Hi, I watched a movie in the 90's (I think) which had young characters seeking to adopt a child, but the investigator came at the same time as either a drug deal gone bad or maybe a home invasion. This was a dark-ish comedy with the young male character moving and hiding a body and other things happening along the same lines, and at the end they decide to forget it or just go on vacation or move. I'm not really doing justice to the movie as it was pretty good. So if anyone could help me with this vague question it would be appreciated. My last question here was answered spot on, so you guys are good at helping out, and thanks for that help.
Unanswered general questions about movies, TV and more
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I'm looking for a lifetime movie I remember - it begins with a woman being pulled over by a cop who turns out to be her fiance. Later on she finds out that she has lost her memory - she is already married and she witnessed either her mother or stepmother kill her father.
What is the movie where there was a kid having a birthday party and they live in the middle of nowhere, but these bad guys come and take them hostage and one of the boys saves the day? Unfortunately those are all the details I can remember. It is from around the late 80's or sometime in the 90's.
I'm looking for an 80's or 90's movie where this guy looks up an old flame because she was a great getaway driver. She's living this awesome isolated life out of a trailer in the middle of nowhere. I think she's a blonde.
I want to know the title of this movie that I've watched sometime in year 2004 but I think this movie is from 90's. The scene that I remembered is that the girl is been kidnapped and raped. The kidnapper rapes the victim while in front of a camera that has a live-stream to the internet so that the kidnapper will earn money from it. Lastly, on the last part the girl was able to escape using the kidnappers' car.
Old Maid movie - I watched this movie about ten years ago. I think it's based around 1900 - 1970. It starts in a school where they are writing with quills and the main character gets bullied. Later on after the girl leaves school she works as a maid in a large house. Her job goes well here until the bully gets a job there and frames the girl for stealing a coin she found while cleaning. The girl gets a job at a factory and later on the bully does does too, though she acts nicer. Later on the girl marries a rich man and has children. Later on the girl and her children encounter the beggar whom the girl ignores. One of the girl's daughters runs in front of a horse and cart and is saved by the beggar/bully. Both characters are female. I appreciate any help. Thank you.
I don't know the title or who was in it but I was very young when I saw it in the early 2000s, before 2004. It was either a movie or series episode about a woman who was married - I can't remember if she and her husband were kidnapped but I know that she was. In the movie she was raped a lot by two captors - then when they are trying to escape, a car chase ensues and it ends with the man that she has fallen "in love" with dying from a gunshot wound and her getting returned with or back to her husband. But then she actually wakes up in the night and says her captor's name due to Stockholm Syndrome, that I believe she gets during the brutal kidnapping. What is this movie called, please?
I can't remember much about this film, but I remember being a child around late 90s or early 00s (it's all a blur) and seeing what I believe was a scary movie. The movie (I think) consisted of a male and a female who fall in love? I feel like I remember them getting off some form of public transportation and later making out in the grass. I believe the movie ended with a piece of paper with a large question mark written on it. Or something else. I've really been trying to find it, but because it was so long ago I feel my memories may be jumbled. Thank you.
The movie I'm trying to remember has a scene with a mother grieving for her daughter who died (approx age of child is 7-10). The mother keeps the child's room just as it was when she died and sits in it daily. It has a window overlooking a yard and a huge tree and one day the mother sees the child standing next to the tree. She raced downstairs to see her daughter only to find her gone. I can't tell you what year it was or even narrow it down to a decade other than it was before 1980.
I'm trying to remember the name of a movie that keeps popping up in my head. The only problem is that all I remember is a lady getting kidnapped by a man somewhere near a train, and towards the end he stabs her with a nail or bolt. He keeps her in a van. This movie was between the years of 1980 and 1995?
I will be surprised if someone can tell me the title of this movie, I remember one minor scene and it's driving me nuts. The scene involves a military transport jeep with the antagonist and a few characters. The characters get out of the truck and are with a female military person. He gives her a chance to run before he shoots her, and she runs for the trees. However he pulls out his gun and shoots her from afar, and she collapses in the distance once he shoots her. The setting is maybe a forest, I just remember trees and plants/bushes.
I am looking for the title of a movie that has girls playing cups like in Pitch Perfect. There are two or more girls sitting on the ground playing cups. I'm not sure if they are singing or not. Thank you.
I'm looking for a black and white film I saw on TV as a child (maybe in the 70s). It had parents whose 2 or 3 year old daughter (blond, curly hair) was kidnapped while playing with water outside and, I think, never found, but possibly shown at the end to the audience to be in a children's home?
The movie I'm looking for is a movie for kids. It's two kids from opposite camps or teams that are in love and there is a weird guy who is trying to hide a bear, who's living in the forest near the camp, to protect it. The kids discover the bear and try to help the guy. I think the movie is from around 1995.
There is a film I watched a couple of years ago, I don't have a clue what the name is or what the characters were called. The film is based on this girl who is about 13, this boy fancies her but she doesn't like him back, at one point she hurts her leg during a PE class - I think and he tries to help by massaging it but she either hurts him or has a go at him for it. In the film he drowns, I think in a lake, and he might have tried to save the person he was swimming with. At the boy's funeral he has an open casket and the girl looks in and sees him holding either something that is a keepsake from one of their meetings or a picture of her. I really want to watch it again and it's been bugging me for years.
Please bear with me as I remember very little about this movie. All I remember is that there was a very caring woman and a black man that wasn't very smart. He got upset one night and ran out of the door of the house and ended up getting hit by a train.
I am looking for a movie which I watched as a kid in the 90's. It starts with a girl getting off a school bus and walks to her house. She walks in and sees her mother being stabbed to death. The girl runs away and in to the forest where the killer runs after her. She manages to get away but loses her memory. She grows up and as an adult starts remembering what happened. I really want to know what this movie is called.
This horror/mystery/supernatural movie is from the 60's or 70's and all I can remember is that a family moves into or inherits a grand manor with an over grown pool. There is a man who is missing his legs and lives under the sinks - uses secret tunnels to traverse the manor on a wheeled board.
I'm looking for a movie about a little girl, her older brother and her mother who were about to travel to somewhere or maybe return to the U.S. While at the airport the little girl's doll was mixed up with a similar doll filled with diamonds. The mother was arrested at the airport, and the little girl and her brother were on the run from the thieves who owned the diamond filled doll, I believe they were running from the thieves in Mexico. Most of this movie detail may not be accurate but that's how I remember it, and also this movie is not "The Child Glass."
Not sure of the name of a movie. It's about a group of girlfriends that go to see one of their friends. They find out that their friend is in an abusive relationship. I do remember one scene that might help a little more. On their way to see their girlfriend they tease a cop or maybe some random by pretending they are taking off their undies, but really they have a glove box full of undies and they throw their spare undies to the guy.
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