Factual error: When War Machine is about to collide with the star, he ends up mere inches away from its surface before being rescued by Iron Man. Yellow-white stars have a surface temperature of about 10,000° F, and the metal with the highest melting point is tungsten, which is 6,192° F. Iron Man specifically says he switching his armor to "inferno mode" in order to safely catch Rhodey, but Rhodey does no such switching for himself, nor is it even revealed if his armor has that capability, so he should have been incinerated. (00:09:55 - 00:10:30)
27th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)
27th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)
Factual error: When War Machine is drifting towards the star, just before Iron Man rescues him, he rotates his body to bring himself to a dead stop. Since he's in the vacuum of space, rotating his body would not have stopped him. He would have instead continued drifting, but with his body now drifting into the star feet first. (00:09:56)
23rd Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)

Factual error: The opening shot of the episode with the Sphinx and the Pyramids is filled with numerous errors. Firstly, the Sphinx is missing its feet. Secondly, there is a stream in front of the Sphinx. There are no bodies of water in front of the Sphinx. There are temples there. Lastly, as the camera pans to the right, the Pyramids come into view, suggesting they are northeast of the Sphinx. One of the Pyramids is northwest of the Sphinx, and the other one is directly behind it. (00:00:01)
23rd Dec 2020
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994)
Prey of the Black Panther - S2-E7
Factual error: When Reed is looking at the radar image of Africa, he states the blip on the radar is in equatorial Africa. However, the blip appears around where Namibia is, which is more than 1,500 miles south of the equator. (00:05:54)
23rd Dec 2020
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994)

Prey of the Black Panther - S2-E7
Factual error: When the intruder alarm goes off, the display reads "Intruder alarm roof top hanger." It should say "Rooftop hangar." (00:02:12)
23rd Dec 2020
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994)

To Battle the Living Planet - S2-E6
Factual error: The Moon is around 238,000 miles from Earth, but when the Fantastic Four go out into space to find Thor, the Moon is extremely close to Earth. (00:04:11)
16th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)

Factual error: When Iron Man and Rhodey first begin defending Stark Enterprises from A.I.M, the moon in the night sky is far too large. (00:15:34)
16th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)
Cell of Iron - S2-E3
Factual error: When Iron Man is floating away from the asteroid after his thrusters and repulsors have malfunctioned, he somehow comes to a dead stop in the vacuum of space. (00:07:27)
11th Dec 2020
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994)

Inhumans Saga: Part 3: Beware the Hidden Land - S2-E4
Factual error: When Maximus is looking at the video feed of Earth, the numbers for the yardlines on the football field are backwards. They should be marked as 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50, but instead say 1, 02, 03, 04, and 05. (00:18:44)
6th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)
Cell of Iron - S2-E3
Factual error: When Mandarin is in the Himalayas looking for one of his missing rings in a bird's nest, he ends up getting attacked by a bald eagle. There are no bald eagles in the Himalayas or anywhere in Asia for that matter. They are only found in North America.
6th Dec 2020
X-Men (1992)
Factual error: After Wolverine falls into the ocean, he surfaces and grabs onto a platform of ice just after Sabretooth gloats about defeating him. Since Wolverine's skeleton is coated with a heavy metal, he wouldn't be able to surface. He would sink to the bottom and at the least have to resort walking to the nearby cliff wall and using his claws to scale it until he is back on the ground. (00:03:48 - 00:04:24)
6th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)

Cell of Iron - S2-E3
Factual error: When Iron Man is talking about what Arthur Dearborn's gift to mankind was, the Statue of Liberty is incorrectly depicted with its left arm holding the tablet at nearly shoulder level. In real life, the tablet is held at a lower angle. (00:20:17)
6th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)

Cell of Iron - S2-E3
Factual error: When Iron Man lands near Liberty Island, you can see the Statue of Liberty has its back towards the Manhattan skyline, including the Twin Towers. In real life, the Manhattan skyline is more to the statue's left, and New Jersey is behind the statue. (00:20:10)
6th Dec 2020
Iron Man (1994)
Cell of Iron - S2-E3
Factual error: When Iron Man is asking H.O.M.E.R. to calculate where on Earth Star Well will crash, H.O.M.E.R. says it will be 25°60'00"N 80°12'00"W, which Iron Man's computer indicates to be New York City. Those coordinates are actually for Hollywood, Florida, just north of Miami. (00:18:31)
1st Dec 2020
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994)
Inhumans Saga: Part 3: Beware the Hidden Land - S2-E4
Factual error: When the Seeker is telling the heroes the origin of the Inhumans, he tells them how Inhumans were early men who were experimented on by the Kree. When he mentions that the Inhumans' ancestors built the Great Refuge to safeguard themselves against ordinary humans, dinosaurs are visible outside the structure. Dinosaurs and man never coexisted. Man didn't appear on Earth until around 65 million years after the dinosaurs died out. (00:08:20 - 00:09:14)
28th Nov 2020
Breaking Bad (2008)
Factual error: When going over the logistics of the plan to kill the ten men in prison, Jack tells Walt that killing Osama Bin Laden was less complicated. Breaking Bad takes place over a period of two years, beginning with Walt's birthday in 2008, and ending on his birthday in 2010. Bin Laden wasn't killed until May of 2011. (00:15:23)
26th Nov 2020
X-Men (1992)
Factual error: When Xavier is getting ready to get back into his hoverchair, you can see him raise himself to his knees, even though he is a paraplegic. (00:13:43)
26th Nov 2020
Wolverine and the X-Men (2008)
Factual error: When the X-Men are surfacing after crashing their jet into the dam, Shadowcat is shown phasing through the jet and pulling Wolverine and Beast through with her. Since Wolverine's bones are coated with a heavy metal, he wouldn't be able to float to the surface. He would sink instead. (00:14:57)
26th Nov 2020
X-Men (1992)

Night of the Sentinels: Part 1 - S1-E1
Factual error: When the Sentinel reaches out to try to grab the dog, it smashes its hand against the grass and produces numerous cracks in the lawn with a metal clanging sound. Neither of these things would happen. The grass would have a bunch of divots in it, and the sound would be similar to something heavy falling in dirt. (00:02:09)
18th Nov 2020
X-Men (1992)
Night of the Sentinels: Part 2 - S1-E2
Factual error: When the President is giving an address, the Great Seal behind her incorrectly depicts the eagle with its head turned towards its left wing. It should be turned towards its right wing. (00:13:19)
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