Corrected entry: When Arnold is on his way to shoot up the mob, they are watching him shoot out the cameras in the elevator. After he shoots at the first camera we see it explode from another camera, but one camera would not be fixed on another camera.
8th Jan 2009
Raw Deal (1986)
27th Dec 2008
Valkyrie (2008)
Corrected entry: Lost count at 21: the least number of times you can see a boom-mike in the upper part of a scene. Especially noticeable are a long brown mike and a round mike with a white circle of tape around it. One time, the long brown mike is hidden in a chandelier.
Correction: This is more than likely a fault with the theatre you watched the movie in, obviously the projectionist didn't frame the movie properly, I find it unlikely in the extreme that 21 instances of a boom mike would make their appearance in a modern movie such as this.
18th Jun 2005
Space Camp (1986)
Corrected entry: While in space, Max asks for Kevin's help to show him how to use the shuttle washroom. Kevin takes Max into the washroom and shows him how it works, then tells Max to close the door and turn the fan on. Only a second passes after the door shuts until we hear Max "moaning". He couldn't have taken his space suit off and the other preparations in under two seconds time.
Correction: You're assuming that his 'moaning' is due to him relieving himself, its probably more to do with how he has to use the suction device on himself, for a 12 year old boy, that would probably be a big deal.
11th Dec 2008
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, an "asset" is called upon to kill Bourne. He is seen in the final car chase and eventual crash with Bourne escaping and the "asset" bloody and near death in an SUV. In a following scene where Bourne is about to jump off a roof as a last resort, the same "asset" is holding a gun on him.
Correction: Then quite patently the 'asset' wasn't near death at all. What you have to consider is that Bourne had him with no chance of escape, so the 'asset' simply exaggerated the effects of the crash so as not to be shot.
Correction: He was near death, but like Bourne, he is an enhanced agent who walks off his own near-death experience regularly. He's more shocked at Bourne not taking him out than him when he is being vulnerable. And then Bourne repeating the Professor's words to him - "Look at us. Look what they make you give" - stops him from taking the shot because literally no one can understand him except another agent like him.
9th Dec 2008
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Corrected entry: There's a scene where people fight and shoot guns inside a bar, and then Bond runs outside. There's a dog sleeping peacefully on the footpath right outside the bar. No dog would sleep through all that.
Correction: If the dog was deaf it might.
27th Aug 2003
Robocop 3 (1993)
Corrected entry: RoboCop kills two rehabs and they fall through the motel window. Nobody in the motel seems concerned though; not even the owner, who has had his window destroyed and now has two dead bodies lying in the entrance hall. (01:06:03)
Correction: Everyone knows how Robocop deals with 'scum', and the Rehabs are not loved by anyone. It's violent in the Robocop universe, this is not unusual.
25th Nov 2003
Robocop 3 (1993)
Corrected entry: When RoboCop gets kicked to the ground by Otomo in the underground base, we see a shot of him looking around before he takes out his gun. During the long shot of him looking around, you can see his gun already lying on the ground, yet he hasn't taken it out of his leg yet.
Correction: The gun lying on the floor is Robocop's combined rifle/flamethrower attachment. When Robocop first enters, you clearly see him drop it on the floor, and there it remains until he uses it.
7th Jun 2008
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007)
Corrected entry: Compare the predators ship and crew from the end of AVP and start of AVP: Requiem. The end of the first movie shows the huge ship on the ice with a huge amount of predators. The size of the ship and crew seams to have been downsized in the beginning of the second movie.
Correction: You are correct, but in the extended DVD release (Ultimate Combat) a missing scene showing the smaller ship leaving the much larger Predator ship, that was in the first AVP movie, is restored explaining the size difference.
22nd Nov 2008
Soldier (1998)
Corrected entry: When Todd first lands on Arcadia 234, there is a derelict aircraft carrier shown, with its flight deck markings intact. In an environment consisting of high winds blowing sand and soil almost constantly, such markings would have long since been sandblasted off.
Correction: There is no suggestion on screen as to how long the carrier has been on the planet.
22nd Nov 2008
Tropic Thunder (2008)
Corrected entry: Right before the group splits up and Tugg goes off into the jungle alone, he says, "Let's go get some Viet Congs" and pulls the charging handle back and releases it to 'lock and load' his weapon. However, he had just finished firing a few rounds to get the others' attention, so the round that was loaded after the last round he fired should have ejected when he pulled the charging handle back, yet no casing or round is seen ejecting from the weapon.
Correction: The whole scene is a homage to war movies with lines like that, and its also done for comedic effect. Tugg does the whole 'lock n load' thing, and he's already run out of rounds, hence no ejection.
