Continuity mistake: Upon leaving their wedding, the couple are in a Cadillac limo. When the car arrives at the reception, it's a Lincoln.
16th Jul 2020
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Suggested correction: We see the car three times (getting in at wedding, on road, arriving at reception), and it is a Cadillac DeVille limo, about 1990 model year, in all three shots. Note the emblems on the hubcaps, tail lights and bumper.
9th Jul 2020
The Mask (1994)
Corrected entry: When Stanley wakes up to the dog licking his ear, the shot pulls back and we can see a jar of peanut butter next to the bed on the nightstand. The peanut butter was used to aid in the effect of the dog licking Stanley's ear. It was accidentally left in the shot.
Correction: We see a jar of peanut butter and a half empty bag of saltine type crackers. The scene is consistent with a person who eats peanut butter on crackers while in bed. The presence of the crackers shows its inclusion in the scene was deliberate and not an accident.
25th May 2013
Battleship (2012)
Continuity mistake: In the scene on the mountain where the Hawaii police ask Mick and Sam to leave the mountain. Mick and Sam ask why and they are told during the conversation that the aliens have blocked all cell phones, radio and internet but in the next scene with the police they use a radio to communicate with each other.
Suggested correction: Even if jammed, a radio signal could still potentially reach a few dozen yards to another vehicle, even if it couldn't go a mile or more. Power drops proportionally to the square of distance, so the power at 50 feet away is ten thousand times higher than at 5000 feet away (roughly a mile), and a million times higher than at 10 miles.
30th Jun 2020
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Corrected entry: In most wide shots when an actor's inner left arm can be seen, the health meter is not visible.
Correction: As we saw in Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle, at the 21 minute mark, the life indicator appears and disappears depending on how the arm is held, so not seeing it in a scene isn't a mistake.
29th Jun 2020
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Corrected entry: In one scene Cole's mom says she won the PA lottery and quit her jobs. Later, during the car accident scene she tells Cole she missed his play because she has two jobs and they're very important. What happened to her winning the lottery?
Correction: They are playing a game saying outrageous things. The mother didn't really win the lottery or quit her jobs, or swim in the public fountain, and Cole didn't get picked first for the baseball team and hit a grand slam and get carried around on his teammates' shoulders.
29th Jun 2020
Captain Marvel (2019)
Corrected entry: When Fury and Vers arrive at Pegasus' gate, they pull up on the right side of the gate where the com is on the right side of the car (Vers' side). When Fury uses the com it's on the left side of the gate (Fury's side).
Correction: There is one on each side. You can see the one on Vers' side out her window when Fury is talking into his.
24th Jun 2020
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Corrected entry: At the beginning, when the aides of Indy find the poisoned dart the one who tastes the poison says "they know we're here. They are 3 days behind us." If they were behind, the dart wouldn't be there.
Correction: He says "The Hovitos are near. The poison is still fresh - three days. They're following us." He didn't say they were three days behind, just that the poison on the dart is no more than three days old, and it being there means so are the Hovitos, somewhere nearby.
25th May 2011
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Corrected entry: When Group Captain Lionel Mandrake meets Lt. Colonel "Bat" Guano for the first time, it's very clear that neither man has ANY idea who the other is. In fact, with his hands up, Mandrake looks at Guano's name tag to ascertain whom he's communicating with. The problem is that Mandrake says something to the effect of "Colonel Bat Guano, if that really is your name!" Only his last name - "Guano" - appears on his name tag. There's also absolutely nothing that can be seen on the front of his uniform (which is the only thing Mandrake could have been looking at) that says "Bat." So how does Mandrake know that Lt. Colonel Guano's nickname is "Bat"?
Correction: First, Guano is wearing shoulder flashes and a cap badge which show his rank. His name badge is far too long to just say "Guano" (in fact we never get a clear look at it - see and it almost certainly shows his name and rank.
That's not a mistake, it's a joke.
We actually can see it throughout the scene, and it says Col. "Bat" Guano, with the quotation marks. It's likely that his surname really is "Guano" and he picked up the nickname "Bat" when he was coming up through the ranks, and by the time he became colonel he'd just embraced it. I doubt it would appear on his dress uniform but his combat uniform would probably have a bit more leeway for a joke like this.
When Guano first enters the office and Mandrake identifies himself, the name patch is readable and you can read "COL BAT GUANO", so he was just reading what the patch said.
With regard to how the Peter Sellers character knows the American Colonels name, there is in fact a shot of the Colonel which is the last shot in the scene where they meet that you can see a name patch on the Colonel's uniform that reads exactly COL 'BAT' GUANO. The word BAT is slightly rumpled over the B but seen on a large screen.
If you look at publicity stills from the film you can see the word 'Bat' on the nametag.
It indeed says "Col Bat Guano."
