Final Destination 3

Final Destination 3 (2006)

53 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: In Final Destination 3 doesn't Frankie Cheeks' fallen video camera cause, or contribute to, the crash? If he and his video camera weren't on the ride and if his camera didn't fall and hang on the rails of the ride, how did the second crash take place?

Correction: This has already been submitted and corrected.

Corrected entry: Wendy should have died when the fireworks nearly hit her, someone else is supposed to intervene, no one in the Final Destination series saved themselves from death's attack, unless they saw it.

Correction: Wendy was never meant to be hit by the fireworks, the Cherry picker was supposed to kill her, but killed Ian instead. Ian died because he was (unknowingly) intervening with Wendy's death just by standing in their way. Also the reason Wendy thought Ian was going to cause her death was because she mistook the clue in the photograph (her wearing a shirt with 'McKinley' on it) as a sign that Ian would be the cause of her death. The 'McKinley' clue was actually referring to the Cherry picker.

Corrected entry: After the train crash Wendy looks back at all the people that died, look at the left-middle portion of the screen you can see a man breathing and move his lip as if he was talking.


Correction: He could very well have been trying to moan, since he was obviously not dead, just like Wendy.


Corrected entry: In an alternate ending of the train scene, a newspaper clipping blows past which reads that Kim and Burke from FD2 were killed in a woodchipper, in that order. This presents two plot holes: 1) Burke was meant to die before Kim; 2) Despite the incorrectness of the order, Kim's death and revival in FD2 erased Death's list (because of "new life"), so she and Burke should have become unmarked anyway.

Correction: Just because Death's list got erased doesn't mean that they are going to live forever! They still need to be put back on the list *somewhere*. It just so happened that that *somewhere* was in a woodchipper incident.

Corrected entry: When Wendy has the vision of the rollercoaster crash, after Ian and Erin falling, you see a girl fall (who is later revealed to be Julie) but there is no one next to her. Later in the movie, it was we find out that Julie's friend Perry, who dies after Julie, was sitting next to her on the rollercoaster. Right before it was revealed, Wendy asked who was sitting next to her. The picture from the rollercoaster only shows Julie, not Perry. The same with the vision.

Correction: The girl falling off of the rollercoaster with the pink hoodie after Ian and Erin with no one next to her in Wendy's vision is actually Julie's friend Perry. This is established in the scene where we first meet Julie. In this scene, Julie is shown with a blue hoodie around her waist and Perry is shown with a pink hoodie around her waist. So the whole movie was correct in that sense.

Correction: We don't even see everyone on the roller coaster, and later on when Wendy and Kevin are looking at the pictures, Kevin says something along the lines of "there's some other kids here but I can't make them out because this guy's arm is in the way", so Perry could have just been hidden by his arm.

Corrected entry: During the McKinley Tri-Centennial there are several references to the American Revolutionary War with red coats marching through the festival, a man reenacting Paul Revere's Ride shouting "The British are coming!" And signs reading "celebrating 300 years of freedom." However this movie was made and set in 2006, which is about 70 years too early for a tricentennial celebration.

Correction: The fictional town of McKinley was founded in 1705. The town is celebrating 300 years of its existence, not 300 years of America as a nation's existence. There are towns in America that were founded prior to the establishment of the United Stares that are still in existence. New Orleans for example celebrated their tricentennial in 2018.


Corrected entry: At the tricentennial, Wendy, Kevin and Julie are right in front of Julie's friend that gets speared resulting in them being spattered with blood; but when they are talking about Ian causing Wendy's death, they have no blood on them or their clothes.


Correction: Kevin had already left to check on the horse, so only Wendy and Julie were splattered with blood. Throughout the scene, the blood can clearly be seen on both their clothes and their faces.


Corrected entry: When we see the ride we can tell that it has a very long line and in the several shots of the roller-coaster the train is never full. As a ride operator it is a rule that you only dispatch a full train.


