Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, Sean and Beverly are on the phone with Eileen Jaffee. In some shots Sean is holding the phone upside down, and in others he's holding it the right way up.
20th Dec 2017
Episodes (2011)
20th Dec 2017
Episodes (2011)
Episode Four - S5-E4
Continuity mistake: When Sean, Beverly and Matt are brainstorming TV show ideas, Matt writes "whores!" on the whiteboard. His handwriting changes depending on the shot.
20th Dec 2017
American Horror Story (2011)
Revealing mistake: After Meadow tells Ali about the cult, Ali's phone shows that her phone call to Ivy has been active for 13 seconds, when in reality the call has been active for much longer than that.
20th Dec 2017
Orphan Black (2013)
Revealing mistake: Not long into Sarah's phone call to Rachel telling her P.T. Westmorland's real age/name, Sarah's phone is not actually in call mode.
20th Dec 2017
Orphan Black (2013)
Continuity mistake: When Art kills Simon Frontenac, the barrel of his handgun is pulled back, indicating that the magazine is empty. When he checks Frontenac's pulse, the barrel is pulled forward again.
20th Dec 2017
Mad Men (2007)
Continuity mistake: When Don and Betty are speaking in the bedroom, Betty lights a cigarette with a lighter in her right hand. In the following shot, the lighter has vanished without her putting it down.
18th Dec 2017
Orphan Black (2013)
Continuity mistake: When Gracie is on the phone to Mark and reading Helena's diary, the diary has changed position on Helena's bed before Gracie touches it.
18th Dec 2017
Legends of Tomorrow (2016)
Continuity mistake: After Leo makes his "heartfelt confession" to Mick and Mick says he wasn't listening, the glass skull on the desk moves position between shots without either of them touching it.
18th Dec 2017
Episodes (2011)
Episode Six - S5-E6
Continuity mistake: When Sean, Beverly and Matt are at dinner, the wine bottle is either next to the TV script or on top of the TV script depending on the shot.
18th Dec 2017
The Exorcist (2016)
Continuity mistake: When Andrew and Ted are outside drinking beer, Andrew's beer bottle flips around in his hand between shots when he's sitting down.
18th Dec 2017
Orphan Black (2013)
Other mistake: The URL seen on Siobhan's laptop (https://internet-search.comm7986/index.html) is obviously a fake URL.
18th Dec 2017
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Proposal Proposal - S11-E1
Continuity mistake: When Penny and Bernadette are talking in the kitchen, the string for the teabag in Bernadette's yellow mug keeps moving between shots.
18th Dec 2017
Supernatural (2005)
Continuity mistake: When Jack tries levitating a pencil, the pencil completely vanishes after he sets it down again.
18th Dec 2017
Orphan Black (2013)
Revealing mistake: After Krystal goes to the bathroom, Sarah's phone is not in call mode.
18th Dec 2017
Fear the Walking Dead (2015)
Continuity mistake: The knife that Nick stabs into the balcony keeps moving between shots.
18th Dec 2017
The Punisher (2017)
Crosshairs - S1-E7
Continuity mistake: In the opening scene with Lewis and Clay, the mug on the kitchen counter between them keeps moving between shots.
18th Dec 2017
Sense8 (2015)
We Will All Be Judged by the Courage of Our Hearts - S1-E8
Continuity mistake: The pattern of the red paint thrown on Sun's wall art changes drastically once a fight breaks out.
18th Dec 2017
Sense8 (2015)
We Will All Be Judged by the Courage of Our Hearts - S1-E8
Revealing mistake: When Nomi is on her bike, in a wide shot, she is portrayed by a stunt woman.
3rd Nov 2017
Mad Men (2007)
Continuity mistake: While sitting with Glen watching cartoons on the sofa, Betty has a red straw in her Coca-Cola bottle. When Carla and the children come home and Betty stands up to talk to them, the straw is gone. After much of the conversation is over, the straw is back. It's gone again after Betty enters the kitchen and picks up the phone.
3rd Nov 2017
Supergirl (2015)
Other mistake: During an argument, Maggie's father mentions the border wall being built to keep people from entering the country illegally. This is obviously a reference to the real-life presidency of Donald Trump, but within the show's continuity, his comment doesn't make sense: in "Resist", the penultimate episode of season two, it's revealed that President Olivia Marsdin is literally an alien from outer space, and earlier in the season in "Welcome to Earth", she signed an executive order offering aliens such as herself full citizenship if they so desired it. If she's that tolerant of extraterrestrials, it seems unlikely that she'd be so intolerant of foreign immigrants as to resort to such an extreme action in foreign policy like building a wall on the border.
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