Other mistake: Game Over: When Homer and Bart are battling Shakespeare, if the player transforms into Homer Ball and Shakespeare starts throwing skulls, the skulls will go straight through Homer.
Other mistake: Bargain Bin: Whenever Homer and Bart fall off the platform, they would usually die from the fall. As they hit the ground, they go through some random object on the floor. If there is no object on the floor, then they just land on the ground, but still continue to act as if they are falling.

Other mistake: Shadow of the Colossal Donut: Homer and Bart's main and only objective in this level is to open each of the three hatches inside Lard Lad and rip out the circuits inside him. To open the hatch, Bart will need to launch a slingshot at Lard Lad's hatches. After the hatch is opened, and the circuits have been ripped out, the hatch will always vanish completely.
Other mistake: Around The World In 80 Bites: On the Wii and PSP versions, once Homer and Bart make it into America, only two or three of the other people in the race still come inside America. The other contestants just continue to run around Italy, not even proceeding to the next part.
Other mistake: Bartman Begins: When Bart drops the huge dinosaur skeleton on top of Dolph, Dolph is still shown standing despite the huge skeleton landing on top of him. His body also passes through one of the ribs.
Other mistake: The Land of Chocolate: Homer starts off in The Land of Chocolate with the Population sign behind him. Homer then runs about 40 yards and runs into the village of Fudgetown. When the level starts, if you go the wrong way from what you are supposed to, you can see the Land of Chocolate population sign only a couple of yards away from where you start.

Other mistake: Game Over: When Lisa has finished building the stairway to heaven, there is a shot shown from behind the large crowd of people that pulls back to reveal the stairway of Springfield buildings. In the shot, everyone in the large crowd appears to be looking at the stairway, but Private Burns appears to be looking off to the right and not at the large stairway.
Other mistake: Lisa the Tree Hugger: When the factory explodes, Lisa is standing outside the entrance looking at a damaged sign break off the wall. Everything that Bart and Lisa did to destroy the factory occurred within the confines of the company, so there is no reason that the sign should be tattered or broken off.
Other mistake: Bargain Bin: Homer pushes Bart away from the computer so that he can play solitaire. He presses a button to open the DVD player, but the button is never shown pushing downwards. It remains in a fixed position when he presses it.

Other mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game: After the level has been completed and the village is made clean again, Milhouse begins to shrink back down from his Mr Dirt form to his human form. In the shot of him beginning to shrink, after his royal gear fades away, his eyebrows are temporarily missing.