
9. 6/10. The second greatest adaption of Sherlock Holmes' greatest story. Pete Cushing is pure genius here as the world's greatest detective with Christopher Lee as Sir Henry Baskerville and Andre Morell as Dr John Watson. The atmosphere is just as chilling as the 1939 version was. It seems as if terror's ready to strike from around every corner at our heroic duo. Hammer Studios does an excellent job with their own take on literature's most famous detective in his most famous story.


9. 6/10. My third favorite of the franchise. I liked his look here. My three favorite Jason designs:Part 6, Part 3, Part 7. This was an interesting idea having him go against a telekinetic. I liked the idea only I hated the lead, Lar Park Lincoln. She couldn't act and didn't look like she was comfortable being there. Meanwhile you've got two better actresses who should've gotten the role. Diane Barrows who played the cliched nerdy girl and Susan Sullivan playing the cliched rich snotty girl. I loathed Lincoln who was thrust upon us. Whereas Sullivan looked like she got it and seemed to be having fun being there. Kane Hodder debuts here and he doesn't disappoint. If anything, he's become the favorite of all the Jasons for the franchise's fans and I can see why. The sleeping bag kill scene's great even though I prefer the kill where he uses a motorized saw on the character Dr Crews. Truly a good entry despite having the second worst heroine of the franchise.


3rd Apr 2021

Nell (1994)

9. 5/10. A masterpiece of cinema. Jodie Foster delivers a brilliant performance here with Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson. She plays the title role of a recluse living in the woods with a childlike innocence, rarely done right nowadays. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd won awards for this role. Nell seems almost like she never stopped looking at the world and people like a child would. It's like Carrie White became a recluse in the woods and forgot all about the outside world. Nell here is at peace, content with her simplistic existence. She seems to teach more to the scientists that Neeson and Richardson play than what they teach her. A beautiful, forgotten movie of the 90's.


3rd Apr 2021

The Beastmaster (1982)

8. 3/10. A fun adventure romp of the 80's. I liked the chemistry between Marc Singer's Dar and Tanya Robert's Kiri. They seemed to gel perfectly together. Yes I've seen the showering scene, one of the more memorable scenes of 80's movies. John Amos was a nice touch, good actor.


3rd Apr 2021

Spiders (2000)

6. 4/10. An amusing giant spider movie mixed with Alien. It was made even more amusing by the lead, pretty good, being Lana Parrilla. The Wicked Queen of Once Upon A Time being menaced by giant spiders made it even more enjoyable.


8. 5/10. A pretty amusing movie directed by and starring Gene Wilder. The man was a comedic legend who knew how to be funny unlike today's hacks. Kelly Lebrock seems to be enjoying herself here as does Gilda Radner. I found the concept of a married man pursuing the woman of his dreams is amusing, We've all felt like that maybe which makes this movie all the more interesting. Wilder plays things perfectly, showing his creative and comedic genius nicely.


3rd Apr 2021

Scream (1996)

6. 2/10. A decent start to this franchise. I find it OK, would'v been better without Jamie Kennedy as I absolutely detested his character. Hance why I cheered when he died in Scream 2. Neve Campbell was easily the best actor of the whole cast, this movie really jump started her career as an actress for at least 5-6 years. If people think it's the best of the bunch, that's their right. I found it pretty OK while preferring Scream 2 more.


2nd Apr 2021

Scream 3 (2000)

5. 8/10. Possibly the worst of the franchise. This mostly stems from the absence of Neve Campbell who was filming Drowning Mona and Panic that same year. Yeah she committed to movies that sound more like art house movies that nobody's ever heard of. I also blame Wes Craven here as, brilliant as he is, he couldn't just wait for her to become more available. No he just focused more on David Arquette and Courtney Cox. Let's face it, he's an OK actor, she's an annoying pest from one of the most overhyped and overrated shows of the 90's-early 2000's. I would say though the idea of an older half brother's not bad, it's just not well executed here. Fan fiction about him was better written and well done. Watch this one if just to laugh at its underwhelming execution.


2nd Apr 2021

Scream 2 (1997)

7. 9/10. The best of the franchise. If anything, this one's script showed it capable of having the right mix of suspense and terror down, much better than its predecessor. I liked the idea of it taking place on a college campus as there's lots of places for a killer to spring out of onto a victim. Neve Campbell delivers here, in what I felt was the best performance she gave of the character in the franchise. Clearly she's made the character stronger since the last one and has the right mix of inner strength with vulnerability, The two killers themselves were more interesting here, with the latter one, Mrs Loomis, having that always great motive of avenging her child. If I were asked which of the four Scream movies were the best I'd strongly recommend the second one.


1/10. The only reason this gets a one is because I felt generous. This show was nothing more than a further indictment of the white working middle class. Hal's a sissy mary, bossed around by his wife and over run by his sons. Lois is a loud mouthed shrew with a mean disposition and a martyr complex, like my mother. Francis is a slacker with no ambition in life with a clueless wife who looks like she married him to immigrate legally here. Reese is a moron hell bent on staying on the lower end of the spectrum with an apparent desire for chaos. Dewey's a hyper active brat with no need to be there other than as the youngest. The worst character though is Malcolm. Man, when does he ever display any signs of being a genius? So what if he can remember a lot of complicated things and do things more advanced above his age range? He hardly seems to show and use good judgement. I also hated how they had his friend Stevie represent four groups:black, nerd, wheelchair bound, and asthmatic. This show, in general, kept alive the idea that the family is nothing more than a big joke.


