Karidian, but when Kirk gives the paper to Karidian for him to read, the board is suddenly on the opposite side of the table, though it has not been touched.

Super Grover

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