
Audio problem: In the scene where the guys held down Troy to burn him with the USMC symbol, and he's crying on the floor, you see Jake Gyllenhaal's character move in and you can hear him whisper, "You earned it, man," but if you read his lips, he is actually mouthing "Asshole!" (01:17:05)

Factual error: In the scene where Swofford is playing the bugle a water tower in the background has an Air Combat Command emblem which is used by the Air Force and would not be seen on a marine base.

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Suggested correction: That part of the movie was filmed at a Naval Air Facility in my hometown. That movie theater where they were watching Apocalypse Now was also in the same said NAF.

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Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: The M16A2 service rifle is a lightweight air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed shoulder weapon. It fires a 5.56 mm ball projectile at a muzzle velocity of 2,800 feet per second. This is my rifle. Repeat after me.

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Question: Who is the guy getting on the bus yelling "Semper Fi" at the end of the movie?

Answer: He was just an old former Marine (I would assume a Vietnam vet) that wanted to congratulate the Marines, and give them a better welcome home than the Vietnam vets ever got.


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