Audio problem: When Britney Spears gets pushed into the Pit of Death, you hear her talk and scream but her lips are not moving.

Audio problem: At the beginning, when Zuko says "Look, Uncle!", his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: As Playmate of the Year Carrie Foster is brought out to the audience carried by two Green Berets watch the band behind her closely. The bass player stops playing as he scratches his head but the bass on the soundtrack keeps going. (01:07:55)

Audio problem: Topper is driving in to the base beside the running troops on his bike. When they recite the Brady Bunch part, none of the soldiers' mouths are moving.
Suggested correction: That's simply not true. While some weren't moving their months, you can see many moving their mouths, including the drill instructor.

Audio problem: When the Christian army is defeated after chasing Saladin across the desert, many vultures are flying over the battlefield. However, the sound is that of a flock of whooping cranes.

Audio problem: When the guys are emptying the latrine and the California guy gives his "I broke 100" speech, his mouth movements don't match the words. (00:28:00)

Audio problem: When Hynkel refers to the peace treaty and says "I'll sign it," you can hear the sound quality change abruptly, and when Hynkel is saying "Napoloni the grosse peanut, the cheesy ravioli," his lips are not in sync.

Audio problem: When Maximus is eating with Juba and Hagen, just before he fights Tigris of Gaul, listen to the background noise very closely as the men talk. There's lots of chatter and stray noises, but amid the sounds you can hear someone yelling urgently: "Warren, Warren... Warren...radio." This may be the sounds of a crew member telling another regarding a radio. (01:36:30)

Audio problem: After Scarlett leaves the hospital in disgust she runs into Rhett. When she climbs into his buggy she asks him if he can take her to her Aunt's, but her lips aren't moving. (01:04:15)

Audio problem: After the Trojans start to fire arrows at the ship, the second Myrmidon who falls overboard into the water, screams loudly as he falls, though his mouth is clenched shut. It is the type of yell that cannot be made with a closed mouth. (00:40:00)

Audio problem: There are several times throughout the film when Miss Minchin is playing her harp and her finger movements does not match with what we hear.

Audio problem: Near the end of the movie the helicopter is flying into the area where the troops were held. The radio traffic isn't pilots or air traffic controllers, it's railroad dispatchers and trackside detectors.

Audio problem: During the chase at the end of the movie, the police cars' tires squeal in the dirt.

Audio problem: When the Woads attack in the beginning of the movie, after the knights have pretty much won the day, Bors hold up his fist knives, sticks out his tounge, and yells a sort-of war victory yell which sounds rather comedic. At the end of the movie when the knights and their horses charge into the Saxons out of the fog, you can hear Bors' exact same yell once again.

Audio problem: After releasing the whaler prisoners aboard Acheron, Mr. Hogg shouts, "Now do your worst!" though his mouth clearly does not say that. (01:56:25)

Audio problem: When Rambo rides the motorcycle down the sidewalk he's shouting at the pedestrians to look out. The movements of his mouth don't match what you hear him say. Originally Rambo was swearing but this was changed.

Audio problem: During the scene where Ada and her father are talking about the farm, and how they will manage come winter, Ada says : ...."But with no-one left to work this place, nothing to buy, nothing to buy it with".... her mouth only starts moving to what she is saying half way through the sentence.

Audio problem: In the opening, Lt. Col. Daniel Kiley is following the German staff car in the scout plane. As the car swerves back and forth on the gravel road, you hear the tires squealing. This would not happen on such a road.

Audio problem: When the Mexicans begin their final attack, we see Travis call to Joe to wake him up, but if you watch closely, you don't see his lips move, you just hear "Joe."

Audio problem: During the "peaceful protest" scene, in a close-up of the crowd the mouth movements don't match the soundtrack.