18th Mar 2012

The Time Machine (1960)

Question: Who are the two men who did the voices for the talking rings?

Answer: It was one man...Paul Frees.


13th Sep 2011

Rob Roy (1995)

Question: Right at the beginning of the movie, one of Rob's men sniffs at and even takes a bite out of a piece of a cow pat and can estimate the tinkers head start. How is that possible?

Answer: Cow patties leaving the cow and plopping on the ground leave a distinctively odor and start to harden up after a certain length of time. It isn't to hard to speculate that, since these are cattlemen by trade, they would have a systematic way of knowing how long it would take for a cow pie to harden & lose it's odor. Example: they would know that a cow pie left out for 2 days would lose half it's odor & become semi-hard but still have a mushy center.


29th Nov 2010

General questions

Looking for a movie that has a cartoon within it. It's a 1960's movie with real actors doing a scene which is then reproduced in animation in front of us, the audience. The production of the comic strip is part of the story line. It may be a made-for-TV movie rather than a Hollywood film. The only other thing I remember is that the cameras that the audience can see (that are used to film it for the animation) are mounted on gunstocks which are aimed at the actors. Anyone know what the name is?

Answer: Sounds like "The Three Stooges in Orbit".


2nd Sep 2011

General questions

I don't remember much of the movie or TV show that I'm looking for, just a friendly monster/s in a kid's tree house. Can you think of anything that sounds like this? Thank you.

Answer: There was a movie called "The Monster Squad" where the Frankenstein monster was up in a treehouse and was not scary at all, only pathetic.


Question: When David transforms, why do his eyes stay shut through most of the change except when his hand changes?


Chosen answer: David has his eyes closed because of the excruciating pain he's experiencing. His eyes open to see his hand change because it's cinematically and visually cool to see his own reaction to what's going on. That's how director John Landis directs!


14th Mar 2011

General questions

Looking for movie title or actors: a comedy duo, one short and fat, one tall and thin, in Europe. Once at the Vatican dressed as monks, once in a Ferrari driving at 200 mph, and once they were asked to take a picture and ran away with the camera.


Chosen answer: I believe you are referring to "Nuns on the Run" with Eric Idle (Monty Python fame) & Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid from Harry Potter).


14th Mar 2011

The Incredibles (2004)

Question: I have three questions. One: When the superheroes are fighting the robot at the end, why couldn't Frozone just freeze it completely? Surely that would've been a whole lot simpler. Two: After Violet and Dash are saved by Mr. Incredible (before they're crushed while under the robot), right after it shows Bob flying through the building. It cuts shots, and there is some green floating stuff in the background. Can someone explain to me what it is? Three: After Violet snatches the remote while invisible, the robot falls to the ground, due to the crossed arms, and when Violet is running to her family, in the background, the robot raises his arm to his head, and waves it up and down. What is it doing?


Chosen answer: Three questions? Three answers! First: Frozone couldn't completely freeze the robot because (as seen in the movie) freezing doesn't work! Frozone tried several times and the robot easily broke free. Second: the "green floating stuff" are green tree branches and leaves in the foreground of the robot. Slow the DVD to frame-by-frame and you'll see it! Third: The robots arm moving up and down was an involuntary mechanical jerking movement due to it crashing. Much like "shaking it off" after you fall. It had a mechanical spasm.


14th Oct 2010

General questions

Sometime in the 90s, I heard a rumor about a much-anticipated movie being cancelled because a child choked on a toy/doll of a character from it. Does anyone know if this is true or what movie it was?

Answer: Partially true: 1995's "Toy Story" had a mini-Woody PVC figure sold in the Disney stores. The base of this figure separated from Woody's feet and a child DID choke on the star-shaped piece. I bought one just before they pulled it off the shelves and replaced it with a another Woody figure that had an attached base. The movie, however, was obviously never pulled from release.


13th May 2010

The Simpsons (1989)

Chosen answer: That song is the 1933 song "Young and Healthy" by Harry Warren. It was sung originally by Bing Crosby. Goto:


Question: When Slugworth is trying to bribe Charlie into bringing him the Everlasting Gobstopper, he says that his reward will be "10,000 of these" as he shows Charlie a bunch of money. Does anyone know what "those" were and how much "they" were worth? They look too big to be American dollars.

Paul Pepiton

Chosen answer: The story itself is purposely set in a fictional European country (accordingly to the DVD's audio commentary), so no real town or city can be identified (keeping the cities anonymity). Coupled with the fact that Willy Wonka IS a fantasy, the money offered to Charlie by Slugworth is of a non-descript denominational currency used in that country. It can be safely assumed that it was a very large sum of money.


Question: What is the name of the card game that Von Hammersmark and the German soldiers were playing?

Answer: It's not really a card game per se (like Poker or Hearts). It's just a regular game that can be played with cards or any blank piece of paper. I've played it before and we just called it "The Name Game".


