
30th Sep 2020

Man of the House (2005)

3.5/10.One of those so bad it's amusing to watch.Just seeing the buffoonery of this cast is priceless alone.Tommy Lee Jones looks miserable as he knows this movie is bad as does Anne Archer.Cedric the entertainer, as usual, does his usual routine of trying to steal every scene he's in.I found all five of the cheerleaders insufferable especially Monica Keena and Vanessa Ferlito.They made watching paint dry look interesting.It's still one of those so bad it's good to watch movies like Below The Belt and Wonder Woman.


30th Sep 2020

Halloween: H20 (1998)

9.5/10.A well done ending to the original Halloween franchise.I view it as a trilogy: Halloween (1978), Halloween 2 (1981), Halloween:20 Years Later (1998). I view it as pretty good as it maintains the quality and standards of its two predecessors.The paranoia of Jamie Lee Curtis' Laurie Strode is excellently portrayed as she's been in this state of fear and living a nightmare for 20 years.I would say it was a great idea on Ms Curtis' part as she came up with the idea for this movie.Michael Myers finally meets his end in a good fitting way, Laurie finally freed of his omnipresence.It works well and is a great watch.


30th Sep 2020

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

9.5/10.The crossover horror fans had been dreaming of come to life.Freddy Krueger fighting Jason Voorhees is the wet dream of every horror fan who loves both these franchises.I would say the only two problems are the few kills Freddy gets and Monica Keena.Oh how I hated her.She wasn't believable, didn't really do anything heroic, has stated she did this movie to pad her resume.Katherine Isabelle was better as she should've gotten the lead because she'd done horror with the Ginger Snaps franchise and thus understood the genre.Still Robert Englund and Ken Kirzinger were brilliant as Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees.I would say this was the best swan song for Robert Englund playing Freddy for the last time.I would've preferred CJ Graham to play Jason Voorhees again but Ken Kirzinger did a good job.It's still a good horror movie.


9.4/10.A great crossover with the explanation of the Aliens bred for the Predators to fight.I would say it could challenge Freddy vs Jason as one of the best crossover movies of all time.The scene of the predator accepting Sanaa Lathan was chilling.He seemed like he might kill her but instead regards her with respect as a fellow warrior to help kill the alien queen.I don't get the dislike here as they, like Freddy vs Jason, hit all the right notes.I guess some people are just hard to please.


30th Sep 2020

101 Dalmatians (1961)

9.2/10.One of my two favorite Disney movies from my youth.Here it's Disney animation and storytelling at its best.I would definitely call it an almost perfect movie.I can remember watching it often twice in one day.If anything it's one of my fond memories from childhood.This is still the superior version over the live action version, at least to me anyway.


29th Sep 2020

TMNT (2007)

8.9/10.A well crafted CGI movie that brings the turtles back onto the big screen.The idea of catching all the famous monsters of the world by an immortal warrior with stone generals with both the turtles and Foot makes for a good popcorn time.If anything I would've enjoyed a sequel where director Kevin Munroe was set to revive Shredder and do the turtles most famous storyline "City At War."It would've been great had this one not underperformed.Sometimes I think the viewing public can be so boneheaded as to what they make blockbuster hits.


-60/10.In a nutshell a wedding planner falls for a client's fiance, some stuff happens to fill out the hour running time, she lands him in the end.Now that's called a romantic comedy, I call it junk.Both Jennifer Lopez and Mathew McConaughey matched each other in really bad acting.


29th Sep 2020

Monster-in-Law (2005)

-60/10.If anyone needed to be kept off the big screen it would be Jane Fonda.Who would ever want to see this pain in the butt is beyond me.Here she's paired up with Jennifer Lopez, whose own acting skills are easily outsized by her butt.I would call this a special kind of bad, as in so bad that all dvd and blu ray copies should taken out and burned.It's one of those that can't and shouldn't be salvaged.


29th Sep 2020

The Punisher (2004)

8.3/10.A pretty good comic book movie here.I only found Jon Travolta's presence annoying.Thomas Jane captures the character well.Heck even, Rebecca Romijn, works well here too.I thought it pretty good, excellent storytelling with the right amount of action.


29th Sep 2020

Striptease (1996)

6.6/10.An interesting Demi Moore movie.I wouldn't call it good but I wouldn't call it bad either.Rather it sits in the middle like one of those B movies that could've almost broken into the A level.Demi shows some pretty good acting skills considering she plays a stripper getting as nude as possible most of the time.Burt Reynolds performance was a mix of interesting and annoying.I found him a hoot.Suffice it to say watch it even if you find the plot weak mainly to see Demi do some pretty good dancing and stripping.


5.5/10.I wouldn't call this a good movie nor a decent one.It's okay at best due to it mocking the supposedly great Mr And Mrs Smith.I find it amusingly bad with hints it's trying.Gal Gadot does actually try here despite being one of the more recently over exposed actresses with an acting range of bland.Despite being with Cohen,Isla Fisher's pretty okay.I found the best scene the dressing room scene,sole purpose to show off Gadot in skimpy underwear.I didn't care for the subtle jabs at suburban middle class couples as well as not so subtle gripes about Abu Ghraib.Let's face it,some people don't deserve to be treated decently,not when they attack our country or other democratic ones.I could've lived without this Hollywood gripe.Heck it would've been a lot better if it were about a suburban couple helping a married couple of ex spies adjust to normal life.Still it's an okay watch despite being a bad movie.Yes, I watched and laughed,but only at how lame it seemed to be,especially at Gadot,whose days are numbered.Once Blunder Woman's done,she can look forward to doing more clunkers like this unless she can sing okay like that one trick pony Lynda Carter.It's one of those that tried harder than what it should've and that only adds to how really "so bad it's good to watch and laugh at"it turns out to be.Still,all this said,it's a heck of a lot better than the Pitts movie Mr & Mrs Smith.


