gandolfs dad

Corrected entry: When Ethan is going down to the security room on a rope you can see a man standing on the floor at the bottom. It's right after he starts to descend.

gandolfs dad

Correction: The room is empty all the time until the employee enters.


Correction: What Sacha said is correct, but if this is referring to the second time Ethan descends into the room, then... that's obviously the employee that entered the room, not a crew member.


18th Jun 2003

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Ben makes the noise to distract the two stormtroopers just before he walks off you can see him look to his right. But what was there to look at apart from other crew and equipment?

gandolfs dad

Correction: He was making sure that nobody was watching him.

Corrected entry: When Dooku is being followed by the ship we see him look at his scanner to see who it is following then tell his guards to attack them. His scanner is showing an impossible view - Dooku can see the back of the ship following him. The only way for that to happen is if Dooku had a camera flying behind the transport. That's not reasonable or logical when a simple "rear-view" would give him the same info.

gandolfs dad

Correction: The image on Dooku's screen is what the Geonosian star fighters (the ships that attack the republic gunship) are seeing, not what is in front of Dooku's speeder.

Corrected entry: After the woman speaks to Russell Crowe at night when he is chained up he knocks over the glass of water which was just out of his reach. Next scene when the woman is speaking to that man you can see in the background the glass of water isn't there.

gandolfs dad

Correction: You wouldn't see the glass since Cort had already knocked it over and it would be laying on it's side. A clear glass laying on it's side would be hard to see from the distance in that scene. You can however see what looks like a small wet spot on the ground where the water spilled.

18th Jun 2003

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Obi Wan is struck down we see Vader strike through his neck then Obi Wan's body disappears. But his cloak is still totally intact. Surely the saber would have cut through it?

gandolfs dad

Correction: When the robe falls on the floor, it's all crumpled up. Perhaps there WAS damage, but we just didn't see it from this one angle.

18th Jun 2003

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Luke's uncle is next to the jawa transport telling Luke he can't go to Toshi's station with his mates, look in the background and you can see a line going through the background board and you can see a line on the floor where the board stands.

gandolfs dad

Correction: There is no 'background board'. This scene was shot outdoors in a real desert. The vertical line is the tall antenna of one of the rearmost robots, and the horizontal line is a rut in the dry desert floor. In my screen-shot, note the antenna ends below the transporter's overhang, and doesn't pass behind it as a 'background' would. No mistake here.

Corrected entry: When one of the girls is in the interview it reads 10:55 on the clock behind her. Then the interviewer says something. Back to the girl, and the clock now reads 11:20.

gandolfs dad

Correction: They are two different girls, and time has passed between shots. The first woman is the teacher, next there's a shot of the interviewer saying something, then the next shot is one of the students being interviewed.

Corrected entry: When it is the scene of the rooftop funeral we see a scene of the camera circling the building. There is something on the window of the helicopter (which can be seen again later) that keeps getting in the way of the left camera.

gandolfs dad

Correction: That is actually the security helicopter that later fires on Arnie in the elevator. Its a point-of-view shot from one of the people in the chopper. The thing that is in and out of the shot a few times is an air hole in the window. Seems like a mistake, until you see the chopper is part of the action later.

3rd Jul 2003

Jumanji (1995)

Corrected entry: When Alan tells Sarah who he really is we see her faint. Look closely as she falls over. You can see her hair and earrings don't move around as she faints. CGI?

gandolfs dad

Correction: Look at the shot closely, the woman says, "Alan" right before falling over. While it's possible that the effects folks could have done a cross-dissolve from the real woman, there is no reason to do that for such a simple shot. She was not falling very fast at the beginning of the shot, so it's entirely possible that her hair and earrings would not move.

Corrected entry: When the two are walking down the street with the magazine they see Kevin's dad come so they start handing it to each other - it eventually slips out and the brown bag is left with Perry. But after that the bag is nowhere to be seen.

gandolfs dad

Correction: Just as kevin throws himself onto the magazine, you can see the paper bag falling out of the left side of the screen, so it is out of shot.

Corrected entry: When the helicopter crashes into the building it destroys a wall, which bends inwards suspiciously like card or plywood before smashing to show daylight behind it. (01:20:30)

gandolfs dad

Correction: They're in a very poor area of the city, it's not unlikely that the buildings would be constructed of cheap materials.

Corrected entry: When Jack is in the elevator we see the door open, Jack duck and the chopper shoot all the wrong men. When the door closes again we see bullet marks everywhere which couldn't have happened as the door was in the wall at the time.

gandolfs dad

Correction: If you will look carefully toward the sides of the doors as the bad guys are being shot, you will see that the bullets coming from the helicopter actually penetrate and go through the metal doors. In addition, the doors do not completely enter the shaft before the shooting starts, so it makes complete sense for the doors to have holes in several different places.

Correction: Both, front & rear hubcabs, fall off. Front when driving past the fence. Rear when car hits the water revealing white wheels.

19th Apr 2004

The Mummy Returns (2001)

Corrected entry: In one of the shots of the guy putting out his arm to catch the magi's messenger bird (its the shot of the man standing in front of the army) You can see a red rubber glove on the man's hand to stop the claws of the bird scratching him.

gandolfs dad

Correction: Actually, this makes sense. Anyone would want to wear protective clothing when dealing with animals with claws/talons.

25th May 2003

Gladiator (2000)

Correction: After watching the scene it is obvious that his hands would never slip entirely off the cuffs. His wrist is too big to get through.


17th May 2003

Gladiator (2000)

Corrected entry: When Maximus is being taken to be executed we see the hands of a hung, dead roman soldier. At the last second just before the camera changes you can see the man flick his thumb. (00:38:00)

gandolfs dad

Correction: Those are Maximus' tied hands we are seeing.


15th Oct 2003

South Park (1997)

Proper Condom Use - S5-E7

Corrected entry: In the episode about the sex education, when Mr. Mackey is talking to Miss Chokesondick he says his head kept growing and growing but his body stayed normal, yet in the episode when he becomes a hippy he takes off his tie meaning his tie made his head big.

gandolfs dad

Correction: It is perfectly possible that Mr. Mackey has been wearing a tie since childhood, and never took it off. After all, it's South Park, and there are a lot of weird things going on there (like characters never changing their clothes and the town being destroyed a few times a month).

13th May 2003

Gladiator (2000)

Corrected entry: Watch when Maximus has thrown his sword at the box and is saying "are you not entertained?" there is a shot where it shows the whole arena. One of the men is looking up at him even though they are all supposed to be dead. (01:05:00)

gandolfs dad

Correction: He's not dead, he's wounded.


Corrected entry: In one scene when Dr. Evil is talking, there is a shot when Dr. Evil says "little creepy." As he is saying this you can see the boom mike at the top of the screen. (00:39:55)

gandolfs dad

Correction: This is not a boom mic, it is simply the periscope that was lifted in an earlier shot.


6th Sep 2003

Johnny English (2003)

Corrected entry: When the funeral is taking place and Johnny is speaking to the hearse driver look at the church in the background - the windows are boarded up to protect it from the forthcoming blast, and if it wasn't in use then why would there be a funeral there?

gandolfs dad

Correction: Many churches in England are simply forced to board up their windows due to vandalism - boarded windows do not necessarily mean that the church is not in use, it generally just means that the windows have been smashed.

He's My Brother

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