Correction: Just because it's a rule doesn't mean that everybody follows it. There's also the rule of no cameras but at least two people break that. There's also the possibility that there were parties in the line that all wanted to go together and not be split up.


Corrected entry: When Wendy snaps the photo of her sister as the guy is waving his hand in front of the camera she has already started the vision. But when she snaps back into reality and she has the camera in her hand, he is waving his hand as she is holding it but she never snaps the picture. Yet later that picture is among all the other picture clues.

Correction: The vision could well have triggered right after taking the photo.


Corrected entry: Why does Wendy have a camera for yearbook in the first place when yearbooks came out right after the accident? There wouldn't be enough time to get those pics into the yearbook.


Correction: At times, there are pictures for yearbook that go into the next year. For prom or spring events for example. Despite them being the graduating class, the pictures could into next year's book or as a summer insert to be placed inside the yearbook.

Corrected entry: In the final scene when Wendy is starting to have another premonition she is on train 081. She looks out the window and sees a reflection of the train in the mirror that reads 180, the flight number from FD1. (01:46:05)


Correction: This isn't trivia at all, but quite an important aspect of the FD movies. Wendy points out the appearance of "180" in one of her pictures early on in the film, and the train scene is set up in such a way that it's almost impossible to miss the Flight 180 reference.

Corrected entry: When the Hice beer truck pulls out and passes Kevin's truck the liftgate is straight up at a 90 degree angle, but when it backs up to the gate is tilted down like 10-15 degrees. These gates are not operated from inside the cab. (00:46:10 - 00:46:55)


Correction: This movie depicts "death" manipulating objects to accomplish it's plan. "Death" could have lowered the gate from the outside without the driver noticing.

Corrected entry: When playing "Choose your Fate" and pick Wendy to take another look, Wendy and Kevin just walk straight into the locker room. Lewis says, "What the F*** are you doing here?" then the weights fall. The swords that cut the wire holding the weights are still upright when they should have fallen to cut the wire.


Correction: The picture only gives clues as to how the characters are going to die. Although the swords were in the picture, the actual clue was the weight Lewis smashed that looked like it was going onto his head. As this is what happens on Choose Your Fate, there is no mistake.

Corrected entry: There is no clue on Wendy's photo that indicates she will be attacked by fireworks. Also, nobody actually intervenes to save her: she saves herself as she throws herself to the floor. Death should return back to Wendy before skipping to Ian.

Correction: I have seen the movie several times and have no idea what scene you are talking about. There never was any photo of Wendy being killed by fireworks. In the photos she sees the one of Kevin with a flash going off in his face, HE suggests that it could mean he is killed by fireworks at the tricentenial celebration. It isn't until she saves Kevin from the fire of the gas leak and sees Ian walking toward them that she realizes that Ian casues her death. His last name is McKinley and her shirt in the photo says McKinley High School.

Correction: Wendy wasn't supposed to die from the fireworks. The fireworks were supposed to damage the cherry picker, which is what was meant to kill her. Ian unknowingly intervened by not letting her pass and he died instead. The clue in her picture, which was McKinley on her shirt, was reflected on the banner hanging from the cherry picker.

Corrected entry: The Law of Gravity prevents the train from ever being stuck upside down in a loop; it's physically impossible. Also, coasters do not have brakes on the cars. The only moving parts on a roller coaster are the chain on the lift hill, and the brakes/brake release in the station. Once the cars leave the top of the lift hill, gravity is the only thing affecting the cars until they reach the station again. No electrical/hydraulic stuff on the cars at all.


Correction: The cars have been damaged by the camera, so it is plausible that a piece of metal acted as a braking device. Plus there has been an incidence in Switzerland where a rollercoaster has been stuck upside down for about 30 minutes, in addition another member was stuck in a coaster about 1 quarter up in a loop.

