
8th Jul 2021

Monster Hunter (2020)

9. 7/10. An excellent movie, the fifth one made by Paul and Milla Anderson. Here the idea of mercenaries fighting all these bad ass looking monsters in the desert is a good idea. I can only assume the critics dislike of it is because they hate every movie based on a video game and almost everything fun. Milla does pretty good as Capt Artemis, showing that same zeal she possessed in the Resident Evil franchise.


8th Jul 2021

Superstore (2015)

-70/10. Nothing more than a blatant ripoff of The Office. The big difference is having that ham on two legs America Ferrera in the lead role.


4th Jul 2021

Showgirls (1995)

3/10. Perhaps one of the better "So bad it's good movies of the 90's. "If it had been someone else like Winona Ryder instead of Elizabeth Berkley it would've been better. She should've never left Baysider High.


30th Jun 2021

The Waterboy (1998)

9.4/10. A great movie by Adam Sandler and my second favorite movie of his. It's silly but still funny compared all the junk put out nowadays. The idea of him using his inner anger to play football's pretty interesting. Another great sports movie and done well. One of my favorites.


30th Jun 2021

Maniac Cop 2 (1990)

9.7/10. Another sequel that I feel surpasses the original. Here Robert Davi plays well the kind of cop from the detective noir era of film. The surprise of Bruce Campbell and Laurene Landon's deaths early on in the movie is a nice surprise. Not too many movies do this nowadays, If anything they should bring this back nowadays. Claudia Christian does well even if she was difficult behind the scenes as I've heard. That runaway cab scene alone is a well done stunt that left me in awe. Robert Z'Dar, what a trooper. He looks even more grotesque as Cordell, looking more like a zombie as he prowls the streets of New York. Watch this great sequel Larry Cohen put out. It's worth it.


30th Jun 2021

Maniac Cop (1988)

9.5/10. A darn good movie dreamed up by Larry Cohen. A well paced horror movie of the late 80's. Bruce Campbell, Laurene Landon, Tom Atkins all do great. Robert Z'Dar's also great as Matt Cordell aka The Maniac Cop. I would say this is a great movie for any Friday/Saturday night movie viewing or marathon. If you're into Larry Cohen's movies then watch this one.


25th Jun 2021

Ladykiller (1996)

5. 5/10. A movie good for a laugh or two. Whoever wrote it probably had it in mind to get Judith Light nude twice or so with the plot being second. I mean, bored business wife gets with a younger man to sow her oats for awhile, cruelly dumps him then expects everything to be hunky dory? Right like that's how it goes in real life. A better way of doing this would've been for the guy to expose her then leave. Better still, she stays with him leaving her negligent husband and bratty 20 something year old daughter. After all, he made her feel good so why not? But no, in the same vain as every Lifetime movie the woman's never at fault no matter how stupidly she behaves. Frankly the younger man should've been wiser than to get with her as Judith Light's like Jacqueline Bisset and Jane Seymour, she acts like a prude.


23rd Jun 2021

Halloween 4 (1988)

9.1/10. Possibly one of the best sequels of the franchise. The atmosphere matches the original in being chilling as it seems like Myers has a ghostly presence on Haddonfield. If anything he can be there in spirit enough to frighten people. Danielle Harris plays Jamie Lloyd well here. She really seems to be the embodiment of frightened child being chased by the Boogeyman.


23rd Jun 2021

Dressed to Kill (1980)

9. 1/10. One of De Palma's best outside of Carrie. Nancy Allen shows her potential here as the lead, pretty good. I found Dickinson amusing in that this 48 year old would be so careless and reckless in picking someone up at random. They at least showed what happens when you behave stupidly like that. Michael Caine's one of the only guys I know who can wear a dress and have a pretty good figure, just like Tim Curry.


20th Jun 2021

Spice World (1997)

6. 6/10. A goofy movie if such an understatement exists. I can see why some people would hate it. It's all over the map almost trying to be like "This Is Spinal Tap"yet trying to be taken seriously at some points. We get it, at the time, they were one of the biggest groups in the workd. Several year later they'd be gone due to Geri Halliwell's big ego. I found this movie amusing enough to laugh a few times as it tried at least. More than what the likes of South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons, etc., have done in their 30 plus years on tv. Personally I didn't really see too many problems to complain about.


19th Jun 2021

Mr. Mom (1983)

-100/10. Possibly one of the worst movies of the 80's. What was the studio thinking when they greenlit this trash? Teri Garr reached her peak with Young Frankenstein then went downhill. Michael Keaton's just as stiff here as he is in everything he does. I loathed this movie. The incompetent husband/father who can't do squat as a stay at home dad at first while his wife succeeds with ease. Right, like they both wouldn't struggle and she wouldn't help him out or have friends help. Martin Mull should've known better. If anything, I only liked Ann Jillian as the sexy neighbor though her interest in Keaton baffled me.


