12th Aug 2014

General questions

I'm looking for an old TV episode (1950-60) where people on a wagon train keep fighting over food, could be jerky, that they don't realize is poison. The last scene is a greedy old man hungrily eating the jerky.

Answer: It sounds very much like "the Old Man in the Cave", an old Twilight Zone episode from 1963.


4th Dec 2013

General questions

I'm trying to remember the title of a movie I watched many years ago. I do not remember any of the people who starred in it. This movie was about a man with O.C.D. Then there was a girl. I think it was his girlfriend or soon to be girlfriend. I believe she found out something strange about him, so she searched his house when he wasn't there. She checked his closet and found something odd. She heard a noise so she quickly put things back and got out of there, forgetting about his O.C.D. She greeted him and they went to have some wine. She accidentally spilled her glass all over the carpet. She apologized and apologized. He was trying to keep calm when out of the corner of his eye he saw something out of place in his closet. He got up and looked around. He found out she was in there and started asking questions. He got mad and he tried to kill her. He chased her around the house with a knife. That's all I remember! Please help me! I've been dying to know what this movie is called. It's going to bug me until I figure it out... Thanks!


Answer: Sounds a little like "Sleeping with the Enemy".


28th Oct 2014

General questions

Looking for a quote that was in the beginning of a movie. Like the opening credit. The movie came out in the last few years. Not sure of the exact quote but was something about "darkest" or "me at my darkest". I'm not sure exactly, but anything will help.


Answer: Sounds like the opening of "Kill Bill vol. 2" when Bill says to the Bride, "Do you find me sadistic? You know, Kiddo, I'd like to believe that you're aware enough, even now, to know that there's nothing sadistic in my actions. This moment, this is me at my most masochistic".


17th Nov 2014

General questions

There was a movie that I believe had Steve Martin in it. I remember one scene where a guy drives Steve's car into a swamp or something and later finds out that there was an animal inside that was a pet of Steve's wife. Another scene had the guy fall in quicksand and Steve refused to help him out until he confessed to what he did.

Answer: It sounds like "A Simple Twist Of Fate".


Sorry. It's not this. A Simple Twist Of Fate is the movie where Steve sees a little girl suddenly appear at his house late one night and her biological parents try to get her back.

11th Sep 2017

General questions

I only remember bits of the trailer for this 60's (??) British film. It's possibly an espionage or spy spoof that starts by showing a man running down a street wearing a black and white graduation cap and gown. A voice-over says (sic) "See this man? Very good. Carry on." He then is in a classroom with a bunch of beautiful college-aged schoolgirls/students. He asks a question to the class and then, after they answer, he exclaims, "Right, my children!" He then asks one beauty a personal question to which she replies (in letters) the man's name, which spells out on the screen and is (I think) also the name of the film. Any help here?


Answer: During the 1960's, there were a series of bawdy films with Carry On... in the title.

Nope, that's not it.


8th Apr 2018

Heidi (1937)

Question: Towards the end, after the Police Lieutenant says that they should wait and hear what Herr Sesemann has to say about the Grandfather, Heidi runs to the Grandfather and Fraulein Rottenmeier is last seen standing looking worried. What happened to her? Did she go to jail?

Answer: It's obvious that she loses her position as the governess after what she's done, but I doubt she does any hard time. In the book, Fraulein Rottenmeier has no real malice towards Heidi, and in the 1968 TV movie, she even becomes a love interest with Herr Sesemann at the end.


Question: When Frog and The Bandit have stopped and are walking through the woods, you can see something that is wrapped around Burt Reynolds gut under his shirt. Does anyone know what that was?


Chosen answer: That's a 'kidney belt'. It's used for two reasons: 1) in long distance driving, it keeps your kidney's from bouncing around from all that high-speed stunt driving and 2) it holds in your gut for filming purposes to make you look good on film.


Answer: As in many Bond films, it's implied his car was shipped there by "Q" branch. Other films have shown this.


Question: How did Moses cross the Red Sea the first time he went to Mount Sinai?

Answer: Although the Bible never states this, it's implied that he got to Mt. Sinai via an alternate route...after all, he did spend 40 days in the desert wandering around without any direction to go to. Afterwards was a different story.


23rd Jul 2014

The Polar Express (2004)

Question: How come the conductor and the hero girl walk on the roof of the train headed towards the front when they could have walked through it, the way they did coming back with the hero boy?

Answer: Cinematically, it made for more excitement. Walking to and from the engine through the train is, let's face it, boring.


22nd Oct 2014

Seed of Chucky (2004)

Answer: Have you ever SEEN demon doll DNA? It's creepy! Not at all like your 'normal' DNA. Now, if you have a Barbie and Ken doll having a kid, you'd get something nice like a P.J. Doll. You mix evil, twisted, Chucky with psychopathic Tiffany and all bets are off, baby-wise. I'm surprised that Glen turned out as well as he did! And with a Cockney accent?


