Unanswered general questions about movies, TV and more

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There was a short film on IFC starring Troy Evans. In the short film, he is a lumberjack who happens to come across a tree woman. She ends up kissing Troy and after that he is never seen again. What's it called?

There was a movie on the HallMark Channel. In the movie, a guy goes to a town and makes friends with a woman. While there, the woman convinces the guy to be in an eating competition. The competition deals with needing to eat a huge stack of pancakes. When the competition starts, all of the contestants are eating rapidly except for the guy. When the woman demands to know why he isn't eating rapidly, he says that food is meant to be savored not devoured. I never saw the rest but I'm pretty sure he lost, making the woman angry.

A long while ago, I remember watching a delightful little stop-motion Christmas animation short about a lonely little boy who makes himself a companion out of a large pillow/cushion, some sticks and a pair of boots that he finds in the attic during a snowstorm. His creation (which I'm fairly sure was called the Nanny) comes to life and turns his bickering parents into children to teach them the importance of unity (or something like that), and a large sack of toys is somehow involved. There are also 4 teddies that also come to life and they play with the boy. It ends with the parents (adults again) reconciling with each other and their son, while the Nanny disappears into the storm with the teddies, but not before the smallest teddy goes back and hugs the boy. Now I thought it was simply called 'The Nanny', but I can't find it anywhere! Please help.

This has been bugging me for ages. I can remember bits from two different movies/dreams, but I don't know whether they are films or just dreams. Does anyone recognise either? Or are they just figments of my imagination? 1) It is set mainly (if not completely) in a busy city area. There are three children involved; a boy of about 13 or 14, called Tom, and he wears a worn, dark blue hoodie thing; a girl of about 12, with blonde plaits; and another boy of about 9. One of these two is called Leslie (I think it's the girl), and for some reason, they are all fending for themselves on the street (They're not orphans, I'm sure of that; neither do I think they are related). At some point, the younger boy hurts his arm, and the girl sends Tom to get some cream from a chemist. Tom goes, but he has no money, so he gets his cream, asks the pretty girl at the counter for another cream behind her and runs for it. He successfully avoids being caught and gets back to the girl. Then later, near the end, the girl and the younger boy are being chased up a multi-storey car-park by an unknown man, (who, if I remember correctly, wants the little boy only) and the two children manage to hide in a large, wooden box at the top. Then I remember two men getting into a black, unmarked Police car and zooming off to rescue the children (presumably Tom alerted them). The man in the passenger seat reaches through the window as the car screeches off and sticks a flashing blue light on the car roof. (The bits with the car speeding along the road and the kids running up the car-park keep alternating) The coppers reach the base of the car-park as the man walks slowly towards the box where the kids are hiding, and they get to the top just as the man goes to throw up the lid. The man is arrested and the kids rescued. That's all I remember. 2) Two young kids - a boy and a girl, both teenagers of about 14 or 15 - are at a fair. (I think) They don't want to be there, and they get bored. They somehow end up on the Ghost Train, but they are the only ones. The ride isn't really that scary, apart from a small incident with a very real bat. Anyway, the ride seems much longer than it should be, and the pair find themselves in a small room full of very odd curios, such as stuffed birds, unravelling mummy models and a very dog-eared, glass-eyed and creepy stuffed monkey. The place appears to be empty, and the kids look unenthusiastically around. Then I think the boy touches the stuffed monkey gingerly, a bell dings and the owner of the shop appears (whether from another carriage on the little train where he has been hiding, or from behind the counter, I don't know). He is a cheerful little man who, now that I think about it, reminds me of Jim Broadbent, (I have a feeling he is related to at least one of the children; father or Uncle) and the children consider him as odd as his collection. He talks to them, and it seems that hardly anybody bothers with his ghost-train anymore, meaning they never end up in the shop. I can't remember what happens next, but it does lead on to the kids getting back on the train, and they end up finding the way out, which somehow comes out into a graffiti-covered back street. (I think the train may have taken them to another world 'before' dropping them off here). That isn't the end, but I can't remember the rest. Does anyone recognise these as films? If so, any suggestions on the titles? Thanks.

I'm trying to help a friend of mine identify a movie he's been trying to find for years. We were talking about martial arts films and he mentioned there's one he wishes he could remember and has tried researching it, but hasn't been able to find it. He doesn't remember the title or who plays in it. He thinks he saw it when he was around 11 years old, so this would have probably been a movie from the mid to late 90's, possibly early 00's. In the film these guys has these magical swords with special abilities and the swords had names. He said that in the film their master kills one of them and the other guy comes back and defeats his master at the end while having both of the swords. I thought maybe he was referring to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or something with the mystical swords, but he said it isn't that. Does anybody know what movie this is he's looking for?

Quantom X

I live in Canada and I remember seeing a scene from either a movie or a TV show I would like to know what it was. All I remember is that a man was shovelling snow and the dog is outside with him and it starts barking and he looks at the dog. The scene changes and the wife and children come home and he tells them that the dog was hit by a car and killed. Later the wife finds a pitchfork or a shovel and a pile of blood in the snow. She then goes back inside and asks the husband what happened to the dog. He then goes all funny and he either takes his shirt off or he lifts it up. On his back something is written but it is backwards. The wife goes as gets a mirror and on his back are the words "The door is always open." I would really like to know what this scene was from so can anyone help me out?

