Easter egg: On the Bonus Features DVD, disc 2, on the main menu just under "The Show," there is a small curly square of decoration that illuminates when you click it. It shows the trailer of the film.
Easter egg: On the Bonus Features DVD, disc 2, in "Under the Movie" there are two Easter eggs. One is located on the bottom left hand side, click on the small curly square of decoration that illuminates - the Phantom sings a solo "Learn to be Lonely." The second is above this one (top left) which consists of Emmy Rossums' screen test. (Region 2 DVD)
Easter egg: On the Special Features Disc, in "The Movie" menu under "Features," at the bottom, on the left, click on the curly part of the decoration so it's highlighted. It shows a cast/crew sing-a-long for the song "The Phantom of the Opera."
Answer: First, it is established in the movie that he is dependant on Madame Giry and it is presumed she does his shopping for him. As for learning skills, it is established he is a genius and one can assume he is very well read. Additionally, for single handed skills, like driving a carriage, he can possibly go out at night to learn them. As for his living conditions, the human body adapts well to continuous conditions, it is how the people in Siberia can tolerate lower temperatures better than those who live close to the equator. Lastly, one can easily assume he has other (warmer) clothes that he wears off camera.
There is a character simply known as 'the Persian' He has known the Phantom his whole life and would have taught him horse driving. In the book, the Phantom has a life before the opera house where he would have learned fencing and torture. Also, the phantom knows all the secret passages. When it's cold he leaves his lair and lives someplace warmer.
You're totally right but also, in addition to your mention of The Persian, in the book it is he that is the Phantom's only "friend" or whatever but in the movie there is no Persian exactly but the two Characters Madam Giry and The Persian from The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston L. Are both combined as one, to be know as Madame Giry in the 2004 flim.