20th Nov 2008
War of the Worlds (2005)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Ray is taken by the alien Tripod, at the part where he is taken into the Tripod interior, it is shown that he pulled the pins of a few hand grenades while he was inside. The hand grenades shown in the movie are M67 grenades, the standard US hand grenade, which has a 4 second delayed fuse. In the scene, it takes about 20 seconds from him originally getting taken in to the part where the grenades actually detonate. If it was realistic, it would have detonated earlier, before he was pulled out. (01:35:30)
Correction: Incorrect. Pulling the pin on a grenade does not arm them, releasing your grip on the safety lever arms the grenade. At no point does Ray let go of the grenade until he's ready to, and at the point he releases it, is when it arms.
16th Nov 2008
Stealth (2005)
Corrected entry: After Jessica Biel is struck down, she crawls to a body of water and begins to drink. She attempts to clean the blood on her face and gets pretty much all of it off. She hides when the Korean women show up, and in the next shots, her face is bloody again. It's not consistent with the wound on her face as it is smeared over her cheek.
Correction: Just because she cleans the blood off her face, that doesn't negate the fact that the wound isn't healed and is still seeping blood.
13th Nov 2008
The Terminator (1984)
Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie after Kyle hot wires the car, when he follows Sarah out of the car park, he starts the car up again. There is no easy way to stop the engine after hot wiring. If he did stop the engine, he would have had to re-hot wire the car when he follows her.
Correction: Absolutely not correct. All Kyle had to do was split apart the wires he'd just joined and the car would stop, similarly if he hadn't twisted them together properly, they'd quite easily unravel themselves.
31st Oct 2008
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Corrected entry: In the opening car chase, a Land Rover Defender somehow catches up with an Alfa Romeo 159 and an Aston Martin, both being driven flat out uphill. No way a Defender could manage that.
Correction: Land Rover Defenders also come with a 3.5 litre V8 engine, and many other larger V8's fit with ease, there is no indication onscreen as to what is under the bonnet. If you wanted to get picky, you could also have stated that the Alfa isn't in the same class as the Aston either seeing as 3.2 V6 is the biggest engine in the former.
17th Oct 2008
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
Corrected entry: The entire plot of this episode is to get the cure for the disease from Section 31. Why would they create a cure for a disease designed to wipe out the species it infects? The likelihood of needing to know it so they know what to destroy is odd, as only the Dominion would really want the cure.
Correction: It has been common for people and countries over the years that create diseases to at the same time create an antidote. As the Star Trek universe is somewhat based on human endeavours and experiences, its quite likely that an antidote would be created.
The same reason they do it in this time period. In case an unintended target accidentally contracts the disease.
6th Oct 2008
Airplane (1980)
Corrected entry: Even though the fantasy beach scene looks very similar to the one in From Here To Eternity (1953), the directors of Airplane insist that they never saw that movie.
Correction: Thats not true. When watching the movie on DVD with the trivia track playing it does suggest that they never saw the movie, but then the trivia messages get more and more silly suggesting they knew all along.
14th Oct 2008
Airplane (1980)
Corrected entry: When Rex Kramer is entering the airport and being bombarded by donation seekers, it's the same five people over and over again, but each time they speak they have a different voice and a new cause.
Correction: This is done DELIBERATELY due to the comedic nature of the movie. Absolutely NOT a mistake.
7th Oct 2008
Transformers (2007)
Corrected entry: After Frenzy's "attempt" to hack into Air Force One is cut off, he looks at the information on the screen. Sam's great grandfather's name is shown as Capt. Witwicky, Amundsen. Throughout the movie, he is referred to as Archibald Witwicky. (00:31:35)
Correction: Amundsen is the name of the area that his grandfather found Megatron.
9th Jun 2008
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007)
Corrected entry: In the very first scene, where we can watch again the birth of the "Predator bred" Alien, the wound in the Predator's chest should be filled with fluorescent Pred blood, not gooey green slime, Aline blood. After all, it was a Predator's Chest. (00:01:40)
Correction: It's also a dead Predator, so it seems pretty reasonable that Predator blood might congeal much like humans would as it dries out. And it hardly qualifies as a plot hole either.
20th Sep 2008
U-571 (2000)
Corrected entry: After the American crew takes control of the U-571, it is approached by a German destroyer. The Americans decide to destroy the radio on the German ship with their deck gun. The gun was completely exposed to the destroyer; there is no way to hide anywhere or to work it in secret. How did they manage to get several men out of the submarine to unlock and prepare the gun for firing, load the shell, aim the gun and fire at the destroyer to destroy their radio, completely unnoticed and unmolested by the Germans? This wasn't a task that could be done in a matter of seconds; a minute or two would be needed for the best of crews, let alone for a group of people who'd probably just seen that sort of gun for the first time. The German officers are even shown watching the sub intensely at the start.
Correction: It's one of their own subs, they have no reason to suspect a thing. They might have seen it only as a drill, hence why they took no action.
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Correction: It's entirely normal for a camera to focus on another more vulnerable camera to catch on film those that are destroying it.