Ronnie Bischof

Corrected entry: In the first film the plane crash was always going to happen, nothing the teenagers did or didn't do was going to alter that. In FD2 the car crash was always going to happen, again, nothing the teenagers did was going to alter this, because again, their actions were not responsible for the crash. But in FD3 an action by someone on the coaster is why it crashed, and by that person not riding the coaster and removing the item responsible for the crash (the camera), the crash should never have happened. I accept that the teenagers escaped death, but that still doesn't change the fact that the crash simply couldn't have happened. It has been established in the movies that Death can improvise with deaths, but it has never been established Death can simply cause the crash regardless of Frankie Cheeks' involvement, because that would negate the point of the flashback.

Correction: As flashbacks are fiction, nobody can say whether they would be entirely correct or that details could be different. Now we are talking about death haunting people to fulfill his plan. He intends to let that rollercoaster crash, but Frankie leaves the coaster and the camera couldn't have fallen out, however, death could have found a different way to let the coaster crash (remember the leak in the breaking system in the flashback). Only thing we see in the "real" crash is that the coaster goes off the tracks at a highly elevated point of the tracks, not like in the flash back, where they hit the camera at the bottom and then start to fall off in the looping. There is absolutely no mistake here, and has been corrected legitimately before.

Ronnie Bischof

Corrected entry: In the scene where Wendy sees them all die on the roller coaster the character with the camcorder drops it onto the track. The camcorder becomes wrapped by the strap around the track causing part of the roller coaster to derail. After the premonition Wendy panics and several people, including the camcorder guy get off, therefore the camcorder will never wrap itself round the track causing the roller coaster to derail - end film.

Correction: Already corrected once. Death has proven he can improvise if necessary. If Frank's camera wasn't on the coaster, then Death must have done something else to crash the coaster as planned. He still had to kill everyone that didn't leave the coaster, they don't get to survive just because Frank leaves.


Corrected entry: When Wendy is standing in front of the memorial a gust blows and the candle goes out. However in the previous two movies when there is a gust of wind the character dies within the next 5 minutes because the gust means Death is there. Wendy hasn't died almost an hour into the movie which doesn't follow the rules of the first two.


Correction: Or, it could have simply been the wind. Just because Death is around doesn't mean that nature stops working.


Corrected entry: When the coaster passes Wendy on the right side, her hair blows on the left side.

Correction: The wind is in the movie always a sign that death will come. So the reason for lifting the hair should not necessarily be caused by the roller coaster, but caused by death arriving soon.

Corrected entry: We know that Wendy intervenes to save Ian from his death, then death moves on to Erin and kills her. Julie is next but Ian dies before her. The problem is Ian should not die. As seen in Final Destination 2 (when Eugene tries to shoot himself), you cannot die if you aren't next on Death's list.

Correction: Julie is next to die, yes, but she is saved by the other guy. The guy then almost gets himself killed, but is saved by Wendy. Wendy is supposed to die from the cherry picker but she is saved by Ian. Her picture with she wearing the McKinley shirt points to she being killed by the cherry picker. With Ian standing below the cherry picker, he saved Wendy from her supposed death. So death loop back to the first person that was intervened, Ian.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Ashley says that they've got CDs in the tanning salon you can see Ashlyn keeping a cream tube on the table with her right hand. In the next shot you see her continuing the same action with the left hand.

More mistakes in Final Destination 3

Kevin Fischer: What's wrong?
Wendy Christensen: It's nothing. It's just that I'm going to be worrying about you every second while you're gone.
Kevin Fischer: Why would you worry about me? We don't even like each other, remember?

More quotes from Final Destination 3

Trivia: Notice how on the final subway they pass Booth street (a reference to John Wilkes Booth who killed Lincoln) and are supposed to get off at Oswald St (referencing Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated Kennedy.) Another reference to Lincoln is made earlier in the film with the pictures.


More trivia for Final Destination 3

Question: I saw the answer to the whole Frankie death scene, but there's still something I don't get. If Wendy and Kevin had stayed in his truck, wouldn't they have died, and messed up Death's list?


Chosen answer: They would've died, but Death "knew" they wouldn't have stayed in the car. If they had stayed, Death would change his death.

More questions & answers from Final Destination 3

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