I'm looking for a movie about a family who owns a restaurant and then their kids start to do some things that make the restaurant has more people to come to it.
Unanswered general questions about movies, TV and more
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I've been trying to find this movie for months now, I don't know much because it was a while ago when I saw it, on TV, but it's about a girl who gets pregnant and her musician boyfriend leaves her. She ends up going to live I think with her family on a farm, and while she is there a guy shows up, and I think that she likes him. They draw her belly each month, and after she has the baby she starts running with her/her, and at the end of the movie she is on a rooftop with the guy - that's all I know!
I'm looking for a movie about a dark skinned lady who seems to have a mental illness and meets a girl online. That girl that she met sent her some photos of herself. Her said to be "brother" (he is actually the husband of the online girl) goes to the lady's home and wants to converse with her. The lady thinks he is a therapist and refuses to let him in. Eventually he gets inside. Later in the movie the lady handcuffs the man to her couch. She wants to get to know his "sister" and asks him questions. One of the questions is how his "sister" smells. He says she smells like rosemary. The "sister" ends up committing suicide by jumping in front of a train.
I remember a film from when I was around 7-8 years old (I'm 19 now) and it involves a group of kids who go to a summer camp or something. There's one boy who isn't with them, but goes there and takes them all out of the camp one by one. There's also some sort of weird military guy who's the camp leader if I remember correctly. The only other part of the film I remember is the coach ride to the camp and all the kids sing that song "I know a song that'll get on your nerves." Please help!
Here's the synopsis of the movie, The movie was I believe made in the late 80's or early 90's maybe, I am not sure. There was this college student, who not very lucky with the ladies whatsoever, so what he desperately wanted to do, is to make this elixir or drug, if you want, that would make him attractive to women. He kept trying and trying, at first all of his efforts didn't pay off, he turned the one girl into a gorilla, this other Italian chick who he took out for dinner and gave the drug started farting all over the place until she lit a cigarette and blew up his car. Devastated as he was, he decided to try other ways as increasing his penis size, so he went down a sex shop and asked for the bigger vibrator that women would love. The guy warned him that he had on but it was way to big. Anyways he tried it and that failed too, and once again he started experiments again. This time however he succeeded. He went to show his friend, but his friend wouldn't believe him, and he said "OK watch this" and then he called this girl that was about 200 ft away from him. When she looked at him started running towards him while talking off her clothes, after that he had finally had sex with so many girls that he died, and at the end his friends were talking about him and the saw a rabbit that had the same shirt on he always had, a shirt with a flag on it that he'd worn throughout the movie. It is not Love Potion No 9. The protagonist was a guy.
I'm trying to find a film that was set in a forest/woods where there is a community living in the trees - there was a young blonde girl about to get married, but was crying to her dad because she wished her dead mother was there. All I can remember was her crying "mama, mama" in a southern accent. This was set in the 90's or 80's I think.
I watched a movie in the early 90's or late 80's - it was an Asian movie, at the end a man opened his artificial leg, took a gun and fired towards a gang, and then the gang put their guns in a small fountain. A hero got shot and fell in the fountain - he was wearing a suit, took a gun from the fountain and he fired at the gang, What is the name of the movie?
Here's a challenge for all you movie fans out there! It was about 2 years that I last saw this film, and to the best of my memory these are the descriptions I can give about it: The director portrays a drug runner who deals with I believe it was cocaine (could be heroin) and attracts a young woman to the drug. A week or two later he then requires payment from her, and she cannot afford the money for the drugs since she's paying for her child. He then has sex with her as payment for the drugs, and keeps on 'feeding' her drugs while coming by every few days to bang her. This is a very dark portrayal of the drug world, and very realistic in the sense that it shows the viewers what most politically correct movies don't today: Abusing women for drugs, taking everything away from people around you, and caring only about one thing: Yourself. It's a very good film and I'd very much like to know its name so I can watch it again soon. I thought it was Exit Wounds with DMX, but I viewed that movie the other day and that's a very clean movie compared to what I'm describing here. Let's see if anyone can guess the name of this film. I'd be really happy to see an answer here about it! Thanks.
There's a movie I saw a while ago. It's an Asian film. The family was somewhat dysfunctional, I can't quite remember, but I think the dad had an affair. What I do remember was the two children in the family; a girl and a boy. The girl had some health problems while the boy was mentally handicapped. The girl took care of the boy and they were often seen on their own pushing their bicycles. Towards the end, the girl's health problems caused her to be hospitalized, and the boy was left on his own. He was later involved in a car accident. In the end, a part of his brain (I think) was donated to his sister, allowing her to live while he passed away. I've been looking for this movie for a long time. Please help if you know it! Thanks!