Correction: Col. Guano is a full colonel. The eagles (indicative of a colonel) are visible on his uniform.
Correction: We do get a clear look. It says "Col Bat Guano."
1. That's not a clear shot. The name tag reads "Col Bat Gu -" The rest is obscured. 2. That's a publicity still and does not appear in the film itself. The posting is still total bollocks, though.
9th Jun 2020
Hancock (2008)
Factual error: End of the movie, Hancock is in New York with the sun setting. Ray and family are in L.A. with the moon out and no Sun. New York would have nightfall before L.A. would, considering it's 3 hours behind New York.
Suggested correction: It is nighttime in both locations. In New York, there is a dim glow in the sky due to light pollution. This the same reason it is almost impossible to see any stars in the night sky in New York City. Also, a full moon that far above the horizon is only possible at nighttime, and we see Hancock look up at the moon, so again it is nighttime in NYC.
9th Jun 2020
The Final Countdown (1980)
Corrected entry: If the captain's plan was to stop the attack on Pearl Harbour the next day, it makes no sense to attack 335 Japanese Zeroes flying in waves. It would be better to simply sink the six aircraft carriers before the planes took off.
7th Jun 2004
Shrek 2 (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the door to Shrek's house is first opened (just after the honeymoon), it opens into the house. Every other time it opens to the outside. It's not a two-way door, because you can hear it hit the doorframe. (00:04:50)
Suggested correction: How is that a mistake? Lots of doors open both ways.
Doors that open both ways are called a double swinging door and use sprung hinges (or gravity) to bring it back to the center/closed position when not being pushed. It can go both ways because there is no stop casing for the door to hit against when closed (or frame is that is the design). We see Shrek's door hit a stop when slammed, and hear it hit the stop. Meaning there IS a stop, so it is impossible for the door to swing past it, meaning it is impossible to be a double swing, but we see it go in and out in different shots, which would be impossible.
15th May 2020
Top Gun (1986)
Corrected entry: The call of "going ballistic" is totally wrong. Calling "we're going ballistic" is a warning call to all other aircraft that you have no control of your airplane and it's only being controlled by the laws of physics (diving, turning etc) and not the pilot.
Correction: While you are correct technically, I don't believe Goose was referring to the technical use of the phrase/term. He was using it as a indication of excitement. "My daughter went ballistic when she saw the new puppy."
The fact that you point out the mistake is correct isn't a good way to open a correction. Plus, there's no indication he's expressing "sudden excitement." On top of that, even if he did intend to say "we're excited", it would still be a character mistake to use a specific phrase that has a specific meaning out of context like you're suggesting.
I did not point out of the "mistake" is correct at all. I pointed out that what the poster stated is true (to my knowledge) about what going ballistic means in the technical flying a plane sense. However, this is not how Goose is using it. He was absolutely expressing excitement. Maverick states that they are going vertical. Goose replies "We're going ballistic Mav, go get'em." He is not saying it to alert other craft (thus the call out specifically to Mav). This was a phrase used a lot in the 80's, but not much anymore. "Dad is going to go ballistic when he finds out", or "She is going to go ballistic when we get to Disney." It expresses anger, excitement, craziness.
The NATO Brevity Code manual (google it), specifically mentions "going ballistic" as a the term to be used once you have lost control of your aircraft, a warning to others. It's a term that was adopted *after* the movie for expressing excitement.
When the couples are all together at the restaurant/bar (01:01:45), Carole tells Maverick, "He told me all about the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin" (the Admiral's daughter). So considering his wife, Carole, uses this specific slang expression it's believable that Goose also uses the slang in this way despite its "technical" use. During the earlier training mission (00:31:55), when Goose reacted to Maverick going vertical after Jester goes vertical, Goose, perhaps inappropriately, casually used the term only while speaking directly to Maverick, so if this is to be listed as any kind of mistake it would be a character mistake. This movie was released mid 1986, and excitedly "going ballistic" (just like "going bananas") was indeed a term used prior to this movie's release.
Yet, they are not losing control of the aircraft in that scene, and he is not warning other aircraft since it's not happening AMD he is only talking to Maverick (the pilot who would be well aware if they were ballistic). I don't know exactly when the term hit the main stream as a term of excitement but it's pretty clear to me that he is saying it that way. Classifying this as an error would be like saying the lines "a walk in the park Kazinsky" or "the defense department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid" are errors because neither is true. He wasn't reporting to anyone that they were ballistic. He was encouraging his pilot and just happened to use an aeronautical statement in his excitement.
From The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer: "It began to be used to describe human anger in the 1980s and quickly caught on." No exact date, but was used in magazine articles in the late 1980's, so probably by around 1986 it was a popular expression.
27th Oct 2004
Matilda (1996)
Corrected entry: When Miss Trunchbull gets pushed onto the globe by the boy she just threw out the window, it shows Japan south of Asia. Japan is really east of Asia.
