
Stealth (2005)

18 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: The Captain of the aircraft carrier is wearing the insignia of a US Navy Lieutenant. The two silver bars he's wearing on his collar would be a captain in the Air Force, but a Navy captain should have eagles, like Sam Shepard wears the first time we see him.

Correction: In one sense you are right, in another you are wrong. The commander of a naval vessel is called "Captain", no matter what rank he/she is actually. A person could be a Naval Lieutenant and still be called "Captain" if he/she commanded a vessel. However, Naval Lieutenant's would never command an aircraft carrier, so the commander is probably an O-6 (captain/colonel).

Zwn Annwn

Correction: I just rewatched it. He is wearing a full bird.There are no shots of him wearing lieutenant bars.

Corrected entry: Going hypersonic is a good plot device, however Stealth fighters operate by avoiding detection on radar and also by people simply looking up and seeing them. Therefore, a "stealth" plane which flies at supersonic speeds is useless. The sonic boom will give them away every time. For example, the F117-A stealth fighter cannot go beyond the speed of sound, and usually flies at night.

Correction: This is simply incorrect. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter can do Mach 1.8 and has stealth capabilities, so why wouldn't a far more futuristic fighter be able to do the same? And in regards to the sonic boom, it is correct that this would reduce the plane's "stealth" but here the planes can use their tremendous speed to catch the enemy by surprise. And since the movie is set in the future you can argue that scientists have invented a plane design that doesn't generate a sonic boom (they have already been able to reduce it significantly in our time).


Corrected entry: The distances the planes cover in the movie are amazing. The new F/A-22s are supposed to have a combat radius of 900 miles, yet here we see carrier aircraft, which are limited in fuel b/c of weight, b/c of the limited runway, flying to Central Asia, North Korea and Alaska. And the location of the carrier is always given as the Philippine Sea. Plus, EDI should have the worst range of them all, since vertical takeoffs and landings burn up a ton of fuel.

Correction: This film is futuristic and it's aircraft are like nothing seen today. Therefore the usual restrictions don't apply.

Corrected entry: After Jessica Biel is struck down, she crawls to a body of water and begins to drink. She attempts to clean the blood on her face and gets pretty much all of it off. She hides when the Korean women show up, and in the next shots, her face is bloody again. It's not consistent with the wound on her face as it is smeared over her cheek.

Correction: Just because she cleans the blood off her face, that doesn't negate the fact that the wound isn't healed and is still seeping blood.


Corrected entry: In the scene near the end where they are running for the border, they are being attacked by a helicopter. In the close up shot of the helicopter, you can see into the cabin through a crack between the door and the body of the helicopter. This crack would not exist in a properly equipped, functioning helicopter.

Correction: Helicopters with pressurised cabins are almost unknown - doors are designed to be opened and closed quickly and often have a few millimeters 'give'. (I'm a helicopter pilot.).

Corrected entry: When Gannon and EDI are attacked over Russia, Gannon calls the approaching fighters SU-37 Terminators. The NATO-names for Soviet/Russian aircraft always begin with the letter "F" to designate fighters (Fulcrum, Fishbed, Flogger,.) and "B" for bombers (Badger, Blackjack,.).

Correction: Sukhoi Su-37 Terminator is the correct designation.


Corrected entry: In the scene in which the plane flies directly toward the ground to deliver the bomb on a building in Rangoon - Myanmar (Burma), after dropping the bomb and pulling up to fly horizontally through the city streets, the streets are lit up like Christmas trees. Fact is that Rangoon hardly ever has power and if they have, there are hardly any (street)lights. The same counts for the massive traffic jams in the streets; (see link for picture)

Correction: This film's set in the future. Rangoon may have expanded their infrastructure.

Corrected entry: Those planes are supposed to be stealthy. Have a look at their jet pipes, they are not protected against heat seekers (infrared) and how did those Russian fighters find them, they are supposed to be invisible to stealth.

Correction: The Russians were able to find them, because they were given E.D.I.'s unique heat signature to locate and destroy him.

Corrected entry: Who designs a military fuel tanker - presumably unmanned - that can't shut the fuel feed off in the event that the hose develops a leak, or worse, some idiot decides that he wants fuel badly enough to shoot the nozzle off?

Correction: In pretty much all movies, let alone science fiction thrillers, a suspension of disbelief is required. 99% of movies with car chases would result in the vehicle being totalled, yet movie goers continue to see movies with chase scenes because they are an escape. Besides which, who is to say the fuel feed sensor didn't malfunction?

Corrected entry: In one of the scenes where the jets are taking off from the carrier, a sailor on the flight deck is standing directly behind the jet blast (in front of the jet blast deflector). When the jets take off, the sailor walks away from the jet blast deflector. The sailor should have been burned to a crisp.