19th Jun 2021

Incredibles 2 (2018)

-70/10. Seriously, this is the best they could come up with in 14 years?. A retreading of the original mixed with the plot of that lame 80's movie Mr Mom starring Keaton and Garr?. The whole thing's an utter mess, watch the video made about it by Youtuber NitPix, it's well done. Here I would say it was made out of greed and desperation on Pixar's part as they seem to be running out of ideas. Watch it if you want, it'll probably make you annoyed that now feminist propaganda has infiltrated kids animated movies.


8. 8/10. A pretty decent video game to movie adaptation. I particularly the fight in the bamboo forest between Kasumi and Ayane. It was well choreographed. Thought out, made with a love of the game. Clearly they respected the source material.


19th Jun 2021

Cruella (2021)

2. 2/10. Yet another unnecessary Disney live action movie. The only use this one provides is giving a slight revival to Emma Stone's acting career. She, for the most part, has an acting range like paint drying, just there. Sure she's done some good movies like Amazing Spider-Man 1&2, The House Bunny, and La La Land. Then she's done some you watch to laugh at them like Easy A,Gangster Squad,Movie 43, and Birdman because they're so bad they're good to watch for a laugh. This falls into that category. I would claim surprise at things like her starting out good, changing the ethnicity of her friend Anita, etc., but I'm not. It's too predictable nowadays especially with Disney. Another bad Disney movie parents can throw back in their kids faces one day when they're old and guilt them with regarding the sacrifices they've made for them. The dogs are the best actors here.


12th Jun 2021

Batman: Arkham Knight

7. 7/10. Not the best finale to an incredibly good franchise. Still its well done with a lot of hard work put into it. The big letdown was having Jason Todd as The Arkham Knight when I felt it should've been Talia A'Ghul. This would've made it more emotional for Batman. Still a pretty decent game with Scarecrow as the lead villain.


8. 7/10. The best post Wonder Woman movie Lynda Carter's ever done. It follows its source material, the book, very faithfully. I enjoyed immensely though I wish she'd told off her relatives who originally hated the idea of her marrying her late son's friend. After all, how many chances does one get at love? Still a pretty good watch.


6.7/10. A cheesy TV movie that still charms me. It deviates from the source material such as Jake not telling Maggie about his would be ex wife Amy, her kids seeing her pregnant, them not being married before their child is born. I place the blame for these things on the shoulders of CBS executives who insisted, no doubt, on having some phony baloney tension. It was obvious they'd fall in love from their first meeting, she was tongue tied over him. Truthfully I'd have preferred Susan Lucci instead of Victoria Principal since she's played almost nothing but bad girls but what the heck. Victoria's still OK. Adrian Pasdar, honestly, he should've left his nitwit wife Natalie Maines for Victoria Principal. The movie's still charming despite the cheesiness, it works, glad I bought a copy of it on dvd.


1st Jun 2021

The Majestic (2001)

-100/10. Yet another movie where a comedian foolishly ventures outside his/her realm. This stubborn refusal they have to try and do drama is appalling. I've yet to see one where they were actually good. Plot's an utter bore. There's also a pointless complaint about TV becoming popular over cinema. Jim Carrey should stick with comedy as he's mostly lousy with drama. He's especially lousy in the committee scene where he uses the Constitution in that cliched manner that's been done to death in the movies. One of the first lousy movies of the 2000's.


2. 6/10. A slightly better sequel made possible by Demi Moore's presence. She seems to get it a heck of a lot better than the trio does. Lucy Liu again tries but she can only do so much. Bernie Mac's presence I found annoying as he can't act, only clown around and not in a funny way. The movie should've been more about Moore as I found the idea of an ex Charlie's Angel seeking revenge intriguing. Skip this one too.


2. 2/10. Oh boy was this an unnecessary movie. Based off the cheesy, T&A show of the 70's in which many boys became men from watching, it stinks. The plot's utter nonsense, software that can help locate someone by voice pattern? Oh wow, James Bond's got nothing on them in terms of ridiculousness. Two of them, Diaz and Barrymore, are self proclaimed potheads who should be stoned 24/7 as they're terrible actresses. Granted they've done the Shrek franchise, The Mask, Scream, The Wedding Singer, and 50 First Dates, but they stink. Bill Murray and Lucy Liu can only do so much with these two and a thread bare plot.


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