Question: Did Mace Windu actually beat Palpatine in their lightsaber duel or did Palpatine let him win? Also, is Palpatine's scarred face his "true" face or was it caused by the force lightning?


Chosen answer: Palpatine needed to push Anakin over the edge and "fulfill his destiny", so he feigns defeat to allow Anakin the opportunity kill Mace and start him on the road to evil. The scarring was caused by the lightning.


11th Jul 2009

Ghostbusters (1984)

Chosen answer: Gozer vanished to either give them the sense of accomplishment that they won OR she realized that the proton energy stream COULD do her harm. She vanished and then had one of them choose "the destroyer", which was the Stay-Puft marshmallow man.


14th Jun 2009

Bolt (2008)

Question: This has been confusing me for some time. Who owns Bolt legally? The network or Penny? The opening prologue shows a younger Penny selecting Bolt at a pet store when he's only a puppy. Fives years later, during the making of the TV show, the network forbids Penny from taking Bolt to her house because they want him to think he's a superdog. This raises additional questions. How long has the show been on the air? Is what the network doing to Bolt legal? Is Penny allowed to quit the show at any time if she feels like it? Do they have deal with the studio lawyers over custody of Bolt if she resigns from the show?

Answer: Okay, here we go: Since Bolt was bought by the network FOR Penny, the network technically owns the dog. IF the dog was purchased by Penny's parent(s) or legal guardian, Bolt belongs to Penny legally. This is never really explained, but one can assume the studio owns Bolt since they lay down the law to Penny about taking Bolt off the set and keeping him in his own fantasy world. The show has been on the air for at least two years given Bolt's growing from a puppy to a dog and getting properly (fooled) trained all the while. The show is a colossal hit and it would have taken a studio at least two seasons to achieve that kind of success. Studios spend that kind of advertising money on TV shows that are major hits. (Look at "Lost" and "Heroes" and their advertising budget!) Next: Yes, what the network is doing to Bolt IS legal given the parameters of the film's content. (If a screenwriter writes that it's legal; it's legal!). If this were REAL life, PETA would have shut them down immediately! Penny is an actress and CAN quit anytime she wants provided she's NOT under any contract that prohibits her walking out. Given that fact that she almost DIES at the end, she was probably given anything she wanted by the studio to keep it out of the press and avoid any major lawsuits. This would means she could leave AND take Bolt with her as per the studio lawyers!


Question: In the part where the Death Eaters march through the encampment after the Quidditch world cup match, does anyone know what they are chanting?

Answer: They are chanting something unintelligible. I ran it several times and it's just gibberish they're saying.


Chosen answer: Q is a rather nasty entity hell-bent on proving that the human race are NOT the nice guys they make out to be. Q and Riker simply don't like each other and Q gives Riker the power of Q to prove a point...that power corrupts. And it almost does to Riker who uses his Q power to help, then to squander. Riker finally realizes that he's being corrupted by the power and gives it up, showing Q that he can't be swayed to the dark side.


29th May 2009

Seven Pounds (2008)

Question: I am very curious as to how Ben, i.e. Tim, is able to donate his heart to Emily, who had a very rare blood type. I just find it unusual that Tim would have the same blood type as Emily. Also, how would Tim have known Emily's blood type?

Answer: In the course of the film it's revealed that Ben has done extensive homework and taken drastic steps to find the right person, i.e. a "righteous good person" to give them what he has left to offer. Therefore, he would have to find someone with his own rare blood type AND needed a heart...which he eventually did.


27th Mar 2009

The Music Man (1962)

Question: In the song sequence "Marian the Librarian", anyone know what she says? This couple is on the wall, reaching out for each other, and then Marian yells something that sounds like "Toby!" or something. Can anyone verify what she says?

Answer: In the dance sequence (currently up on YouTube), it wasn't Marion calling out, it's Zaneeta Shin calling out to her boyfriend Tommy who is about to fall. She calls out his name, "TOMMY!!" It's a "looped" vocal and was added after the film, hence no lips are moving when she calls out his name.


3rd May 2009

The Incredibles (2004)

Chosen answer: Jack-Jack is a changling. He can be anything he wants to be, hence his changing into various things.


