Easter egg: On Disc 1, on the Main Menu click on Special Features, select Scene Selection but do not click on it. Press left and a pair of lips will light up. This leads to the movie being black and white until the Time Warp song, which was how the film was originally going to be shown.

Easter egg: On the second disc of the set choose the 'More' option on the main menu. On the next screen, select the back option at the bottom and then press the down button on your control. This will select a fairy. Press select and you will be shown lots of outtakes.

Easter egg: On the Bonus Features DVD, disc 2, in "Under the Movie" there are two Easter eggs. One is located on the bottom left hand side, click on the small curly square of decoration that illuminates - the Phantom sings a solo "Learn to be Lonely." The second is above this one (top left) which consists of Emmy Rossums' screen test. (Region 2 DVD)

Easter egg: On the Main Menu, you can find a sequence of the crew (not including any of the original actors) performing "We Rock". Place your arrow on Play, then go up, and you will see the guitar string tuner on the CAMP ROCK logo slightly highlight.

Easter egg: From the menu of seeing double, select "S Features." The first egg is here. Highlight "Trailers" and press your Up button to highlight some hidden lightning bolt. Press your Enter button to watch some clip of Brad Pitt and Daisy Ridley escorted their movie to Adam Sandler, as well as Bill Nighy. On the home main menu, highlight the last menu item and press your Down button. A martini glass will appear. Click on it to watch DVD credits of the movie.

Easter egg: Season 2: Disc 1: In Languages, click on Mr. Mackey's tie. Disc 3: In Languages, click on the bulls horn. In the episode Menu, click on the visitor head atop 'Prehistoric Ice Man'. Season 3: In Set Up, click on Sexual Harassment Pandas ears. Disc 2: In Set Up, click on Moses' eyes. Disc 3: In Set Up, click on Mr. Hankey's Santa hat.

Easter egg: On the DVD's Main Menu go to 'Bonus Features' and highlight the Menu entry for 'Fantasy Comes to Life' and then highlight the music symbol. Press 'Enter' on your remote and watch the music video 'Ever Ever After' by Carrie Underwood. Also, in the 'Bonus Features' section, highlight the Mickey Mouse symbol located under the 'More' menu option. Then press 'Enter' to watch a clip of the producer, Barry Josephson, talking about which classic Disney fairytales that 'Enchanted' makes reference to.

Easter egg: This is found on disc. 2 of the Platinum Edition DVD, in Backstage Disney in Treasures Untold: The Making of the Little Mermaid. You have to click to the right on Act V: A Mermaid Sings which reveals an anchor. If you select this you will see The Little Mermaid handshake performed by the co-directors.