27th Mar 2021

Sisters (2015)

-60/10. Why oh why do they keep doing this? Why do studios keep throwing Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at us? Do they really think we find these failures of SNL funny? Here the plot's irrelevant, it only serves to set up the ridiculous jokes and gags they try to pull off.


27th Mar 2021

Hard to Kill (1990)

9. 4/10. My favorite Steven Seagal movie. Here, with his ex wife Kelly LeBrock, he delivers the best performance as a kick butt police detective, Mason Storm. This was way before shows like Law and Order:SVU tried shamelessly having fifth rate bland actors play tough guys. Here Seagal shows his ability quite well. LeBrock delivers nicely as the brave, sexy nurse who helps him in his quest for justice and revenge on a ruthless politician.


8. 9/10. A fun little romp out of early 90's Disney. It's unfortunately not recognized as being top notch among their many animated movies of back then. I regard it as a staple of my childhood alongside 101 Dalmatians and The Great Mouse Detective. If you liked the classic Ducktales animated series then you should definitely buy this. Trust me, it's well worth it. The kid in me still enjoys it.


22nd Mar 2021

Paul (2011)

3. 3/10. Oh what goes wrong when personal views get in the way of creativity. Paul could've been great, could've been one great mix of sci fi and comedy. Instead it's a blend of vulgar language, drugs usage, stereotypes of Christians and flat out mockery of religion. I only have this to laugh at how bad it is. It sits on one of my three shelves for movies labeled "So Bad They're Amusing To Watch And Laugh At. "


19th Mar 2021

Haywire (2011)

8.9/10. The first movie Gina Carano ever did. I found her pretty good, maybe not great but she was trying, who's perfect in their first movie? Audiences may have hated it which is a pity because I consider it superior to those dopey Jason Bourne movies starring that mega bozo Matt Damon. I just like several of Gina Carano's movies, this was the first one I ever saw and it still holds up well.


16th Mar 2021

Hot in Cleveland (2010)

0/10. Oh how they get desperate on television. Hot In Cleveland was nothing more than a shameless, blatant ripoff the beloved sitcom, The Golden Girls (1984-1992). If anything, all this show did was revive the careers of three has beens and one never was. Betty White naturally got the best lines as if hearing crud coming from the mouth of an 80 something year old is funny. Wendi Malick honestly thinks she can be a flirt like Blanche was, instead this leftover putz from Just Shoot Me is merely playing a poor man's version of the character. Jane Leeves is here only because Peri Gilpin, more than likely, turned it down. Then there's Valerie Bertinelli. Ooh boy she's the one who's coasted the longest on having done nothing. Beyond that lame forgettable TV show One Day At A Time and being married to Eddie Van Halen, what's she ever done worth watching? This sitcom was nothing more than a ripoff of The Golden Girls mixed with complaints about the youth market in Hollywood and cliched worn out jokes on still being hot and desirable in your 40's and beyond. Watch only to see glimpses of Susan Lucci, a really beautiful at any age and still talented actress' guest appearances.


15th Mar 2021

Deadpool 2 (2018)

9. 5/10. A pretty strong sequel. I liked the idea of Deadpool trying to move on past Vanessa's death. He found purpose in protecting Russell Collins, a young mutant from Cable. I found the additions of Josh Brolin as Cable and Zazie Beetz as Domino to be major pluses. They each brought a uniqueness you rarely see in many supporting characters. If anything, I'd lobby for them to be brought back for Deadpool 3. A nice ending with humor in it as Vanessa's brought back and will hopefully be in the next sequel. I also wish for Gina Carano to return as Angel Dust.


15th Mar 2021

Gattaca (1997)

6. 9/10. A pretty decent sci fi movie. All Ethan Hawke wants to do is go to Mars despite his health not being notch. I would definitely say it's an underrated sci fi movie of the 90's just like The Fifth Element. It seemed like it was subtly saying man must try to push himself hard if he wishes to obtain his dream which is out of reach. Uma Thurman, Jude Law, Loren Dean, and Gore Videl are pretty good here.


10th Mar 2021

Deadpool (2016)

9. 7/10. Easily one of the best movies of 2016. It shows Deadpool at his best courtesy of Ryan Reynolds. He's perfect as the character just Christopher Reeve as Super-Man and Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man. The whole movie was well paced, thought out, not some cash grab like say X-Men Origins:Wolverine. Here it takes its time in explaining his background, his motives, what he feels he lost out on. The addition of Gina Carano as Angel Dust was a nice touch, I wish they'd bring her back if they do Deadpool 3.


10th Mar 2021

Red Riding Hood (2011)

7. 8/10. I'll admit this may not be everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't make it bad. If anything the movie comes across as an almost real life story that inspired the Brothers Grimm tale we all know. I liked Amanda Seyfried and Gary Oldman's performances as they were both excellent. If anything, the idea of being the daughter of a werewolf almost beckons back the good old days of Universal and Hammer horror movies.


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