29th Sep 2020

Spy Hard (1996)

8.9/10.Yet another well done performance by Mr Leslie Nielsen.Here he spoofs the spy genre excellently with a superb performance.It's also the only time I could tolerate Nicollete Sheridan in anything, the eye candy of Desperate Housewives.Mr Nielsen was truly one of the best of comedy, here he's still got it as Dick Steele aka WD-40 fighting Andy Griffith, your run of the mill evil General Rancor.It's great.


29th Sep 2020

Just My Luck (2006)

-20/10.An interesting premise that falls flat because of its leading lady.Why they picked this cokeheaded waste of an actress is beyond me. Chris Pine does some darn good acting here by falling for her.Somebody should've long since told Lindsay Lohan to quit acting and get a regular job.


8.9/10.I'm not a fan of Beavis and Butthead's TV show yet this movie had a charm about it.Granted it was dopey at times like the FBI thinking the duo was in on a bio weapon theft plot but it worked. Mike Judge did pretty good here with Bruce Willis and his would be ex wife Demi Moore.The whole movie is truly something to watch for an adult audience.


29th Sep 2020

Maid in Manhattan (2002)

-50/10.So far this is as generous as I've gotten on really bad movies which deserve negative ratings like this one. It's bad, I mean bad.Jennifer Lopez as Marisa Ventura, a single mother working in a New York hotel lands Ralph Fiennes as Christopher Marshall, a politician.That's the plot in a nutshell.The problems I can mention are:1. This story was done before, mostly notably as Cinderella, a timeless fairy tale and Disney animated movie.2.The title here is ripped off from a Vanessa Del Rio porno of the 80's,3.Most importantly, Jennifer Lopez is thoroughly unlikable.True she's fairly good looking but looks carry someone only so far.The hardest thing to believe is a politician marrying someone's hired help instead of keeping her on the side?Yeah right.I'm not sure what's worse:This lame idea or Hollywood expects their movies audiences to keep swallowing this trite no matter how many times they do it.Truthfully the movie could've been saved by hiring someone else to play the role instead of obnoxious diva Lopez.


29th Sep 2020

Serial Mom (1994)

-30/10.Just what's funny here? That hack actress Kathleen Turner's compulsive mother character is a killer who kills for whatever the reason? This touched a raw nerve with me as she seemed to be OCD and I'm that too. I've gotten mad at people like my mother when they do things they know I'd hate like putting things that had been outside under my bathroom sink, my mother's big on Covid 19 paranoia.Here Beverly Sutphin is just one of the most reprehensible characters ever thought up.Clearly the writer had mother issues so he thought it'd be real funny to write a comedy where a mother's a serial killer.Ha, ha, comedy gold.If anyone thinks this is great comedy then they're to be pitied.


-70/10.Oh goody the latest anti American movie that wins big at the fraudulent Oscars.They might as well have said the Cold War was unnecessary, the Soviets weren't our enemy we were because of our paranoia.Sally Hawkins, one of the homeliest women ever to be in movies, plays the lead of Elisa Esposito.A mute woman who falls in love with a shameless ripoff of Universal's The Gill Man who takes her away in the end like Darryl Hanah did with Tom Hanks in Splash.Anyone who called this garbage a classic is either a brown noser or delusional.I found nothing positive here in this anti American pro beastiality junk fest.


29th Sep 2020

Movie 43 (2013)

-40/10.What a frustrating mess of a movie.They've got some good talent here with Anna Faris, Uma Thurman, Chloe Grace Moretz, Naomi Watts, and Chris Evans.Yet what they lack is a script.Sketches about a guy with genitals on his chin, a guy's girl wanting him to defecate on her, this isn't funny, it's lousy.I fail to find anything funny here especially the worst, for me, sketch wise, the home schooling one.I was home schooled because the public schools were awful where I live.Here it's supposed to be funny that his parents torture him like it's actual high school?Whoever wrote this should be kicked out of script writing for all eternity.


-40/10.Possibly one of the biggest deceitful acts ever pulled in the world of sports.An old man playing someone young to be his daughter.It's long since been suspected Riggs threw the match to Jean to pay off debts to the mob.He was too old and out of shape and he knew it.She was also lousy in cheating her manager/lover out of money owed to her then fired her.Both Emma Stone and Steve Carrell are lousy in most movies they do, this is just another stinker for them both.


28th Sep 2020

Malabimba (1979)

7.2/10.An erotic Italian horror movie version of The Exorcist.This is both bad and good.Bad in the sense Italian cinema couldn't think up their own idea.They appeared to have ripped off the said American classic and merely inserted in erotic scenes.Good in the sense that in the setting of a castle estate somewhere in a private part of Italy it feeds into the isolation and dread.Marinangela Giordano as Sister Sofie and Katell Laennec as Bimba Caroll do well here.The love scene between them seems more genuine than most at the time in erotic movies were.


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