3rd Mar 2009

General questions

A film called The Lion and the Horse was made in 1952. Want to know where to get one please.

gillian ahern

Chosen answer: Yes! You can find this movie on DVD at goto:


13th Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: This has been killing me since I saw the movie in theaters: in the final fight between Joker and Batman, Batman gets caught up in some netting in the room they're fighting in, and as Joker moves in he says, "All the old familiar places" as he begins attacking Batman. What does that mean? The only explanation I can think of is that it might be an allusion to Tim Burton's Batman in which Joker and Batman fight at the top of a building.

Answer: The Joker is actually referring to a old song from WW2: "I'll Be Seeing You". It goes, "I'll be seeing you/In all the old familiar places/That this heart of mine embraces/All day through". They were also in a similar position after the car chase, before Gordon stopped the Joker.


Question: The old man remarks that he was struck by lightning seven times. I recall him talking about six different times, does he ever talk about the seventh? Also, when were the times that he was struck?

Answer: Here are the "strikes": fixing a leaky roof, while checking the mail, milking the cow, driving his car, minding his own business in a field, taking a dog for a walk, and then at the end there was no "story", but he was by a fence (just before the credits). I believe these are correct.


No. 1) fixing roof 2) checking mail 3) field with cows 4) driving car 5) walking dog 6) standing by fence No #7.

Question: In the jail when its "Feeding time", what are the animals and where can i find pics?

Answer: They are dogs that were genetically enhanced. If you want to see them (briefly) goto: at 1:43.


6th Nov 2008

General questions

I'm looking for the name of a Christmas special. It was a Claymation I saw in the 90s, but it may be older than that. It had something to do with a meeting with fairies in the woods, and there's a guy there that takes them flying around. Sorry so vague; any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: It's possible you may be thinking of "The Adventures of Mark Twain". It wasn't a Christmas special, but it was claymation, it did involve a meeting with "fairies", and it does has Twain flying kids around in a balloon. YouTube has some clips of it. Hope that helps!


Answer: I think you just answered your own question! The answer isn't WHY does he see multiple Malkovich's but why not? Think about it. He's entered his OWN mind...what else would he see?


22nd Apr 2008

Shrek (2001)

Question: Just after Shrek asks, "What kind of quest?" someone in the background appears to be laughing. Who is it and why is he laughing?

Answer: I ran through the DVD three times and after Shrek says, "What kind of quest?", there is NO laughter at all! He says the line, then there is a quick edit to the next scene where Shrek and Donkey are emerging from a sea of sunflowers. There IS a backround noise of a bird; maybe that is what you heard?


15th Sep 2007

The Polar Express (2004)

Question: When Hero Boy gets back from the toy room in the train, what were all the kids shouting?

Answer: After "Hero Boy" gets back into the train the kids are all laughing and spouting gibberish. This is often done in post-production when backround noise or talking is necessary. They aren't saying or shouting anything in paticular, just a bunch of kids jabbering on about nothing. I listened to that section three times and it's just gibberish.


Chosen answer: He will continue to occasionally act (he wants to persue live theater) and serve as executive producer.


11th Sep 2008

Batman (1966)

Question: What does Riddler sing just before the final fight on the sub?

Answer: The Riddler doesn't sing at all. He yells to the henchmen on board, "Prepare to repell boarders!" He does it in a almost musical way, true, but there's no song.


30th May 2008

General questions

I'm looking for the name of an older movie I saw part of. There were two children, a boy and a girl, who had a male lion that they were taking somewhere. I remember a scene where they were trying to get the lion to cross a stream of water. The boy said that the lion is a cat, and cats don't like water.

Answer: You could be talking about Disney's "Napoleon and Samantha". A 1972 theatrical release about a boy (Johnny Whitaker) and a girl (Jodie Foster) and a pet lion. Goto:


Thank you! Sorry for responding several years later.

Question: Right after you find out Oogie Boogie is just a bag full of bugs he falls into the lava, or at least what looks like lava. It looks as if this is not an animated shot, is it a shot from a real camera?


Chosen answer: Yes, it was shot "real time" as opposed to stop-motion animation as the rest of the film was.


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