Looking for the name of a film that was being played on UK television in the early 00s. The only scene I can properly remember is towards the start; there's a drug lab (or a diamond smuggling organisation) that has loads of either topless or completely naked women carrying out the operation. One of the bad guys explains that it's so they can't hide any of the product to steal. They're all fitted with explosive collars in case they try to run away. I think the movie was sci-fi and I vaguely remember spaceships appearing at some point, maybe the drug lab was on a spaceship.
There is a movie that I have searched for on the internet and through movie buffs for some time, but have never gotten a title. What I remember of the movie is that it followed a group of teenagers, but focused mostly on maybe an eighteen year old male. I know that he was white, his girlfriend was black and he kept seeing visions of a man in a dinosaur suit shooting people with a laser gun. I know a general theme to the movie was the end of the world, and that the group of teenagers were trying to go to Candy's party. I can only assume the movie came out in the late nineties but am not certain as I watched it on cinemax, or showtime. I remember another character who was a blonde girl, and I believe she was taken advantage of by a televangelist. Other than that, I know that the dinosaur shoots a mom and daughter, and the group eventually make it to Candy's party, and there is something to do with two guys who are twins known as "the twins." I have searched for answered to this movie for a very long time now and have never gotten anywhere with it. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
I'm looking for a movie for which I saw the trailer for a month or two ago. It starts with a family in the dessert and the two kids (boy and girl) go exploring. When the kids come home, something's different about them. Anybody know what movie this is?
I'm looking for a show or movie that most likely aired in the early 2000s. Basically a family goes on vacation to a cabin, and two of the boys go exploring, and run across a dead body in a field. The dead man is wearing a bracelet, and one of the boys takes it and puts it on. Soon he contracts smallpox, or at least something like smallpox, I remember he had red blisters on his body.
Looking for a movie with a Giovanni Ribisi lookalike kid who was hit by a car while skateboarding and sent through tunnels to some sort of afterlife. Late 80's early 90's made for TV movie. I believe the story is his journey back to earth, possibly through another death or water? Weird memory, dark and creepy concept. Anyone?
This is a TV movie made in the 80's or early 90's. It is about a lady (maybe a lawyer or Dr.) She wants to have a baby so she hires this man to live with her. I think he falls in love with her because he finds her birth control pills and starts giving them to her at night. I cannot remember any more of the movie.
A film from the late 80s where the opening scene shows mother, brother and sister at the airport after father's death. The brother then becomes possessed in some way and is seen throughout the film sitting in a chair with supernatural powers?
There was a movie I saw sometime in the 1980's. One scene that constantly stuck out in my mind was a guy giving a woman a ride on his bicycle. He kept pedaling making the bike go faster and faster. The woman eventually becomes scared and screams at him to stop. He gets so mad that he brakes very hard causing the woman to fall right off onto the concrete giving her a bloody nose. The man then wants to know what her problem is.
I'm looking for a comedy movie with a girl who was kidnapped by her father's "men" she acted with another guy who hired someone to help him find her. This guy was quite funny, always drunk and was sexually attracted to another girl who kept wearing weird costumes. I think it started when the girl and guy were bathing in the sea and one of them hid the other's clothing. I believe her father was some rich guy.
I'm looking for a movie that begins with a woman who has to give up her two children, a boy and girl. They get taken in by an elderly couple and in the the man doesn't like them, later on in the movie they become responsible, they are fun to be around with, and the dad begins to like them. The last part I remember was that the girl has a really weird dream. The title had something to do with "the war at home" or something like that.
I am trying to find a movie that I saw on TV in 1991 while my family was traveling in the States. I remember an old man finding a baby girl abandoned in a restaurant or a cafe and he takes her in. I seem to remember that the mother later shows up again but then disappears only a short time later. I also remember that the baby becomes very ill - the man takes her to a hospital and ends up leaving her there. I also remember another scene where the baby is in foster care I think - he comes in and takes her away with him after finding her lying in a crib with bars across the top. I think the mother is having some problems raising the baby and is trying to find someone who can either adopt the baby or help her to take care of it. Can anyone help me out? I would really like to know what this movie was called.
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