Corrected entry: If dirt is rare and expensive, look of the amount of dirt on the floor throughout the wooden islands, etc.
gandolfs dad
5th Jul 2003
Waterworld (1995)
5th Nov 2003
Jurassic Park (1993)
Corrected entry: When we see the helicopter descend to the helipad when the team arrive at Jurassic park. The waterfall in the background is angel falls, the tallest waterfall in the world about 10,000 ft, located in Venezuala.
Correction: These falls are not Angel Falls in Venezuela. They are actually located in the Hanapepe Valley on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Anyone that has taken the helicopter tour there will confirm. In fact, most of the outdoor scenes were all shot on the same island.
25th Sep 2003
Gladiator (2000)
Corrected entry: At the end fight there are rose petals falling all over the coliseum. But how did the rose petals get in the middle? Did mother nature decide to rain rose petals?
16th May 2003
Gladiator (2000)
Corrected entry: How did Maximus get the horse he rides in the "Battle of Carthage"? We never see him cut the ropes/chains and the horse obviously didn't grab a sword and cuts the chains off itself.
5th Jul 2003
Waterworld (1995)
Corrected entry: If Kevin Costner can go down to the bottom of the ocean and get dirt he should be able to get things from the sunk cities a lot more valuble than dirt.
Correction: The Mariner (Costner) does in fact go to the bottom of the ocean to get more valuble things than just dirt. Crayons, shells, National Geographic, and in the extended version a workable CD player is one of the many items that the Mariner gathers from the ocean floor.
7th May 2003
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Corrected entry: When all the gang are caught in that ewok net, R2-D2 starts to cut the rope and they all fall out. Watch after. The whole net is cut open and it breaks about 1 second after we see R2 start to cut it - there's no way he could have done all that, that fast.
Correction: R2 slices through a couple of ropes, weakening the net, which then rips because of their weight.
21st Dec 2003
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Corrected entry: How could Eowyn have cut the nazgul's "steed's" head clean off? It had armour on and her sword wasn't as long as the neck was wide.
Correction: There was only armor on the head, and she takes several quick slices.
5th Jul 2003
Titanic (1997)
Corrected entry: Near the end when they are tying the lifeboats together there is a man shining a torch on all the survivors. For a second you can see a woman in a modern red dress.
Correction: There's one women wearing a red coat, but there's nothing modern about it.
25th May 2003
Titanic (1997)
Corrected entry: At the end when Jack sinks you can tell the body looks nothing like him.
Correction: The farther down he sinks the more his face and body look distorted due to refraction by the choppy surface, but it's still him.
26th Aug 2003
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Corrected entry: When Arnie rescues Sarah who is under gunfire from the office, look closely after they start to walk off from the hole in the wall, you can can see someone walk past the hole in the wall.
Correction: The only person seen jumping past the hole in the wall is John Connor, who was actually a character in the movie; not a crew member.
4th Nov 2003
Final Destination (2000)
Corrected entry: When the plane has taken off in Alex's vision there is some minor turbulance, then some major turbulance, then the side of the plane is rippd off, then abit of a struggle and it finally blows up. Yet when it shows the disaster in the background from the airport, it blows up seconds after takeoff.
Correction: First of all, you see the plane out of the window being well up in the air - some time has passed. Second, what Alex foresees isn't guaranteed to be 100% like the real deal.
10th Oct 2003
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Corrected entry: In the freeway chase scene, when the agent jumps off the bonnet of the car it goes flying, when it shows a side view of the car flying past put it on pause. You can blatantly see a white car complete with a camera company logo, and the camera man out the window.
Correction: The white car is the police car that the agent jumped out of. The logo is the police shield. I can't see a person, but if there is one it would be the agent driving the police car - as you can see in the next he is watching the action.
11th May 2003
Gladiator (2000)
Corrected entry: When Maximus is running through the tunnel to escape watch carefully, at one point some fire drops off his torch and starts to burn the wall. This shows the wall was made of plastic.
Correction: No, this shows that whatever dropped onto the wall (probably a kerosene) was flammable.
2nd May 2003
Gladiator (2000)
Corrected entry: At the parade with Commodus in the chariot there is a part when Commodus is riding toward the camera. Look behind him at the horsemen and you can see one struggling to keep his horse in a straight line.
Correction: Perfectly believable that a horse is acting up - not really a mistake.
15th Jul 2003
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: When it shows you the shot of the unconscious Luke and the Tusken raiders searching through his speeder, look closely on the belt on the side nearest the speeder. He has his lightsaber, which he isn't supposed to have yet.
Correction: That is not a lightsaber; it is a remote for the restraining bolt used on the droids.
3rd May 2003
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Corrected entry: When Padme and the trooper falls out the the ship the trooper lands about 4 feet away from a rock but when you see padme roll down the trooper is almost on top of the rock. (02:03:30)
Correction: He is not on top of the rock but he looks like he is on top of it because we look at him horizontally.
9th Sep 2003
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
11th Jun 2003
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Corrected entry: How come whenever they are flying no matter where they are you can see stars but they are never near any?
Correction: They always see stars when flying because you actually can see stars from any place in the universe. Any time they're on a planet they're near a star, just as we are near our Sun. Other stars are always so immensely far away that they look like pinpoints of light.
17th Jun 2003
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Corrected entry: When Dr. Evil gets hit in the meat and two veg by the meteor model we hear Goldmember say "Schei*e" (German for sh*t), but he is Dutch.
Correction: Duplicated mistake.
8th Jun 2003
Last Action Hero (1993)
Corrected entry: When Jack falls in the tar pool Whitney comes in with clean clothes about 30 seconds after it happened. So how could she find out about it, drive over to their new house, get the clothes then drive over to the tar pool in 30 seconds?
Correction: That's the point the filmmakers wanted to make. They wanted us to remember that it is a movie (within the movie), so they deliberately added mistakes and illogical happenings. Besides, Whitney knows that her father needs new clothes, cars, ammo and other equipment on a regular basis. She could just pop by with stuff in case he needed it occasionally. Cheesy, yes, but not more so than shooting a closet because "there's always a guy in there" and being right.
Also, When Whitney says she has new clothes for her father Danny says "Doesn't anyone find this just a little convenient", expressing his disbelief that she should be there so quickly as it would only happen in the movies, not real life.
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Correction: Its not a wooden island, it's metal, and the "dirt" isn't dirt, it's rust.