Unanswered general questions about movies, TV and more

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Is there any way to locate a specific episode of a game show from nearly 50 years going through a network or other company to see if the episode still exists in the studio or retrieve a copy of it (the way that Game Show Network does with old shows)?

This was a moment in a TV show. I saw it in the '90s. A man is in a bedroom. A woman is lying on the bed. I think she is wearing a sweater and jeans. He has killed her or somehow made her unconscious. Two men (or a man and woman?) enter the room. One picks her up. The man who was already in the room says "I love her." The other man says "You don't kill people you love." They leave with her. The "bad guy" doesn't try to stop them. Sorry for not having many details. Thanks for any guesses.

I remember watching a short film on TV when I was a little girl I was about 7 or 8 years old at the time. I remember these kids are going to be putting on a play and this dark skinned girl imagines herself on stage and being beautiful, but she is disappointed when she learns that they are doing Snow White. She wants to try out for Snow White but the other kids tease her because she is black. I remember the girls name was something like Carol. Can anyone help me?

Is there an archive of any information about location photography from specific movies? 1937's Captains Courageous contains scenes of large fishing schooners speeding downwind, heeled over so far that the edges of their decks are under water. Impossible to simulate. James Stewart's The Spirit of St. Louis has nearly five minutes of period aerial photography of the actual city of St. John's, Newfoundland, Lindbergh's last contact with North America as he headed east. It's a rare visual record.


I remember seeing an action movie, probably from the 90s, and at one point a henchwoman was beating up either the hero or a supporting character, during which she says something like "Oh, did that hurt? Want mommy to kick it better?" Anyone know what movie this is?


I saw an ad on Facebook for a reading app and it had a video clip that was obviously not for the story. I'm trying to find out where it came from. It takes place in a college classroom. A girl is sitting writing something in a book. Then a guy comes in, sits next to her, steals her pen and starts a game of tic-tac-toe in the holes of her fishnet leggings. The guy also has a tattoo across his neck, if that helps.

Trying to remember a movie (possibly a TV movie) I saw parts of as a kid in the 90s. All I can remember is a woman is attacked in her home and loses her memory after the incident, later on she goes to some kind of fair (maybe state fair) and has a panic attack/flashback after seeing a police office on horseback. Any ideas?

What sketch comedy show had a bit I believe titled "American History As told By The British"? I don't remember much except for 2 guys talking and saying,"America is boring".

I remember seeing a haunted-house movie on TV in the early/mid 90's. I don't remember much about it outside of a scene where the family cat is found dead early in the film. (I think it was a black or darker-colored cat, and I seem to remember there's blood on or around it, too, but I'm not 100%.) That's literally all I remember. It may have been a TV movie just from what I recall based on how it looked. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


In the 1970s as a kid, I remember a commercial where kids were pretending to be cars or maybe playing with toy cars, and at the end of the commercial, an announcer said "Remember, a car is NOT a toy" followed by a kid's voice impersonating a siren as the commercial ended. Does anyone remember this and what was the product or advertisement for exactly?

In what movie or TV series does someone say "TV dinner!" in the end of the intro? Could be something like "bring out your TV dinner!", I really just remember the TV dinner part.

I once saw a few minutes of this sitcom TV episode. The main characters' neighbor is a man who has two girlfriends - two girlfriends who both know about each other, agree to this relationship, they might have lived with him. I remember a scene where the man was sitting in the hot-tub, with one girlfriend on either side of him. The main character couple might have been visiting and talking with them in the hot-tub. Thank you for any guesses.

I'm trying to find the name of a movie but I only remember this one scene. A guy spins a quarter on a table and it doesn't fall. He covers it with a glass while it's still spinning and then walks away.

Is there a TV series lately which has a similar poster as that for See featuring Jason Momoa? I remember seeing a similar one.


I'm trying to remember a movie: a boy is with an adult (a wizard?) as they are on a quest somewhere looking for something. The whole time, the boy is trying to get the wizard or warrior is go back to his village to help them win a war that's going on. When he tells the wizard (or warrior) about going back and helping the village, the man always says, "Oh, don't worry, they're fine." Then the scene cuts to the kid's village being attacked by some vicious army. This happens several times in the movie. Any clue?


There was a kids book I read in the 80's. As I recall, the kid was really into baseball but his father wasn't, he was into numbers and might have been an accountant (but that might not even be how it went). The only thing I swear I remember was the father said he knew when baseball's opening day was because it fell on the same day as tax day, April 15th. For the longest time I thought baseball's opening day was always April 15. I also have a feeling the father and son bonded over baseball when the father realised how much numbers and math was involved in the game.


There was a computer game that I believe was created by Rand Miller. The game had to do with what I believe was an alien that ended up in the Amazon in the past. To ensure that the alien wasn't found out it had to take the form of other people and couldn't be seen in the same room as the person it made itself look like. What was it?

I saw a movie or TV show in the late 1960s or early 70s about a Los Angeles Rams player who kicks an opponent in the head on the field. That's all I can remember but it is nagging at me. Can you tell me anything about it?

I am trying to find the name of the Disney animated movie that has a scene where a monkey runs off a cliff while saying "oops wrong movie".


I am looking for a Crime/Thriller/Suspense/Mystery American movie that was produced in the 70s or 80s or 90s. The Plot: a young couple who lives with their kids and dog in a nice house. One day an elderly lady comes to visit them claiming to be related to the wife. The couple naively believes her and allows her to move in. Overtime, she starts to subtly, cunningly and stealthily try to kill each of them including the dog. I cannot recall the cast as I was young when I watched it. I thought the title was, "The stepmom/mother;" however each time I google it, I end up with a Julia Roberts movie. Can someone please remember this movie and its title?


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