I desperately need help finding this movie from which this scene is drawn. Two people sitting at a diner table next to a window. Outside in the near distance is a cow nursing her calf. One person remarks "Soon she'll wonder why she even had her" or something to that effect. Thanks.


What is the name of the movie where a man's son dies in service and his spirit comes back to visit his dad? It shows the dad standing by a wall with the names of soldiers that died and he's looking at his son's name on the wall. At the end of the movie his dad drops him off on the road, and the son starts walking off carrying a duffel bag, waving goodbye. Only his dad could see him and I believe it aired around Christmas.

Looking for where the following TV commercial came from (product or sponsor). It was from the 1970s. It started with a burglar shown outside a house at night by a door. He was about to break in, but then was frozen solid while a voice on a speaker warned him he was in a forcefield (or something) and if he tried to move, he would be vaporized and then the burglar tried moving and did get vaporized into thin air. Anyone remember this or know where it came from?

There was a movie that I believe had Margot Kidder in it. In the movie she is a cop and her and her partner go to a woman's house. When Margot opens the door she is immediately shot at so she ducks to avoid being hit. When she looks up, she sees a boy about four years old holding the gun. After she takes the gun from him, the little boy tells her that his mom gave him the gun and told him how to shoot the gun. He also tells her that his mom told him to shoot whoever came into the house while she was gone.

There's a movie I have been searching for, I thought it starred John Stamps. When I search for his movies I don't see it. He played a dark character, and the only scene I remember is him taking his cousin or some other family member's pregnant wife on a drive, he got her in the car by acting nice to her, During the drive, he turned on her and eventually killed her, stole her baby, and gave it to his wife. Can anybody please help me?


I once saw a film where, in one scene, a girl tastes a bit of a cake, a man sees her do it, and the girl says she was "just looking at it." The girl also gets taken in to the home she stays in. Any idea what movie that was?

I remember seeing this cheesy movie on the premium channels (I think it was Showtime Beyond or one of the similar channels) a lot in the early 2000's. I don't remember much about it, except a few details. The movie was stylistically very peculiar. Many shots were at a tilted (usually "dutch") or otherwise strange angle, there was often not a lot of music (many scenes had none at all), and the colors seemed to always be a bit desaturated, overly contrasted and have an orange or green tinge to them. It was on one of the genre-channels, so I'm assuming it was either an action/suspense or Sci-Fi movie? But there weren't any aliens or anything more blatant like that. The main character was a sort-of scruffy, tall Caucasian man wearing a jumpsuit (like a mechanic or prisoner-type one-piece work outfit), and I think he was either on-the-run or had a time limit to get somewhere? It was pretty bad, and it looked fairly low-budget, so I'm guessing it was either an indie film, a direct-to-video/TV movie, or a limited release. The only specific scene I recall was the main character confronting a fairly large obese man in a near-empty parking lot, the main character kicks the fat-man in the groin, and the fat guy topples over on top of him. It was supposed to be funny, but it was just kind of awkward. Any ideas?

I'm trying to remember where I have seen the following scene in a cartoon as a young child in the early 70s... the scene is an animal (either large cat or bear or something) captures a tiny baby fish in the water and the fish cries out "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" and then the big father fish attacks or destroys the large animal, freeing his son. Anyone know what cartoon this was from?

In the 80's I saw on TV a movie/TV show. A boy and an older man are sitting on a boat. The boy sees numbers tattooed on the man's arm and says "I thought you said we weren't allowed to get tattoos?" The man answers that he got it in the concentration camp in the holocaust. Any idea what this is from?


A movie about a girl who escapes from an asylum. As soon as she escapes, she gets picked up by another girl. The girl needs to get gas in her car but she's ignored by the gas station owner who'd rather have sex with his girlfriend. When she looks down at the ground, she sees a newspaper with the escapee's picture on it. She is then killed by the escapee and the girl then pretends to be the girl she killed.

I remember seeing parts of this movie as a child, and it has bothered me for years. It's got to be early to mid 80's (or later since I was very young), but the parts I remember involve a mentally handicapped man who is in a 'relationship' with a hairdresser (he comes in every day for a piece of bubblegum) being framed for murder with her scissors as the weapon. His 'job' is pulling weeds, or something like that.

Audrie Lynette Tice

I'm trying to remember the title of a film probably from the late 80s or early 90s. The main plot centers around a teen promoting his favorite local band called "Severed Heads In A Box" or something similar. There were also numerous subplots such as the main character having a crush on a girl who herself has a crush on the band's singer, his sister trying to stop him from having a big party at his house, and a lot of other things going on. I've tried to find the film on IMDb, but I don't have enough info to go on. Thanks in advance for any help.


I am searching for the title of a movie a saw in the 60's but looked old even then. It was a Sci-Fi about creatures from below the surface of the earth. The creatures were slimy and used spears. The tips of the spears could be removed and the shaft was hollow. People trapped in a dome of some sort surmised that the creatures used the hollow spears to fight among themselves.


Really need help with the name of a movie. The only scene I know of is a guy is swimming in his pool when suddenly a shackle appears from a secret compartment on the pools floor. The shackle shoots forward and gets attached to the man's ankle and then the guy is pulled underwater. When the man dies, the shackle is released and is quickly pulled back into its secret compartment.

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