7th Jan 2010

General questions

In the original Pink Panther films, which is the one where Peter Sellers is at a hotel desk and asks if the clerk's dog bites, but then gets bitten with the clerk saying that is not his dog?


Chosen answer: The movie is "The Pink Panther Strikes Again".


14th Dec 2009

Halloween (2007)

Question: From what I understand in this movie Michael Myers is some psycho kid that grew up to kill again. How is he surviving direct gunshots? Is he somehow bulletproof? I don't get it.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: In the original "Halloween" movie series, the Michael Myers character is evil personified. He is SO evil, in fact, that he is bulletproof and killproof. He survives all attempts to destroy him much like Jason Voorhees in the ALL the "Friday the 13th" a series.


Yes, but that is because of all that cult of Thorn crap that is revealed in part 6, The Curse of Michael Myers. In Rob Zombie's version, Michael seems to be a "normal," as in human, kid.

But the cult storyline wasn't in their wheelhouse when they made the original. Michael would have had to been a regular child before the murder of his sister. He wasn't regarded as super human in the first two movies. In the original and Rob's remake, Myers survives being shot multiple times.

Answer: He is still a human, but in John Carpenter's version he can't die because of the curse, and in Rob's version though, he's practically a tank.

Question: When Klaatu and Professor Barnhardt are writing on the black board together, are they solving something that we just haven't solved yet, and so answering this question is hopeless, or does anybody know what it is they are supposedly solving, it looks to be something to do with an event horizon.

Answer: As in the original 1951 movie, Professor Barnhardt has an equation on the board that suggests (theorizes) that space travel through inter-dimensional universes is possible. Klaatu solves the mathematical equation thereby proving that, not only is it possible, but that's how he got there. This was brought out in the original movie.


Answer: The equation Klaatu finds on the professor's blackboard is real - an in joke for mathematicians: the "Three Body Problem" seeks to account for all possible relationships among three objects in space (Landon 85).

Not to mention, Reeve's chicken scratch on that board reminds me of an 8th grader. Frankly, they should have CGI'd that bit. For anyone whose spent any time actually doing equations on a chalk board, his sophomoric scribble is hard to watch.

Question: Exactly what Bach music plays at Professor Barnhardt's that Klaatu seems to be impressed so much by? And, what Latin phrase is shown hanging from the wall in his (Nobel?) prize plaque?

Answer: The Latin phrase on the Nobel prize: "Inventas Vitam Juvat Excoluisse Per Artes" means "Let us improve life through science and art"


23rd Nov 2008

Oldboy (2003)

Question: When Mido was trying to come up with a screen name for Oh Dae-Su early in the movie, why was Dae-Su so interested/startled by the mention of "The Count of Monte Cristo"?

Answer: Perhaps because in the movie/book "The Count of Monte Cristo" that's what happened to him. In the book/movie the hero Edmund Dantes is renamed "the Count" in order to disguise that fact that he is Dantes after having broken out of jail. This way he is free to seek revenge on the ones that put him in jail under false charges.


29th Aug 2009

General questions

Does anyone know if the show "Freakylinks" (with Ethan Embry and Lisa Sheridan) is on DVD, or if it will be? I searched on, but there is just an option to be notified when it becomes available. Thanks.

Answer: YES! "Freakylinks" on DVD can be found at Goto:


Question: I'm trying to find a specific part of a scene. All I can remember is the background is a forest-type set with possibly ruins or stairs. The four hobbits are there, but they're in their normal street attire. Any help would be appreciated as to which scene this shot is located.


Chosen answer: It sounds like a scene in "Return of the King" in the extended version, but it was the TWO hobbits (Merry and Pippin). Frodo & Samwise are still in Mordor trying to destroy the ring. The scene I think you're imagining is where Gandalf and gang come upon the destroyed Two Towers and find Pippin and Merry smoking pipes while sitting on a destroyed tower next to the forest. Hope that helps.


12th Aug 2009

Grease 2 (1982)

Question: How come Stephanie wasn't very friendly towards Michael, but at the end she was happy it was him, as the mystery motorcycle guy? Did she always like him?

Answer: Quite simple, really. Michael (as Michael the student) is preceived as a geek/loser at school and is consequently snubbed by the local girls. As "The Motorcycle Mystery Guy" he is cool, hip, dangerous, and the object of all the girls desire. Stephanie sorta likes Michael because he's easy to talk to and he understands her feelings. It's easy to see that when she finds out Michael & the Motorcycle Guy are one in the same, she's ecstatic!


Question: What did the Über-Morlock mean when he said to Alexander that the Morlocks would not exist without those like Alexander in their quest for science and technology?


Chosen answer: It was a metaphor for their life. He meant had it not been for the destruction of the planet due to scientists (their creations of bombs, germ warfare, etc), the Morlocks could not have existed because they were a result of the same scientists. Had the scientists attempted to do good for mankind, the world would not have turned out like it did when Alexander visited it.


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