Correction: It's hard to tell the depth but the sailor is behind the blast deflector. To prove this further, when the camera angle changes to the front while the Talons are talking off, you can see that there is nobody standing in front of the blast deflector (s).

Corrected entry: When E.D.I. goes AWOL, it shows the DNA opening up and closing, just in a different direction. Only problem is, DNA does that ALL THE TIME. It frequently has to make R.N.A, and to do this it must open up and then close again later. Even if it changed directions, nothing should have gone wrong.

Correction: E.D.I. is a quantum computer, it doesn't have DNA like organic creatures. Instead it has some kind of unknown inner structure that happens to look like DNA but you can't assume that it works in the same way.


Corrected entry: During the scene where EDI takes off from the aircraft carrier for the first time, there is a shot of the operator standing nearby. In real life, the operator's ears would not be able to handle the tremendous sound coming from the aircraft's engine. He was not wearing earmuffs.

Correction: Unprotected eardrums wouldn't shatter with one takeoff. The "muffs" are for carrier workers constantly facing such noise.

Corrected entry: Assuming that there is the possibility of an unmanned aerial refueling blimp over enemy airspace that American military aircraft can use, the fuel that spills out of the broken hose would not stay there in a combustible fog. It would fall towards Earth and dissipate in the air.

Correction: Any liquid can form a fog at the right air temperature, pressure, and humidity. Strange forces are at work here, with the broken hose and two futuristic aircraft flying nearby.

Corrected entry: How could Gannon (Talon 1) possibly have been chosen for such an exclusive squad? He doesn't follow a single order given throughout the entire movie, and for such delicate operations they are obviously designed and assigned to, you'd expect them to take someone more reliable.

James King III

Correction: Lt Gannon was obviously an excellent pilot and a team player, as witnessed by the opening training sequence. He must have been selected on these merits. The actions he took against his orders were to either accomplish an important mission or to save innocent lives.

Corrected entry: After E.D.I., when Lt. Gannon and Capt. Cummings talk in his office, the captain lights a cigar. Later on, his cigar is off.

Correction: Cigarettes have chemicals that keep it burning. Cigars do not contain this chemical and thus stop burning after a while.


Corrected entry: In the the first combat scene with E.D.I. Talon 2 quotes how fast they are going, but when they reach Mach 1 nothing happens. When you reach Mach 1 (Speed of sound) there is supposed to be a sonic boom but in this case nothing happens.

Correction: Many modern jets (and certainly the advanced Talons) do not make sonic booms due to their construction- their wings and body break up the sound waves.

James King III

Corrected entry: Ignoring the weight-to-volume ratio problem of a blimp full of jet fuel, how are pilots supposed to keep the nozzle in the hose when making a constant turn? Real tankers fly a racetrack pattern, straight down while fueling, turn, and straight back. And it would be an impressive blimp that could move fast enough to refuel a jet. Aircraft have to maintain 100-150 miles per hour to maintain their altitude.

Correction: EDI is capable of hovering, and so can fly at any speed, and his flight computer is more than advanced enough to adjust his flight path to track the camelhump. Talon-1 seems to be capable of hovering aswell, as during the refuel sequence heat haze can be seen below the aircraft. Plus given the futuristic nature of the film, it can be assumed that the auto pilot in the Talons is advanced enough to handle a refuel without pilot intervention.

Corrected entry: If the Talons and EDI are so Top Secret projects, how comes the admiral already has a miniature of each on his desk?

Correction: At no point in the movie does anybody say that they are Top Secret.

Correction: EDI is absolutely Top Secret. The other pilots in the experimental program didn't even know about it.

Factual error: There would not be so many people standing around on the flight deck without some type of ear and eye protection and a float coat.

More mistakes in Stealth

Tim: [Referring to E.D.I.] He can't hear you. He's sleeping.
Ben Gannon: You know what, I'll call it a he when it comes out of its cockpit and takes a piss, how's that?

More quotes from Stealth

Trivia: When E.D.I. first takes off one person says, "I never thought I'd see this day". The man standing next to him is the director, Rob Cohen.

Brad Premium member

More trivia for Stealth

Question: What is the deal with a apples in this movie, is it a subtle reference to something? Aside from the main bad guy chomping on one while tailing with someone (rude), there are several scenes with large bowls of apples. In one scene, there are two tables with bowls of apples on them.

Answer: Its a Navy thing. Centuries ago, to ward off the threat of Scurvy when sailing long distances, eating apples would prevent it, and the tradition carries over into modern times.

After 21 years of Naval service (10 years destine and four ships) I have never heard of apples warding off scurvy. It was discovered that lemons were very effective. Later in time the British started using limes to avoid scurvy. While limes were cheaper than lemons, they were not as effective. This is also where we get the phrase "Limey Brits" from.

Yep you're right. It's the Vitamin C in limes and oranges that prevents scurvy. Not much of that in an apple.


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