Correction: Japan is shown correctly, with Korea west of the south part of Japan, China west/southwest of Korea, and the Philippines to the south of Japan. You can also see the Russian island and peninsula just north of Japan. It is a real globe.
5th Apr 2020
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: After Scott gets back from the quantum realm he leaves the warehouse without the van, but when he gets to the Avengers facility he has it.
Correction: After finding Cassie, he went back and got it since he needed to get to SHIELD HQ.
Correction: But Scott did not have money in order to get back the van.
How do you know? Being presumed dead, his money would probably have gone to Cassie, and he could have gotten from her what he needed. And that is assuming it would even take money. We don't know what the rules would have been given the situation, and it was his stuff. The storage locker may have been Cassie's in which case of course she could take stuff out, or authorized Scott to.
13th Mar 2020
Matilda (1996)
Corrected entry: The time on Miss Trunchbull's mantel clock is 7:45. Matilda uses her power to move the hands to 9:00 and the clock begins chiming. It should have also chimed when the hands reached 8:00. Matilda then moves the hands to 11:00. The clock begins chiming 11 but failed to chime when the hands reached 10:00.
Correction: We have a grandfather clock and if you spin the hands past an hour mark quickly you hear the click like it wants to play the hourly tune but then doesn't. It only plays if you go just past the hour and stop. Trunchbull's clock may be similar.
11th Mar 2020
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: It's impossible that Clint's cell phone is still functional after 5 years disconnected.
Correction: Why would it be disconnected - he was still alive. Just because he was running around acting as an avenging angel doesn't mean he would have his cell phone turned off. If you mean why was his wife's cell phone was functional, two things: 1) if she didn't have the phone when she vanished Clint might have repurposed the phone though not changing his address book, such as keeping it in the house as a spare, so didn't have it disconnected, but more likely 2) it was on autopay and Clint never had a reason to have it disconnected, so in the chaos that followed the vanishing it just stayed active. To add to the second, many people cling to things of lost ones in a way of pretending they really aren't gone, so may have kept it "alive" for that reason too.
Correction: Laura may have had her phone on her when she was snapped and it disappeared and returned with her.
8th Aug 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Corrected entry: Near the end, when Hermione leaves Harry to talk to Sirius in the castle, as she moves out of frame you can hear her saying "Don't help me" or something similar, presumably to a cast member. (02:03:45)
Correction: Hermione says, "Down Buckbeak," when she walks out of frame.
Why would she say that?
Buckbeak is playful and could be trying to engage with her which she doesn't want to at that time. It is similar to coming up to an excited dog or horse and saying "down boy" or "easy boy."
17th Jul 2008
Quantum Leap (1989)
8 1/2 Months - November 15, 1955 - S3-E12
Continuity mistake: Willis drops his cap on the road when he runs away. It's still there in the long shot of him running, but after the commercial break we return to the same scene, and as Sam stands up, the cap is no longer on the road behind him. (00:35:10)
Suggested correction: After the commercial break we are looking in the opposite direction than Willis ran, so not seeing a hat isn't a mistake. In fact if we saw a hat, THAT would be a mistake.
6th Sep 2019
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
Factual error: The gas used at the end of the movie to blow up the hospital was nitrogen, but nitrogen is not flammable.
Suggested correction: The agent in the basement says someone is heating up the liquid nitrogen to an unstable level, but adds that they also have pure oxygen leaking down there, and one spark can cause "these tanks" to explode. We don't know if "these tanks" are the nitrogen or something else that may be explosive, like gas for the emergency generators, and it is the high oxygen levels that make the environment explosive, not the nitrogen, since almost anything burns in a pure oxygen environment.
Oxygen is not explosive. It wouldn't make the environment explosive unless it was combined with a flammable gas. No medical gasses are flammable. It also couldn't be the gas from the generators as the explosions were occuring on each level, not from one central source. Generators are virtually always diesel, which also is very unlikely to explode unless very specific criteria are met.
15th Jan 2020
The Martian (2015)
Corrected entry: Duct tape does not perform well in extreme freezing temperatures. The glue does not work well and the fabric is not pliable. When Watney is blown from the HAB, it is dark, unpressurized, and he seals cracks in his helmet with duct tape...Martian low temps are about -100C or -145F, but the duct tape is pliable and tacky. Watney also uses duct tape as strength for the HAB plastic seal, and the duct tape remains flexible and stuck to the plastic despite ballooning in and out. (01:03:25 - 01:04:00)
Correction: You are describing the properties of the duct tape you buy at the local hardware store. There is no evidence this is standard duct tape, just that its appearance is similar. The tape NASA sent with the astronauts to Mars may have been specially developed to work in that environment, including overcoming the issues you mentioned. In fact, NASA would be foolish not to send a tape designed to work in the intended environment.
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