Movie Nut

9th Jun 2018

They Live (1988)

6th Jun 2018

Robocop (1987)

6th Jun 2018

M*A*S*H (1972)

13th May 2018

Man of Steel (2013)

Visible crew/equipment: As the soldiers duck behind the truck asking "What about the guy in blue?", the cameraman is reflected on the panel in front of him.

Movie Nut

Visible crew/equipment: After Bond skis off, the man with binoculars gets in a car. As the car reverses, the camera and a crew member are reflected in the glass.

Movie Nut

3rd Apr 2018

M*A*S*H (1972)

19th Feb 2018

Space: 1999 (1975)

6th Feb 2018

Dragnet 1967 (1967)

Visible crew/equipment: After Bond is in his car, it takes off, as well as a cab, and the spy following him. Reflected on all three is a man in dark clothing (presumably a crew member, as he doesn't move from his position), the crew, camera equipment, and a man with white shades on.

Movie Nut

20th Nov 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

7th Nov 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

6th Nov 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

25th Oct 2017

Speed (1994)

Visible crew/equipment: After the bus exits the freeway, as it drives on the city's streets the forward looking street-level action camera is visible, mounted behind the tire. (00:49:05)

Movie Nut

25th Oct 2017

Speed (1994)

Visible crew/equipment: As the bus goes down the freeway, there's a shot of the police chopper following the chase. The movie camera chopper is seen above and to the right of the police chopper that is referred to as a news chopper, but isn't seen again.

Movie Nut

20th Oct 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

Visible crew/equipment: As the cop in the white car joins the chase, and tells Justice to back off, the camera looks at Justice. As he talks the lighting rig and remote camera rig are reflected on his shades.

Movie Nut

10th Oct 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

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