
4th Nov 2019

Sheena (1984)

6.8/10. It's not as bad as it seems. It's pretty decent, the type of movie that you watch to relax but not look too deeply into. I would watch it just to laugh knowing it's not good but not as bad as those that win at the Oscars. Tanya Roberts as least tries here in one of her best movies, watch it for the laughs. She's the second best actress from Charlie's Angels behind Shelley Hack in that she tries at least.


4th Nov 2019

Spider-Man (2002)

10/10. My favorite superhero movie. I think it's one of the best all time up there with Superman (1978) and Batman (!989). "You'll believe a man can swing from a web." should've been their tagline, homage to Superman the movie. I found everyone to be great is movie particularly Tobey Maguire's chemistry with Willem Dafoe. You can believe these two as Spiderman and The Green Goblin. I loved every minute, my words can't describe how perfect I felt it was. See it for yourself, you'll love it. Spiderman truly kicked off the modern superhero movie craze not X-Men or Blade. Tobey Maguire shall always be the definitive Spider Man.


7.4/10. A pretty good cheesy B movie and for fans only of this sort of thing. I would recommend you give it a watch because it's amusing in a fun way that modern comedy movies can't achieve. True it's goofy but in a good way.


9.6/10. One of the best revenge pictures of all time. Christina Lindberg plays the character brilliantly as she never speaks but says so much with her face and body language. I compare her performance to Karloff as the monster in Frankenstein. She just plays the role of victim becoming badass so darn good that she may have inspired interpretations of other characters like Ripley, Sarah Connor, and Alice.


9.7/10. The best of the franchise. I love all the Sharknado movies but this one's as close to perfection as you can get. Fin ranks up there with Resident Evil's Alice, Dirty Harry's Harry Callahan, and Aliens Ripley as one of the best bad asses of all. The Asylum's a studio that cares more about product than profit. People should watch this franchise and just relax with this silliness. We need more stuff like this nowadays.


6.8/10. I know we're supposed to cheer Raquel Welch here but I can't, This is one of those almost bad but not quite movies. She's selfish here, the character KC Carr. She dumps her daughter and son on her mother to pursue her dream of being in roller derby. I can only feel sorry for her as this was probably one of the few movies she could get after Myra Breckenridge. Her earlier movie in the 70's, Hannie Caulder, is a better movie and an underrated western. Mother, Jugs, And Speed which came after this was also a better movie. She's also sneaky in using her sexiness to get a spot on a new team, not caring about her alcoholic rival Helena Kallianiotes, or just being a mother and raising her kids instead of pursuing this dream. Still it's worth watching and laughing at its goofiness, even Raquel knows it's not top notch.


8.8/10. A great sci fi pre historic romp here. Raquel Welch is stunning in her film debut with gorgeous scenery as she and John Richardson travel through it, looking, and this is personal opinion here, like Mary and Joseph. I liked the catfight scene between her and Martine Beswick, two lovely ladies. Sure they grunt and don't speak much but this the type of movie where you can see what they're saying by body language more. Love it.


7.8/10. Fun movie which is one of the best Bill Cosby's done. He, as Mother, just steals the movie. I loved the scene him at the burger joint and going on about having mayonnaise on his burger. Raquel Welch's also great as Jugs, she plays the character as a strong woman who has her vulnerable moments such as when she couldn't save a woman from dying after giving birth. The standoff at the ambulance company is a mix of humor and drama well done.


15th Oct 2019

Nightmare Sisters (1988)

9.6/10. Best movie ever made by Brinke Stevens, Michelle Bauer, and Linnea Quigley as a trio. They just ooze charm as a trio of unsuspecting sorority girls who become possessed by a succubus. I found it well paced, funny with the right amount of gore in it. Brinke is the one who really runs with it, she just seems to be really enjoying herself as if to say " Hey this is really goofy fun and I love it." Granted they use some stereotypes here in playing the characters but I never found them offensive nor should anyone else. If you like scream queens of B movies you'll love this one, perfect.


15th Oct 2019

America 3000 (1986)

9.5/10. A great post apocalyptic movie with Laurene Landon. The scenery's lovely as it was filmed in Israel. I found it quite amusing. It's never dull, great pacing and story with acting well done. The characters of Korvus and Vena mesh well together. Scenes like Korvus discovering the bunker and especially the final battle are great. Watch it, you'll love it, trust me.


9.8/10. Perfect family movie. I absolutely adore this movie, Bob Hoskins was great. He should've won the Oscar, I'm not joking. The perfect blend of live action and animation all time. The book served as great inspiration. I loved hearing Charles Fleischer as Roger, funny guy. Christopher Lloyd was perfect as was Kathleen Turner. Kids will love it as well as their parents.


15th Oct 2019

Wonder Woman (2017)

3.5/10. Oh what a mess this movie is. The plot should've been tightened like slicing the fat off a piece of ham. Gal Gadot is playing the character without any real sense of who the character is, just reading lines dully as if she's only doing it for the money. Connie Nielson is barely older looking than her and shouldn't be here, she's lifeless as Hippolyta. Robin Wright is a joke, constantly stealing scenes as if to be the best part of the movie. Chris Pine acts like a wuss whereas Elene Anaya as Doctor Poison as least puts in the best effort and is the movie's best actor.


9.9/10. My favorite of the franchise. Here Alice is in full bad ass mode running about the empty city trying to rescue the scientist and his daughter in order to escape. I like how paced it is with the city looking like it's straight out of the games, with a foreboding look. Milla Jovovich is well rounded here as Alice kicking butt be it zombie or human. The design of Nemesis is great, looks like straight out of a nightmare. I feel it's underrated more people should give it I think it's more well rounded than Resident Evil: Extinction. A great movie period.



