
8.4/10. A fun watch.This is the perfect of a goofy 80's B-movie. Christina Whitaker, Elizabeth Kaitan, Tammie Souza, and Eddie Deezen are fun here. It's a lot better than some of the comedies back then. Forget the female buddy one,9 to 5, this one offers up the woman friendship better. I would say its wise that the movie knows its limitations and doesn't go beyond them, A screwball comedy that should satisfy fans of B-movies mainly those of the 80's.


-30/10.This title sums up Jolie's career perfectly.It's nothing a sensible movie audience wouldn't enjoy seeing happen this hack's career. We've been subjected to her bad acting for twenty or more years. She couldn't have made it without her father's name and she knows it. Just another lousy action movie to try and convince us she can act.


7.7/10. Not as good as the original due to the violence and sex being toned down. It's sometimes goofy enough to be like the Batman TV show of the 60's. Still it's another pretty good B movie and good watch. Joan Severance does well here too as does Sherrie Rose as Aftershock. A pretty good sympathetic villain as she only wanted to make things better for the city but due corruption and miscalculations, it backfires on her. Highly recommended like its predecessor.


8.9/10. A fun romantic comedy with the underrated Kristy Swanson.I liked the fairy tale aspect of it since she's so charming. A good watch.


8th Dec 2021

Santa's Slay (2005)

6.7/10. An unusual horror comedy with Santa being evil. Bill Goldberg's presence here definitely sells the movie. I couldn't imagine anyone else doing the role other than him. Amusing that no parents protested this whereas they protested 1984's Silent Night Deadly Night which didn't push the lead as the real Santa like this movie does. It's an amusing watch.


6th Dec 2021

Welcome to Me (2014)

5.5/10.This one had the potential to be good yet it came up short. Kristen Wiig showed potential here, even standing up to Joan Cusack's acting. Still it's kind of a bust with that limo scene and how it feels more like a one woman stand up show for Wiig. One of those in between good and bad movies.


5th Dec 2021

Murphy's Law (1986)

9.5/10. An underappreciated movie of Charles Bronson's. He, as Det Jack Murphy, is like an older version of Harry Callahan, world weary and bitter. The chemistry between him and Kathleen Wilhoite as Arabella works pretty good, one of the best I've seen alongside Adam Sandler with Winona Ryder in Mr Deeds. Carrie Snodgrass, as Joan Freeman, is pretty good, maybe one of the better movie villains of not just the 80's but one of the best I've ever seen. She just has a great presence about her like Cate Blanchett in Hanna and Kate Winslet in Divergent. I highly recommend this one.


9.4/10. A pretty good movie adaptation of a pretty good book. I never once felt manipulated contrary to what some critics said. It's pretty good, showing the love of two young people affected by different types of cancer, meeting as if it were already pre-ordained by the stars of fate. Shailene Woodley's performance is rightly praised.


3rd Dec 2021

Point of Impact (1993)

8.9/10. A pretty good action/adventure/mystery/romance movie. This forgotten gem of the early 90's is a good one with Barbara Carrera who's an actress that always delivers no matter how weak the material may be. Admittedly it's one of my favorite movies of hers as I feel she owns it despite being the co-star. Michael Pare's a pretty OK lead, not bad but I feel Barbara owns the movie. They also have one of the best and most intense love scenes I've ever seen in a movie.


7.8/10. The weakest one and by now you can see Mike Myers has gotten tired of the character. This is a shame because the story's solid with the likes of Michael Caine as Nigel Powers, a good choice by the way. The weak link is having Beyonce in there, she's a terrible actress.


9.7/10. My favorite of the franchise. Here it just flows smoothly like water down a stream. The new characters, of Mini Me and Fat Bastard bring more comedic gold to it. Mike Myers as Austin Powers is at his peak in the franchise. I can even stand Heather Graham in one of those rare times.


9.5/10. A pretty good start to this franchise as Mike Myers shows his creative genius along with the best leading lady of the franchise, Elizabeth Hurley. A real fun spoof of James Bond that also spoofs Mission Impossible, ridiculous 60's beliefs, and is just plain fun.


23rd Nov 2021

The Proposal (2009)

2.7/10. If not for Sandra Bullock this could've worked. Right, like they won't go to jail for trying to commit citizen fraud. Ryan Reynolds looks uncomfortable throughout this mess. I still loathe Betty White who's not funny.


9.4/10. A nice romantic comedy by my favorite Friday the 13th director Tom McLoughlin. I found it nice along with funny as Emmanuelle Beart and Michael Knight had good chemistry. Phoebe Cates going against type as the spoiled rich girl worked pretty well. Granted this under performed but it's still darn better than a lot of the junk they claim is better. I would recommend this very much to anyone who wants something that's unknown and small time. I consider it great for sometimes, the unknown and unsuccessful movies are a lot better than the more popular ones. That and Emmanuelle Beart is so strikingly beautiful.


5.7/10. An okay movie meant for late night watching on Fridays or Saturdays. Basinger seems to do OK here as she doesn't have much else outside of this,9 And 1/2 Weeks, and Batman worth watching.


6.3/10. Maybe not the best Scooby Doo cartoon but way better than Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get A Clue. A few decent episodes in this one.


19th Nov 2021

Swamp Thing (1982)

8.3/10. A well done comic book movie by horror master Wes Craven. His genius is missed. It's still pretty good and one that's faithful to its source material. I would call it one of the better attempts at bringing a lesser known comic book character to life alongside the likes of Howard The Duck, Sheena, and Red Sonja. Another must watch if you like comic book movies.


19th Nov 2021

Whip It (2009)

2.1/10. It had potential yet it fell short.The best actress here was stuntwoman turned actress Zoe Bell. Ellen Page wasn't great but not bad. The same goes for Kristen Wiig who seems afraid to try a lot of the time.It seems to have lifted it's plot from a mix of Raquel Welch's Kansas City Bomber plus Rocky plus the original The Bad News Bears.I would consider it one of those "So bad it's good to watch and laugh movies."


18th Nov 2021

Death Wish II (1982)

9.2/10. A grittier sequel that succeeds its predecessor. The Death Wish franchise only got better there with this entry as Charles Bronson's Paul Kersey now prowls LA's rough streets looking for his daughter's killers. I liked the atmosphere and Mr Bronson delivers another solid performance.


18th Nov 2021

Death Wish (1974)

9.1/10.The beginning of a great franchise.Charles Bronson is a man's man and a true gentleman of the big screen. I liked the subtle social commentary put in. It addresses how ethnicity shouldn't matter, all criminals should be stopped. If they want to risk their lives against police and armed private citizens then they've signed their own death wishes. Bronson as Paul Kersey sees the light after his wife dies and his daughter's attacked. I would easily put this on par with Dirty Harry.


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