Question: How is it possible that some of Evan's gaps, being his blackouts, are filled in with stuff that already happened in his life before he knew about his ability (standing with knife, drawing 2 dead man, talking to his father), and other gaps are filled with completely new stuff that changes the moment and the consequence. So: Evan has some gaps filled in, in the past, with things that still have to happen, but also some gaps are 'just' filled in with actions that never had place in the first place? It is all a bit of a mess for me, but I hope someone understand my question.

Answer: Evan's blackout gaps are just that. Gaps. Not only hereditary (his dad had it, remember?), they occur at random intervals and random events in his life as part of his life. Later, he has the option of filling in those gaps with his NEW experiences and thereby changing his future. He is in control; changing his future by choosing the time & place.


Answer: Yeah I brought up the same thing to my GF. I think they just edited things out things that would made sense. The kitchen scene he could grab the knife for any reason but the drawing at the school could be during blackouts he is aware of all the alternate life events. There is a another theory that he was just traumatized and in the mental hospital the whole time. Just in his head thinking he is fixing stuff living other lives. How the Dr. knew about his other lives when Evan just got to that new life in the hospital. In no other flash back did people know about other lives. The girl even commented he is totally different and walks different.

Question: In the scene when the Mad Hatter is "fixing" the rabbit's watch, the Hatter exclaims "It was!" before the rabbit states that the watch was an unbirthday present. Is this on purpose? Or an editing mistake?

Answer: Actually, the White Rabbit sees his damaged watch, says "Oh! My watch". THEN the Mad Hatter says "It was!", then the White Rabbit says that it was an unbirthday gift. So the exchange of dialogue makes sense.


Answer: I think it is an editing mistake. The Mad Hatter is way too excited as if he had just heard it was an unbirthday present.

10th Sep 2013

Blade Runner (1982)

Question: After the cop comes to take Deckard to see Captain Bryant, they get in a police car and the screen says Purge, as mentioned in a trivia entry, just before taking off. Why does it say purge before lifting off the ground?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: "Purge" is another word for "liftoff". It also means "to purge", as in to expel something, in this case the engine fuel necessary to raise the cop car into the air.


10th Sep 2013

Blade Runner (1982)

Question: When Roy and Leon are trying to get answers out of Chew, why does Leon start rubbing eyeballs on Chew's neck and head? (00:30:45)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: To scare him. Leon's a psychopath.


Answer: Eyes are a major theme in the film and Chew created artificial eyes, one of which is placed on his shoulder as a strange and threatening token of his handiwork.

Answer: "Here We Go" by the boy band, NSYNC.


3rd Jul 2013

Shrek (2001)

Question: At about 37:14 in the movie, while Shrek and Fiona are running through the castle, there appears to be a giant book in the background that seems very out of place. Can anyone explain what it is doing there? I don't have high enough resolution to read any of the text.

Answer: It's a cookbook - the book is open to a chapter reading "Knightly Treats" and has a list of ingredients (for the nearby stew pot) and cooking instructions underneath that. The other page shows a drawing of a knight and where to cut him up, with the phrase at the bottom reading "Choice Cuts".


5th Jun 2013

Stripes (1981)

Question: Given that Sergeant Hulka was only the platoon's drill sergeant, that means his authority should have been done once they graduated from basic training. So why did he turn up in Germany and continue to give them orders?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: According to the movie's premise and plot, once they (the platoon) impressed the brass at graduation and was assigned to the Germany gig with the "EM-50", Sgt. Hulka would naturally be with them as he was their original commanding officer. Plus, it would be logical to suggest that he would personally assign himself the detail of overseeing his platoon as they were his to begin with.


He's assigned as a Drill Sergeant, that is his job. Once he was fully healed he would have been assigned another group of recruits.

Answer: He wanted to make sure that they don't screw up this very important assignment, which they did.

14th Dec 2012

The Longest Yard (2005)

Question: Why did Nate Scarborough need x-rays of the guards injuries?

Answer: Simple: to show the other prisoners/players on the team the guards' weakest points on their bodies to attack them. Previous injuries means an advantage.


26th Aug 2012

Mystery Men (1999)

Question: Just interested, but when the Mystery Men are rescuing Captain Amazing, how did Amazing know the sequence for the release mechanism and where it was if he was unconscious when he was put there?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: In a previous scene with Casanova, Capt. Amazing and he have done this (capture & escape) a lot! So much so that Capt. Amazing would have been in that situation before enough times to already know the sequence code from previous times being captured (and escaping).


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