8.8/10. A pretty funny movie, show Uma Thurman can do comedy. I really like the idea of paying back a pompous person who knows nothing about something. Here Jeffrey Morgan shows his character's playful side in pretending to be married to her. They have this nice chemistry together that makes you like them, see them as a couple.


14th Oct 2019

Baby Mama (2008)

0/10. Why do they keep shoving movies of bad former SNL cast members in our faces? This movie alone vindicates Dan Quayle's warning about the dangers of single motherhood and the absence of fathers. I believe this movie was made in pure spite by people who hate having kids or they hate people with kids. Comedy is an art not an excuse for every vulgarity a person can think up and pass off as funny. I believe both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, who're mothers should've thought twice before doing this movie. Scenes like a character's water breaking on a sidewalk like she's peeing is gross. Yes the candy bar in the pool scene in Caddyshack was gross but it was a quick visual joke that didn't dominate the movie. These characters are morally repugnant, gross, and immature. Nobody should like them but probably do in this coarse culture of ours. Quote Roger Ebert: I hated this movie, hated it, hated every simpering, stupid, vacant, audience insulting moment of it.


14th Oct 2019

Below the Belt (1980)

6.2/10. A movie that tries being serious, tries the underdog status before Rocky existed. It fails here as I couldn't believe Jane O'Brien, an actual wrestler and the real star of the movie, would have trouble beating up the challenger, Regina Baff, who's barely 5 feet tall and barely over 100 lbs. I hated them playing the funky sounding choir music, found it unnecessary. I also couldn't believe how shallow/one note most of the characters were like Sierra Pecheur's Verne Vavoom, claiming she felt safe on the road having wrestled since age 17 and here she is at age 42 or so. I really hated Regina Baff's Rosa Rubinsky, just a whiner who couldn't smile and only got where she was because some promoter found her impressive wielding off a drunk, as if that's hard. The book, To Smithereens, made her more interesting, true, a laid back type but that character had more depth and more fun to be around. Jane O'Brien's Terrible Tommy gets dumbed down to the cliched bully who's against the heroine for no reason. I compare their match to Fabulous Moolah vs Wendi Richter for old school vs new school and lack of skills and the dream match of Penny Banner vs Trish Stratus, an actual pro who could tear apart an untalented bimbo. This movie's so bad you watch it to laugh at how bad it is. I certainly do.


9.5/10. The second best women's wrestling movie behind All The Marbles. The movie's a fun, silly romp, perfect for Friday or Saturday night viewings. If you expect it to be serious well you'll be disappointed as the movie doesn't take itself serious which is good. Mimi Lesseos, despite her mistakes on not denouncing the poor choices she made resulting in her single motherhood, is the real star here. She's the world champion who fears being pushed aside for the younger Jan Mackenzie who aims to follow her dream of being a wrestler, all while having a relationship with Mimi's boyfriend. The best ending to a fight movie I've seen happens here, it's great movie, watch it and just relax.


14th Oct 2019

Desert Hearts (1985)

9.7/10. The best lesbian movie ever made. Actually I felt the movie didn't focus on being gay, rather it focused on the complexities of being either a person with trust issues or having one night stands. Helen Shaver and Patricia Charbonneau are great, they have good chemistry, deliver every line perfectly with the kind of skill you'd expect from top actors. I never once felt the movie was a gay gripe session like too many nowadays are. The harshest line was when Patricia angrily said she wouldn't let the world change her, a good line for how some gay people probably felt in the stuffy social structure of the country in the 50's.The world here has changed,I think,for the better regarding gay people.Too many people think of them as degenerates just because of a few rotten apples among them.The movie also showed subtle changes going on with the lead characters.Helen's shown going from frigid,uptight,and not trusting someone who shows interest in her to more warm,kind,and loving.Patricia's is a wild,carefree,partying type who matures and focuses on being with one person in an actual relationship.They both blossom like flowers in spring here.If anything,the love scene was the climax of their friendship becoming a relationship.Both Patirica Charbonneau and Helen Shaver should've won awards for this movie.They also should've gotten grown in star power after this. I fully recommend this movie,it's a timeless cult classic.


9.7/10. A great sports movie that's underrated with great chemistry between Peter Falk, Vicki Frederick, and Laurene Landon. It's one of those that should be watched and appreciated for its effort at telling a good story in the world of women' wrestling. I found it almost perfect and engaging,never dull. Yeah it copies Rocky some but a lot of movies at the time did. The wrestling scenes are great with the action well paced and perfectly coordinated. The ladies were trained by Mildred Burke herself. I wish the sequel had been made, could've been just as good. A lot of people and critics complained about it mainly Siskel and Ebert. They just failed to understand the story which saw this tag team, The California Dolls,struggling to get a tag team title shot with their manager.It showed the trials and tribulations some athletes have to endure to achieve success.Vicki and Laurene were dynamic,playing off each other and Peter well,like an actual family.If anything,this movie hit all the right notes from beginning to end,doing everything right.I wish more movies of today cared about the product not just the profit,this one's a fine example of people caring about quality. Just everything was well done, nothing was over the top or under. I recommend the movie very much and wish people would give it a fair shot.


14th Oct 2019

Jawbreaker (1999)

9.4/10. I really like this dark comedy. I ignored Rose McGowan, whiner. I really thought the movie belonged to Judy Greer and Rebecca Gayheart, They were perfect, one of the best to end the 90's with its dry wit about high school mainly the ones in California which is where this took place I think. Jawbreaker could also have been a metaphor for how some people pretend to be someone's friend only to crush them underfoot at any given moment. It's great, watch it.


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