Question: What kind of instrument was the bum playing when we first meet him?
Answer: Violin.
Question: How would the train have been able to go back the same way with the ice on the lake cracking?
Answer: Because it's a magic train.
Question: When Hero Boy gets back from the toy room in the train, what were all the kids shouting?
Answer: After "Hero Boy" gets back into the train the kids are all laughing and spouting gibberish. This is often done in post-production when backround noise or talking is necessary. They aren't saying or shouting anything in paticular, just a bunch of kids jabbering on about nothing. I listened to that section three times and it's just gibberish.
Question: How come the conductor and the hero girl walk on the roof of the train headed towards the front when they could have walked through it, the way they did coming back with the hero boy?
Question: So if you can't hear the bell you don't believe in Santa, therefore if the parents can't hear (ie. don't believe) and Santa brought the presents who do they think bought them?
Answer: Each likely assumes the other (or another relative) brought them.
Question: When the boy trips on the ball, what's the thing that it hits?
Answer: It looks like a hubcap.
Answer: It is a Ford hub cap from the 50's, I have one in my barn just like it.
Answer: It's a wheel cover that covers the entire rim, which are different from hub caps that just cover the hub part of the wheel.
Question: When the boy enters the train car the other kids are heard singing the polar express song. How could they have learned it?
Answer: Alternatively, it could just be a song they all made up.
Question: When the 3 kids are in the back of the train, and they start rolling away and end up in Santa's bag how did the know-it-all kid get in there? People are saying he followed them but you have to remember they were in a moving train.
Answer: He just went off on own to snoop around and ended up in the bag before the other three kids did.
Answer: The instrument is called a Hurdy-Gurdy. It is a type of wound string instrument.